Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 196 Don’t talk nonsense

Song Yunuan gave each of them a blade: "None of you have ever dug wild vegetables, have you?"

Guo Xia said: "Why haven't I dug it before? Although the conditions at home are pretty good, for two years, the conditions across the country were not good. The women in our compound organized themselves to dig wild vegetables in the suburbs. This shepherd's purse is the most popular. delicious."

Chugina nodded: "I know this too."

Song Yunuan blinked: "Ah, it turns out you have experienced life, so I don't need to teach you how to dig it out."

When I saw them in the morning, everyone was still holding their airs.

Even if you try your best to hide it, you still have a natural sense of superiority.

He is wary and disgusted with the girls in the village.

Just like a woman would covet Chu Zizhou.

This was also the reason why she didn't take Zhou Xiaohua to play with her.

Song Yunuan cursed in her heart and said, "Don't worry about digging. This is the shepherd's purse transplanted by my grandfather. This area belongs to my family, so you can dig it as you like."

"There is a small river next to it. We can take it back after cleaning it. If you like to eat, let Grandpa Sun make dumplings for you to eat at night."

Guo Xia said something polite: "Why bother? In fact, I can do it, Xiaonuan, or let's eat dumplings together tonight."

"I'm going to grandma's house for dinner tonight. If you don't mind, you can also have dinner at my house another day. By the way, we'll have to cut some mugwort and go back later. There are mosquitoes here at night."

Liu Xiaomin opened her eyes and asked delicately: "Are there mosquitoes here?"

Song Yunuan stood up, looked down at Liu Xiaomin who was gesturing with a knife, and asked in shock: "Are there no mosquitoes in Beidu? Oh, I really don't know about this.

It’s really amazing that there aren’t even a single mosquito in such a big city.

How is it done?

Is it because it is the capital? "

Then he said with a longing look: "Although I have never been to Beidu, I know how big it is. How you can do it without any mosquitoes, I'm really curious."

Guo Xia quickly interrupted and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Mosquitoes are everywhere, how can there be no mosquitoes in the north? This is basic common sense. Xiao Min should not mislead Xiao Nuan by talking nonsense."

Liu Xiaomin also felt a little embarrassed.

"I...I just said it casually."

Song Yunuan was still disappointed: "It turns out there are mosquitoes in Beidu too."

Digging wild vegetables for the first time is always fresh. Guo Xia brings memories of the past, while Chu Jina and Liu Xiaomin are girls from big cities.

Freshness is the strongest.

After a while, these people dug a wicker basket.

Song Yunuan smiled, "Well, labor is the most glorious."

Go to the river and wash your hands.

On the other side are woods, lush green and occasionally decorated with flowers. A few swallows flitted across the clear river, creating ripples.

Guo Xia thinks it's great here.

The scenery is similar to that of Beidu Dongshan Sanatorium, or even better than there.

It's just that Chu Jina and Liu Xiaomin were anxious to see the clothes, so naturally they felt differently from the older Guo Xia.

Chugina said: "Mom, don't be intoxicated. We can stay for a few more days, and then you can play whatever you want."

Guo Xia glanced at the two girls, and then at the clothes Song Yunuan was wearing.

She didn't believe that she made the clothes herself.

I think this little girl may have been deceived by her mother.

After all, some little girls nowadays don’t like to wear clothes made by their parents.

I only like to buy ready-made clothes, because I think this is the only way to look good and be high-end.

Guo Xia didn't say anything.

It's good to see that the shepherd's purse has been washed clean and there is no mud in the nails.

But he was embarrassed to let Song Yunuan take the wicker basket.

Just ask my daughter and Xiao Min to raise their heads.

Then Song Yunuan drove the carriage towards the village, leisurely.

It seemed like all the anxiety was gone.

They were heading southeast, and met villagers along the way. They were all standing on the roadside, looking at Song Yunuan who was driving the carriage as usual.

They also knew who the person in the car was, after all, many people knew it in advance.

Therefore, they all smiled honestly and quite nervously.

Guo Xia doesn't know how to put on airs, she's not that stupid yet.

So, he also smiled.

Everyone said privately that she was such a nice person.

Song Yunuan curled her lips noncommittally.

It depends on who it is targeted at.

While jogging in the morning, Gu Huaian found an opportunity to tell her about Guo Xia and Zhu Man.

The two men turned out to have a feud.

It was all a matter of the previous generation, love, hate, and hatred. Gu Huaian actually didn't know much about it, but he knew that Guo Xia especially didn't like girls who sang and danced.

Gu Huaian didn't say much and just passed it by, but Song Yunuan still understood.

But she didn't care at all.

Just listen.

Because I feel that right now, it doesn’t match my own.

The roads in the village are different from those in the south. There are no winding alleys.

They are all open roads from east to west, north to south.

Song Yunuan saw a jeep parked in front of her house at a glance, with several people standing next to it.

When I got closer, I realized that one of the people was actually Principal Cui.

Song Yunuan stopped the carriage and everyone jumped out. Principal Cui looked at the little girl and was stunned for a moment. It was incredible, she was still driving the carriage?

He glanced at Lao Songtou.

This family really spoils their children.

Then there were several lesbians sitting in the car, who looked like out-of-towners.

And they are not ordinary outsiders.

Principal Cui smiled.

Then he said to Song Yunuan: "Where's Xiao Nuan? We are going to the provincial capital the day after tomorrow. If you have time, you can take your brother to go for a walk with us."

Song Yunuan blinked: "Principal Cui, you are all ready."

Principal Cui nodded: "Yes, we are ready." Then he clenched his fists: "We are confident."

Song Yunuan said to herself: "What about the day after tomorrow..."

Principal Cui looked at Song Yunuan.

Really wish she could go.

But this cannot be forced.

When Mr. Hu finds out, he won't be angry.

Over there, Guo Xia and two other girls looked at this scene blankly.

Why does it feel like this so-called Principal Cui is looking at Song Yunuan eagerly.

Song Yunuan turned around and said to Guo Xia: "Our county is planning to apply for the establishment of a staff cadre college."

Guo Xia oohed twice.

Then she whispered to Guo Xia in a low voice, "Sister Guo, I know Grandpa Hu who is in charge of this matter, but our county is not weak at all and is very suitable for establishing a staff cadre college."

Guo Xia's heart moved, and she somewhat understood what was said next.

She looked at Song Yunuan speechlessly, really helpless and funny, and glared at Song Yunuan: "I told you not to call me sister, isn't this a bad thing?"

Song Yunuan smiled and said: "Well, then I'll call you Aunt Guo."

Then he said to Principal Cui, "That's okay, it just so happens that my dad and I are going to the provincial capital to buy some goods."

Principal Cui agreed: "Great, we will pick you up the day after tomorrow and take you to the station."

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