Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 199 Isn’t it just about causing accidents?

Xia Bowen said in a gentle voice: "I am not angry with you, but it is just inappropriate for you to continue to stay here.

You are Shangguan Heng's daughter. He is in a difficult situation now. You may be able to help him change the situation after you go back. Besides, I can't guarantee your safety while you are here. "

Shangguan Wan blurted out: "My father has left several people here, they are all very powerful, and my aunt also knows that they can protect me, as long as they let me stay.

Otherwise, I can move out and live by myself. Uncle, don't send me back, okay? "

Xia Bowen narrowed his eyes.

Shangguan Heng still has people here?


Are you spying on yourself or something?

Looking at Xia Ming with sharp eyes, Xia Ming also widened his eyes and silently shook his head at his father.

He said he didn't know either.

Xia Bowen thought for a while and said, "Then you can stay for now."

Shangguan Wan stood up immediately and said to Xia Bowen in surprise, "Thank you, uncle. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"You don't need to do anything, just stay at home."

Then Xia Bowen winked at Xia Ming.

Xia Ming asked Shangguan Wan to go back and rest, comforting her that this matter had nothing to do with her, that she was innocent, and would not vent his anger on her, so that she could rest assured to stay here.

After all, she is also his cousin.

Standing outside, Xia Bowen asked Xia Ming: "You really don't know?"

Xia Ming shook his head: "I really don't know."

Then he hesitated for a moment and said: "So what if we keep people? Our place is different from Xiangjiang. What we want to do is not that simple."

At this time, in the nursing ward, Shangguan Yunqi said to a short middle-aged man gloomily: "Old Qi, I have given you all the information. Do you know what to do?"

Lao Qi said: "You know, isn't it just about creating accidents? I'm good at this."

For a seventeen-year-old girl, it is too easy to create accidents for her.

"Song Yunuan is too cunning. Don't underestimate her. She is very talkative."

Lao Qi said: "I won't talk nonsense with her, so what's the use of her eloquence."

Shangguan Yunqi was relieved: "It's done. I will get your son's admission registration form for you. My elder brother will also make arrangements for your daughter to study abroad."

Lao Qi nodded: "Thank you, Miss Second."

Shangguan Yunqi waved his hand: "What age is it? Don't call me Second Miss. Go ahead and be careful."

Lao Qi left.

The corners of Shangguan Yunqi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of a sinister smile.

One by one, wait for me.

Xia Xindong, you little bastard, how dare you give me eye drops. I can't sell you when you grow up, but you have nieces and nephews.

It is said that Song Mingsheng is also very smart.

Send him to the elder brother again.

I can't deal with you!

And Song Yunuan, that little bitch, will definitely sell you into the mountains and forests this time. What's the use of being so talkative?

The iron chain locks you in the cellar, and you will not be able to leave even if you die.

At this moment, the room door was pushed open.

The person who came in was Xia Bowen.

Shangguan Yunqi's face returned to indifference when she saw it was Xia Bowen.

Xia Bowen stood there and sighed helplessly.

But I still asked Shangguan Yunqi: "Do you know that your eldest brother has someone here?"

Shangguan Yunqi was shocked and said angrily: "What do you mean, I don't understand it at all!"

Xia Bowen said word for word: "You have already made many mistakes, and you cannot make the same mistakes again and again.

Really, Shangguan Yunqi, if you are still stubborn, even Daluo Jinxian will not be able to save you. "

Shangguan Yunqi snorted indifferently.

After taking a look at the ward, Xia Bowen asked again: "Where did Liying and Xia Zhi go?"

Shangguan Yunqi sneered: "I am a patient. If there is no tomorrow, how do I know?"

"You really don't know?"

"They are not children anymore. Can you still tell me where they are going?"

Xia Bowen took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

But the trace of resentment in my heart is gradually expanding.

Originally, he wanted to talk to her properly, but Shangguan Yunqi was not cooperative at all.

I have done so much for her in my life, but what has she done for herself?

He is a man, and he is supposed to provide for his family and be the provider for his wife and children.

This is what he should do.

But why didn't Shangguan understand his difficulties?

Put yourself in his shoes and don't put him in an embarrassing situation.

As long as there is a hint of repentance and active cooperation, will it not be so passive?

Xia Bowen saw that Shangguan Yunqi had lost patience with his attitude, mainly because he had too many things to do.

He is also one of the temporary working groups.

And he has to cooperate with the investigation.

No one knew how embarrassed he felt when facing the questioner.

His most valued son, Xia Ming, didn't understand him, and several other children didn't even say a word when they saw him.

Shangguan Yunqi is still like this and getting worse.

A trace of anger rose in Xia Bowen's heart.

Isn't it just for them that he has worked so hard all his life?

His other three children did not enjoy any of his benefits. Not only did they not enjoy it, but they were also affected.

But what's the result?

No one stood in his shoes to consider for him.

Tiger venom doesn't even eat seeds.

What's going on?

Do you have to force Xia Bowen to kill Xia Xindong and the others?

What land did they think they were standing on?

Xia Bowen saw that Shangguan Yunqi had no intention of communicating with him.

He turned and left the room.

Shangguan Yunqi saw that Xia Bowen was not even willing to coax her. She gritted her teeth angrily and cursed bitterly: "Damn Xia Bowen, don't you just think Xia Xindong is useful? Seeing that little bitch Song Yunuan How many people do you know?

It’s nothing. Just wait. Just wait for me and see how I deal with you! "


Song Yunuan and Song Liang discussed what goods to buy this time in the provincial capital.

Song Liang also wholesaled a batch of fabrics from textile factories in the county, mainly linen.

Song Yunuan felt that it could be expanded.

Song Liang didn't know how to expand, so Song Yunuan said, "We're looking for workers. We're looking for people who can make clothes. Then I'll go to the county to see if I can get some old sewing machines. It just so happens that the west wing is built so big that it should be able to operate in the early stage."

Song Liang was shocked: "Is it possible to recruit workers?"

Song Yunuan: "Why not? We are affiliated with Erdaohe. It is considered a large collective enterprise. The workers are treated the same as those in the city. Moreover, they work right in front of their home. Even Zhou Xiaohua is willing to come."

Song Liang's mouth was pounding. This was too sudden: "Then...then we need to discuss this with Chu Zizhou, right?"

Song Yunuan: "Well, go and tell him that I'm going to the county town and I've just finished writing another fairy tale. I'll mail it to the publisher."

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