Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 315 Love can also disappear

Mrs. Song was right, Xia Guilan was standing by to testify.

Song Yunuan felt comfortable everywhere.

It just feels like home.

When little Asheng knew that Song Yunuan had gone to Beidu, he tearfully accepted the gift that Yingying asked her sister to bring.

After thinking about what I wanted to say, I realized it would be unreasonable to say it out, but I felt uncomfortable if I didn't say it out.

In the end, I couldn't hold it back and spoke out aggrievedly.

Song Yunuan happily agreed that she would take him with her next time she went to Beidu.

Ah Sheng then burst into laughter.

Song Yunuan saw that Zhilan Garment Factory was officially in production. Thirty workers each had a sewing machine, and they were working enthusiastically.

The courtyard is clean and tidy inside and outside.

As a first-generation factory, this can last for three years.

Xia Guilan and Lian Xiang are very busy on weekdays. Although it is only a small factory, there are many things going on.

But the main thing is processing clothes.

Song Yunuan had prepared the rules, regulations and working methods in advance, so the two of them got started quickly.

A pig farm has also been built. The promised supply and demand village is no joke.

Pig farms are great, but now pork is in short supply.

Of course, if you raise them well, you'll raise more. If the base doesn't want them anymore, you can still sell them yourself.

There are no piglets this season. They are all shipped from the base and three workers are hired.

All have rich experience.

Chu Zizhou can be considered relieved these days, because Xia Xin's house has been repaired and everyone has moved in.

Even though Xia Xindong was not at home, he always felt like something was wrong.

Song Yunuan walked around but didn't find Song Mingbo. After asking, he found out that he had gone to the county town.

My brother-in-law, on the other hand, is busy with work at the pharmaceutical factory and has not been home for several days.

Song Yunuan didn't take it seriously after hearing this.

Song Liang and Song Yunuan said: "I'm just waiting for you to come back. Our family is going to build a house. The blue bricks are enough. You and Asheng will go to the county to stay for a few days. I heard from Deputy County Zhao that the market will be completed in September." , Our clothes are sold very well in the department store. By the way, Liu Wen came here. He must have borrowed money and took away a cart of goods and paid three thousand yuan..."

Song Liang rambled on, completely unaware that he seemed to be reporting to the leader.

Song Yunuan rubbed it briefly and it seemed to be okay.

She originally wanted to go to the county seat, so she agreed, and after making sure that she didn't need her help to build a house at home, she packed up her things.

Old Song drove the carriage, and Xia Guilan followed him, bringing rice, noodles, vegetables and fruits.

When she arrived at the county town, Song Yunuan went to see Zhou Xiaohua and found that there were always people buying clothes and hair flowers at her counter. If she liked it, she would bring it to have a look. If she liked it, she would write a small ticket and pay. One of the counters where tickets are distributed.

Song Yunuan watched from a distance, but did not step forward.

It has only been half a month, and Zhou Xiaohua has also practiced, being generous and calm.

She checked her bankbook again, and found that 10,000 yuan had arrived. There was also a letter from the Provincial Children's Publishing House, saying that two of her stories were ready for publication. She hoped that she could continue to provide more meaningful information in the future. children's story.

Song Yunuan only walked a few streets and discovered that Nanshan County had undergone great changes.

Flower pots were placed on Zhongxin Street, and they were colorful.

It's not unusual in this season, but it attracts a lot of attention when placed on the street.

It’s very fresh and beautiful, and some people are still taking pictures here.

The same is true in front of every house. Flowers are planted, and green grass is transplanted in some empty spaces. It is said that a department responsible for greening has been set up.

Song Yunuan didn't go to Xiushuigou. It was a bit far away. I heard it was almost over.

President Huang obtained Chu Zizhou's consent and invited old craftsmen such as Lao Song to go to the commune to teach everyone how to weave summer hats, which were decorative and specially worn by city people.

Nowadays they are sold in department stores.

On the street, you can see not only many people wearing clothes from their own factories, but also wearing hats from the Sunflower Commune.

For example, Song Yunuan is from top to bottom.

Except for the leather sandals on my feet.

Nowadays, there is no concept of matching shirts. In the past few years, the military satchels in yellow clothes are still the same now.

Many people see someone else wearing something good and immediately buy an identical one.

Song Yunuan walked around wearing a straw hat and then returned home.

Old Songtou and Xia Guilan were always very reserved and felt that this was not their own house, but that did not prevent them from keeping it clean.

When they went, Song Mingbo hadn't come back yet, and they didn't know where he went. When Song Yunuan came back, they saw Song Mingbo in the yard and Xia Guilan cooking.

The smell of food came from the house.

Lao Songtou also opened a vegetable patch in the yard and scattered rapeseeds, and now they are growing.

However, he told Song Yunuan that the house at home could be built in half a month. As long as he did not move, he would still have to live in the village. He said that the underground fire dragons were better than heating. This was true for wealthy families in the early years. Heating.

He didn't even need to design it, just improve it, because when he was young, he had worked on such a heating duct with others.

The bathroom is still the same as before.

Lao Songtou felt uncomfortable staying in this house, but it was difficult to say it directly. Besides, the child had just come back, which was the time when he was close to his family, but he spent very little time at home during this period, especially when he went to school.

I just hope that Song Yunuan will come home on Saturday night, and he will drive a carriage to pick her up, and he will send her back on Sunday.

After all, I still don't want Song Yunuan to live here.

Song Yunuan just thought about it and immediately agreed.

Song Mingbo said: "Grandpa, there is still me."

Old Songtou stared: "You are everywhere."

Song Mingbo remembered what his grandfather said before, the eldest grandson and old son.

Now, he has become a weed in the ground and is eager to be harvested.

Love, it turns out, will disappear.

After finishing the meal, Old Songtou sent Xia Guilan back and returned to the county town.

He has to live here for the next few days.

Although the neighbors are familiar to each other, they are three children after all.

Where can I rest assured?

It’s better to build the house quickly,

But it won’t take long to build a house with big bricks and tiles like this.

The materials are all available and the manpower is sufficient. Most of the people help. When the weather is good, the large frame can be covered in basically a week.

All that was left was to install the doors and windows and other details, but it took about a month to move in.

The weather this year is actually abnormal.

Exactly what Song Yunuan said.

In July, it rained on two out of three days. Fortunately, we were prepared and almost all rice crops were planted. And because the dams were strengthened, the low-lying areas were not affected much, and naturally there was no loss of harvest.

By the middle of August, the rain had finally stopped.

At this time, many people start to build houses. Although it is not the best season to build houses, building bungalows is not a big problem.

The carriage also rushed into the yard, and Old Songtou also stayed with him for the time being.

When he was young, Lao Songtou worked in all kinds of jobs, and the one he worked at for the longest time was a cook.

The best thing is the soy sauce fish cake.

That's what I did tonight.

It tastes delicious, but picking out the fish bones is a bit troublesome.

But it's really delicious.

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