Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 317 A Bit Sad

Song Mingbo also said that currently only Dean Zhuang and two doctors know.

Song Yunuan asked seriously: "Brother, how did you know?"

Song Mingbo said that he felt uneasy and went to the base to find his uncle, but he was not there. Finally, he found out that he was in the hospital.

Now no one in the family knows.

My uncle didn't let anyone know, and even told him not to tell Xiaonuan.

Song Yunuan didn't blame Song Mingbo for not telling him.

My brother-in-law is an elder and cares about face.

Of course, he didn't want the juniors to see him tied to the bed.

"Are you still planning to go today?"

Song Mingbo shook his head: "My uncle won't let me go."

Song Yunuan: "Did I tell you that Mr. Xia will arrive in the county today and I have to pick him up."

Song Mingbo shook his head and didn't ask anything else: "I'll go with you."

Xia Bowen came before he left and told Song Yunuan that he would arrange some activities for Shangguanwan in a few days. When living at his house, he must have a positive mind.

She also told Song Yunuan that the other two people should be hiding. Shangguan Yunqi said that the man named Lao Qi was very good at makeup and even she didn't recognize him when he turned into a woman.

Finally, she told Song Yunuan to study hard and devote herself to studying when school starts.

He looks very much like an elder.

Song Mingbo had always had doubts in his heart, but he just didn't bother to ask.

At this time, he mentioned Xia Bowen and finally asked: "Xiao Nuan, I don't understand why you want to intercede with Xia Bowen. People like him should be in a situation where he has nothing and nothing. If he is still working now, he can He continues to provide benefits to his children, but now that Shangguan Yunqi has entered, there seems to be no change in his family. I feel a little aggrieved when I think about it. "

Song Yunuan: "First of all, let's start from the overall situation. Xia Bowen is leading the first joint venture pilot. No matter whether it is successful or not, this pilot is very important. If you don't tell the other party if you change people halfway, there will be doubts. The person who takes over wants everything to go smoothly. It’s not that easy to get started. As far as Mr. Yu is concerned, he has to be given time for a smooth transition. Of course, the premise is that he does not participate and does not break the law. "

Song Mingbo blinked, not to mention, it really makes sense.

Song Yunuan continued: "Furthermore, my uncle was harmed like this by the Shangguan family, so he must take revenge. Shangguan Heng must die a happy death, and the Shangguan family must have nothing and be worse than a beggar. Then, Xia Bowen stands with us, Wouldn't it be better for him to just break the pot and run to help Shangguan? "

Song Mingbo is no better than Song Yunuan. He is a real seventeen-year-old boy. Even if he is smart, he must be young in terms of human experience.

When Song Yunuan said this, he who was a little confused suddenly realized.

Song Yunuan: "Xia Bowen is a bad guy with a bit of conscience. Isn't it contradictory to say that?"

That's definitely a contradiction.

Song Yunuan continued: "Your thinking is that good people are good people and bad people are bad people. However, the world is not black and white. Of course, we have to exclude the real evil people, such as the Shangguan Heng brother and sister. They are real evil people. Bad, the kind that can’t be washed away.”

Song Mingbo nodded quickly: "I understand this."

"Let's not talk about others, just Xia Bowen. We can't push him at this time, but give him a hand and make him feel guilty when nothing happens. It's better than making him an enemy."

Many friends, many paths.

Song Mingbo also understands this.

"Besides, today he has used all his life savings to make compensation. Will his children be happy? Things just happened at this time. When things calm down later, Xia Bowen will get closer to us. They She will definitely be unhappy, and after all, Shangguan Yunqi is her biological mother. If her biological mother is in prison, she will become a weakling. Will there be less conflicts in the future? "

Song Mingbo nodded repeatedly: "It's definitely indispensable."

Song Yunuan said: "Let's pick up Xia Bowen first. After all, we are here to give money to my uncle, and then take him to see his uncle."

Little Ah Sheng listened vaguely, but he was very obedient because he had to go to the station.

Xia Bowen and Secretary Bai came together.

Unexpectedly, Song Yunuan's brother and sister came to pick him up, and Xia Bowen was a little happy.

He also picked up Asheng and said he had brought toys for him.

Ah Sheng thanked him politely: "Thank you, Grandpa Xia."

This title... is a bit sad.

After settling in, Song Yunuan said to Xia Bowen: "My brother-in-law is in the hospital. Why don't you wait a few days, or go now."

Xia Bowen was stunned for a moment: "Are you sick?"

Song Yunuan said, "It's hard to say. You'll know when you go there."

Xia Bowen will definitely go.

So, the group went to the hospital.

Song Yunuan first found Dean Zhuang, who took Xia Bowen and the others to a separate ward on the top floor.

Dean Zhuang respected Xia Xindong's decision. He entered the room in advance to ask, and would not let them in if they disagreed.

When he knew that Xiao Nuan was here, Xia Xindong slowly opened his closed eyes, forced himself to control himself and said, "Let...Xia Bowen come in."

After Dean Zhuang came out, he let Xia Bowen in.

He, his three siblings and Secretary Bai were standing in the corridor outside.

Secretary Bai looked at Song Mingbo and Asheng, smiled kindly at them, but quickly corrected his expression.

This is a hospital after all.

Xia Xindong is still hospitalized.

Secretary Bai had seen the scars on Xia Xindong's arms. They were crisscrossed and looked very scary.

Could it be a recurrence of an old injury?

I sighed in my heart, really not knowing what to say.

Dean Zhuang asked Song Yunuan to go to his office, saying that he wanted to ask the master about the specific situation there.

He also winked at Song Yunuan.

So Song Yunuan followed Dean Zhuang to the office. Unexpectedly, he did not ask Mr. Ji how he was doing, but instead took out a large document bag and handed it to Song Yunuan.

"Your brother-in-law gave this to you. He asked me to wait until he...is gone and give it to you. I think you should take a look at it first."

Song Yunuan was stunned. Is the situation so serious?

She opened the document bag without hesitation.

Inside is a thick stack of manuscript paper, which is my uncle's handwriting. It was fine at first, but a little messy at the end.

These are two prescriptions, one is to treat colds and the other is to treat lung bacteria.

Song Yunuan was not too surprised.

If my uncle is forced to die together, the only thing he can leave behind is the prescription.

It's the kind that doesn't require trial and error.

But what Song Yunuan didn't expect was that she and Song Yunuan accounted for 70% of the beneficiaries of these two prescriptions.

The remaining 30% are Zhu Feng, Xinshan, Xia Guilan, Magpie Asheng, and of course Song Mingbo.

Xia Xindong also made detailed plans, such as using the resources and connections in his hands to establish a pharmaceutical factory with the backing of the country.

If a pharmaceutical company becomes a shareholder, it may or may not participate in the management of the pharmaceutical factory.

Song Yunuan seemed to see countless mountains of gold crashing towards her.

Not to mention anything else, as long as this cold treatment is effective, she can really take care of herself.

Of course, there are many professional terms here.

There are countless explanations and analyses.

But it gets messier as you go to the back.

Song Yunuan put a thick stack of manuscript paper into the document bag. Dean Zhuang was a gentleman and of course he would not peek at the contents.

So, these two prescriptions are like cash cows.

It would be a lie not to be tempted. If nothing else, as long as you cooperate with the second grandfather, the future might be like that.

Whether it is selfless or paid donation, they will gain both fame and fortune.

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