Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 327 The Daughter of Luck

Lin Qing looked at the sun outside, ready to wait for Uncle Zhong to pick her up.

She stood behind a wall, and soon saw Lin Du and Hu Zhi, who looked gloomy, walking towards this side one after another.

Lin Qing hid behind, not wanting to talk to them.

Then she heard Hu Zhi said anxiously: "... She said it was that little girl, who was very beautiful, but her mouth was like a knife, otherwise they would have moved away at night, and then they would have returned the key to me, how could there be such a thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go home quickly, it's unlucky!" Lin Du said angrily: "Every day, I actually followed your old Hu family to embarrass myself."

The two left while arguing.

At the same time, Shangguan Wan had already followed an ordinary-looking old woman to walk towards Lin Qing.

The old woman was called Zhang Ergu, who came from Hong Kong, but spoke authentic Beidu dialect.

There was also a middle-aged man with her, Zhong Daqiao, who was found by Shangguan Heng. Zhong Daqiao didn't want to get involved, but when he heard that he was asking a master to come out, he immediately agreed.

So they went to the Wang family again.

The Wang family also wanted Xia Xindong's longevity potion, so the heads of the three families personally came forward and invited Zhang Ergu to come out of retirement at a high price.

The man was her nephew and her disciple.

Just because they felt that Song Yu Nuan was really abnormal.

Hong Kong people believe this.

They thought it might be a demon, and as long as her evil spirit was broken, she could become normal.

Then, everything would be easy.

And this Zhang Ergu claimed to be the descendant of Zhang Tianshi, and she said that it was indeed abnormal because their fate was changed.

Maybe, that Song Yu Nuan was really evil.

Shangguan Wan thought of Song Yu Nuan that day, thinking that except for being stronger and talking more, she was no different from a normal person.

But it would be nice if she was really a demon.

Maybe the aunt would come out.

Today, the woman called Zhang Ergu, wearing ordinary clothes, a straw hat, waving a palm leaf fan, walked slowly with her.

Shangguan Wan didn't know if she was powerful or not, but she felt that her eyes were powerful, looking at people like searchlights.

Feeling sinister.

After three days here, she has collected a lot of information.

The grievances between the Song family and the Lin sisters, the grievances between the Xia family and Shangguan Yunqi, and the Zhong family's second young master Zhong, put together, and was shocked to find that they were all related to Song Yunuan.

Now the second young master Zhong lives in the hospital, and ordinary people can't get close to him.

Even Shangguan Wan can't do it.

You know, the second young master Zhong tried his best to see her before.

She is not in a hurry to go back now.

If the second young master Zhong is really pretending to be crazy, then she will fulfill the marriage contract.

The island, I heard that the area is still very large.

And Daddy also said that he was going to do something big.

I don't know what big thing it is, and he won't tell me when asked, but it should be inconvenient on the phone.

This second aunt Zhang said this morning that she can go to see Lin Qing.

So, she brought her here.

Shangguan Wan didn't know Lin Qing, and had never seen a photo.

But Aunt Zhang kept walking forward. When she came to a girl in her early twenties with sinister features, she accidentally touched her shoulder. When Lin Qing turned around, Aunt Zhang really exclaimed and blurted out: "Your fate has been messed up."

Lin Qing frowned and looked at the old woman.

Aunt Zhang looked at her and was really shocked.

"You should have been a lucky girl, but now the clouds are over your head. I think things have been bad since you met someone or something."

Lin Qing's heart skipped a beat, and she remembered something. Her face suddenly changed, and she scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? You saw that I was not far from the police station, and you thought I had something to do, so you wanted to cheat me."

Zhang Ergu shook her head: "It is my honor to be able to read the fortune of a lucky girl. How dare I ask you for the fortune-telling fee? I haven't been back for a long time. Today is a good day. I will tell you a few words. You can believe it or not. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You lost your mother when you were young and depended on your sister. Your father remarried and gave birth to a boy, and loved him like a treasure. For his son, your father occupied the house and part of the property left to you by your mother.

Your sister has a bad fate. She married... Your husband is not a good man. Now that man is in prison and has a serious illness. Now you live with your sister and two nieces, but you have been unlucky recently. Your fiancé was plotted against, you broke off your engagement, and you were excluded at work. Today... someone must have borrowed your house to do something evil. Although it has nothing to do with you, it will still affect your luck. No wonder there are dark clouds in the sky. Your luck has been affected by another girl who should not be alive. The bright road that should have been bright is now full of thorns. If you don't think of a way, when your luck is gone, you will die. "Then Aunt Zhang shook her head: "In fact, you should have been rich enough to rival a country and lived a happy life with your husband and wife. Now, it has been changed by a girl who should not be alive until now. "Lin Qing was already stunned. The daughter of luck? She had heard this in her dream. It was a few years ago. A voice in her dream told her that she was the daughter of luck and said that she was the heroine of this world. She never took it to heart. But after hearing it today, my heart was beating so fast that I was extremely panicked.

Now this old woman is so accurate, it's too scary.

For a moment, I was a little confused and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Find that girl, take a lock of her hair and three drops of blood from her index finger, recite her name nine times on a full moon night, and light it at an empty crossroads."

Although Lin Qing was unbelievable and even ridiculous, she couldn't help but ask: "Then what happens next?"

"Then, everyone will return to their respective places, and the edited destiny trajectory will return to the right track. Those who should live will continue to live, and those who should not live will go where they should go."

After a pause, he said specifically: "You need to find the jade Ruyi you lost. It can bless you with wealth."

Lin Qing became serious.

He even knows this.

She asked with a trembling voice: "But...who is that girl?"

Zhang Ergu glanced at Lin Qing enigmatically: "Are you still asking? Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

At this moment, a jeep stopped in front of her, and it was Uncle Azhong who came to pick her up.

When she looked back, she found that the old woman and the young woman were gone.

When I asked Uncle Azhong, he said he saw a shadow, but when he parked the car, he didn't see it.

Lin Qing got into the car in a panic.

Reminiscing about the little girl with a knife-like mouth that Hu Zhi said just now, I suddenly thought of Song Yunuan.

She had scolded her and beaten her. If he hadn't gone to Erdaohe, how could something have happened to Su Junze?

And her lost jade Ruyi must be found.

Song Yunuan, is it really you who stole my luck?

She told Uncle Azhong: "Investigate Song Yunuan, the sooner the better."

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