Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 358 The Second Illiterate Young Master

Song Yunuan was watching and thinking about how her story would be made into an animated film.

After the three hens and their babies lived a happy life in a modern chicken farm, the cartoon was finished.

Song Yunuan asked Asheng and Yingying: "Are the cartoons good to watch?"

Asheng nodded vigorously. This was not the first time for the little guy to see the hens move, but he just couldn't get enough of it.

"Then what do you think about making The Adventures of Little Rock into an animated film?"

The two little ones looked at Song Yunuan, then looked at the TV, and then looked at Song Yunuan after watching the TV.

Then the two children jumped up and rushed to Song Yunuan, each holding one of her arms.

"Can it be done? Can it be made into a cartoon like The Hens Moving in Heaven?"

In fact, if we go in this direction, why not?

This can also be exchanged for foreign exchange.

Song Yunuan scratched her hair and found that since she went to Nancheng, the word foreign exchange was engraved in her DNA.

All the money she earned in the past was invested in her family's clothing factory, but now almost all the money in her hands belongs to her brother-in-law.

I heard that the province will also give me a bonus this time.

I guess I can get it when I get back.

Kou County said the starting price is one thousand yuan.

Those in the county cannot lag behind.

Thousands of dollars will come into the account all of a sudden.

If it were just a few days after she arrived, she would jump with joy.

But now it's very dull and drizzly.

Song Yunuan felt a little dizzy.

But she had to first understand the production process of Haicheng Art Studio.

Making cartoons costs money.

But she has an import and export trading company.

Thinking of this, Song Yunuan suddenly remembered something. Gu Huaian would take her to scan goods tomorrow, so there would definitely be no time tomorrow.

Song Yunuan decided to go find Mr. Zhong now.

She went to her aunt Ji Xinyi to find all the textbooks at home and put them in a big paper box, as well as pens, copybooks and homework books.

Because it requires my uncle's brain, he has studied some things, but they are all related to biopharmaceuticals.

But at least my uncle has some foundation.

The second young master is actually illiterate.

The words on the small note left for her by the summer camp were the same as those written by ghosts.

I am working hard now and am much better than before.

But he speaks Mandarin very well.

It's an authentic Jiangbei accent.

The reason is that the maid who takes care of him is the lowest-ranking maid in the local area called Bei Gu.

She didn't have a name in the Zhong family, so they called her Bei Gu.

She comes from Jiangbei, but her voice is gentle and she has big bright eyes.

She secretly told Zhong Shaoqing that her hometown was very beautiful. In the spring, the mountains would be full of pink cherry flowers. Before her mother died, she would make delicious canned cherries for her.

She was very happy at that time.

When Zhong Shaoqing was sixteen, she died.

At that time, his illness became more and more serious, and he had reached the point of confusion, but he did not dare to go crazy or risk his life.

But when he went crazy, he couldn't control himself.

That day Zhong Tianci deliberately threw a subordinate who made a big mistake to Zhong Shaoqing.

He told his subordinates that as long as he could get the second young master to kill him, he would give his family a large sum of money.

The knife reached the second young master's hand, but it pierced Bei Gu's heart. It was Bei Gu who took the initiative to face it.

Zhong Shaoqing's hands were covered with blood, and at that time, he woke up for a moment.

Bei Gu said she had had enough life and wanted to go home.

She said her name was not Bei Gu, her name was Ning Zhizhi.

But seeing the night coming from the sea, I would rather know that Xiang Yunjian is gone!

It's Li Bai's song "Wine to Ask the Moon".

After turning sixteen, Zhong Shaoqing wants to live well, and only by living can he take revenge.

When he told Song Yunuan at that time, he said it with a smile. He also said that he would rather know that he would be happier dead than alive.

Thinking of this, Song Yunuan brought a lot of history books and ancient poems to Zhong Shaoqing.

We have to let him integrate with us and become a good young man with five principles, four beauties and three loves.

However, going to school to study is the best.

She told her second grandfather what she thought.

Ji Lao said that Zhong Shaoqing was still emotionally unstable, and it was unrealistic to go to school and it was easy for problems to arise.

He also glanced at Song Yunuan.

In fact, I really want to say that Zhong Shaoqing only exercised restraint in front of her.

And it's strange that he can control it.

But in fact, it is very difficult to control it in private.

First he needs to detox now.

Even if there is medicine, don't give it to him.

After being injected with sedatives and psychotropic drugs for too many years, it is never that easy to recover.

Western medicine didn't work, so he treated him with Chinese medicine.

Song Yunuan: "Then find him a tutor?"

Ji Lao shook his head: "It's not that people who are close to you are inappropriate."

Well, that's indeed the truth.

Let's wait until it stabilizes.

Uncle Xiao Dizi sent Song Yunuan to the special rehabilitation center of the hospital.

You don't have to go through the gate to do this, just go in from the other side.

The facilities and equipment here are very good.

The windowsills in the corridor are full of spider plants and pothos.

When the light shines on it, it becomes even more green.

When he went there, Zhong Shaoqing was reading a book. Unexpectedly, Song Yunuan came at this time.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he was stunned when he saw a large box of books carried by Ah Da and Ah Cheng.

Song Yunuan checked his recent writing.

Not bad, a lot of progress.

Song Yunuan said to Zhong Shaoqing: "You have to study. At least you have to get into college."

Zhong Shaoqing nodded obediently: "As long as I am awake, I will study."

Song Yunuan: "Do you know "Inscription on the Humble Room"?"

Zhong Shaoqing shook his head: "I don't know."

Song Yunuan turned the textbook to that page. Pointing to the article above: "This is it, you can read it if you don't mind."

"Why are you reading this?"

Song Yunuan glared at him: "How can there be so many reasons for you to read it?"

Zhong Shaoqing smiled in his eyes and nodded seriously: "Okay!"

Song Yunuan glanced at this handsome young man from a wealthy family. His eyes were rarely clear, and most of the time they were cloudy and lifeless.

But instead, there was that kind of... war-damaged beauty?

It seems that the metaphor is not quite appropriate.

Song Yunuan said hurriedly: "You have been learning since elementary school. I have made a list for you. Just follow this list to study. I have found all the corresponding textbooks for you.

If you don’t understand, just ask any doctor and he should be able to explain it to you. Otherwise, you can gather them together, and when Uncle Dizi comes, you can all ask him together. "

Zhong Shaoqing blinked and asked Song Yunuan: "Why us?"

Song Yunuan pointed to Ah Da and Ah Cheng who were standing next to them: "They are two accompanying students."

Ada's face suddenly became bitter.

"Sister Nuan, I... do we also want to study? But I don't know anything."

"I only let you study if you don't know how. You should study hard with Er Shao. When he goes to college, you and Ah Cheng can get a technical secondary school diploma."

Then he said pointedly: "Otherwise, who will use you in the future?"

Although the future is not far away, it is only two to three years.

Ah Da and Ah Cheng thought about it and decided that it was okay.

Now that they have time, they go to Ji Lao's planting base to help.

Mr. Ji also paid them wages.

But most of the time I have to take care of the second young master.

But even so, I don’t want to study together.

But looking at Song Yunuan’s detailed timetable and course schedule, as well as the various notebooks and homework boxes she brought...

No one dares to resist Song Yunuan who came prepared!

At this time every day, Mommies~~

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