Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 511: Obstinate

But now he can see what his future will be like, why did she want to destroy it with her own hands?

Is it just because the person who gave him the future was Song Yunuan?

Xia Zhi left the investment company.

Went to work in the steel plant.

Worked as a temporary worker.

Xia Bowen didn't say anything after knowing it. If he didn't cherish such a good opportunity, what could he do?

Even this temporary job was found by Xia Ming with great effort.

Xia Bowen went to see Shangguan Yunqi.

Xia Zhi had already left the investment company, so she stopped the hunger strike and started eating.

But when Xia Zhi went to the prison to see her, the conversation between mother and son was not friendly.

Shangguan Yunqi saw resentment in Xia Zhi's eyes.

At that time, Shangguan Yunqi hated Song Yunuan even more.

It was all because of this damned little bitch. She was already in prison, Xia Bowen became her lackey, and Xia Xindong got the compensation he deserved. They are all fine now, why don't they let her go?

Don't think she doesn't know that Song Yunuan has ulterior motives and just wants to alienate the relationship between them.

The damn investment company is just a cover to deal with her.

But she is in there and has no way to do anything. Because of her last behavior, she was sentenced to another year.

It can be seen from this that Xia Bowen, that bastard, not only did not help her at all, but also seemed to be killing his relatives for the sake of justice.

Shangguan Yunqi was filled with hatred.

When Bowen came to visit her later, she was full of resentment and said sarcastically: "You old dog, you have been mixed up with that little bitch and eaten a mouthful of shit, right?"

Xia Bowen's expression did not move.

He had expected all this.

But he still felt uncomfortable.

He dared not say that he had been a powerful person all his life, but he had lived a good life in this life. He had never heard these ugly words and suffered these helpless things.

He just looked at Shangguan Yunqi quietly without saying anything.

Shangguan Yunqi gritted his teeth and said: "I tell you, Xia Bowen, no matter what you do, that little bitch will not recognize you, so just give up this idea."

Xia Bowen was still unmoved.

Love is okay, his face is so thick now.

Shangguan Yunqi's eyes were full of resentment, and her eyes seemed to be filled with poison.

"Xia Bowen, you bastard! Do you think you can have a good ending if you treat me like this?

You won't have a good ending!

Song Yu Nuan and Xia Xindong just used you to keep you alive. Now they can't find any evidence against you, otherwise you would be worse off than me.

Why did you let Xia Zhi go to that little bitch's company? Don't you know that she was targeting me on purpose? If she didn't go to that lousy investment company, would Xia Zhi hate me so much?"

Xia Bowen really wanted to reason with her.

After all, they have been married for so many years, and he didn't want to see her hideous and disgusting side.

But he swallowed the words back when they came to his lips. It was useless to reason at this time.

Because Shangguan Yunqi would never listen.

He said indifferently: "I just came back from Hong Kong. You haven't talked to your elder brother for a long time, right? Don't you want to know how he is doing?"

He paused here, and Xia Bowen continued: "You have such a good relationship, didn't you notice that your elder brother is also in the hospital now?

When he did those evil things, didn't he think there would be retribution today?

Didn't you see him crying and kowtow to admit his mistakes.

If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place?

You are not as good as your elder brother, why do you still think you are right?

Are you really hopeless?

Shangguan Yunqi, I still don't understand what your brain is made of, nor what controls your emotions. I thought I knew you very well, but now I find that I don't understand you at all."

What is there to not understand?

In the final analysis, Shangguan Yunqi still didn't take these people seriously in her heart.

So far, she has no fear or regret.

There is only hatred in her heart.

That's it, anyway, she is over 60 years old.

Shangguan Yunqi heard Xia Bowen's words and stared at him with wide eyes in anger.

"You lied, you lied to me, how could my elder brother be like that."

Xia Bowen: "I don't know if you can meet him. When you meet him, you will know that I didn't lie to you, but now I am not sure whether your elder brother will still treat you the same as before, or whether he also resents you for getting him into trouble.

But this is a matter between you and your sister, and it has nothing to do with me, Shangguan Yunqi. From now on, if you think you are doing the right thing, you should do it. If you think I am not a human being, then I will continue to be a human being.

In fact, it is really shameful to divorce at this age.

Not only will it be embarrassing for yourself, but also for your children.

But I still want to file for divorce with you.

I will write an application, hoping that the organization will approve it, and I also hope that you will agree.

After all, I am a dog. How could you, the noble and proud eldest lady of the Shangguan family, let a dog be your husband?

This is so embarrassing for you.

I think you will be very happy to agree to the divorce."

After saying this, Xia Bowen didn't even look at Shangguan Yunqi, and really left coldly and ruthlessly.

As he walked, Xia Bowen thought to himself with self-mockery, why am I pretending to be loyal? What kind of person am I, what kind of person is Shangguan Yunqi, don't other people know?

Everyone knows this.

No matter what you do, some things will never be as bright as before.

If it's broken, it's broken. If it's bad, it's bad. If it's rotten, it's rotten. It can't be fixed.

Anyway, it's like this.

Whatever happens, whatever happens.

Xia Bowen had a broken jar idea at this time.

Shangguan Yunqi looked at Xia Bowen's back, who suddenly turned hostile, in disbelief and disappeared from her sight.

She was so angry that she pounded the table frantically, but was still forcibly dragged away by the supervisor.

As she walked, Shangguan Yunqi cursed loudly, and the curse was very ugly.

After being severely scolded by the supervisor, she finally shut up.

After entering, Shangguan Yunqi looked at the narrow prison cell, and the suffocating feeling came again.

She was locked up with several women of different ages.

If it was before, it would be impossible for these people to say a word to her.

Not to mention eating and sleeping together.

But now she has to endure it every day.

Shangguan Yunqi regretted it a little.

She shouldn't treat Xia Bowen like that.

She still has more than a year to go out. During this period, if Xia Bowen really divorces her, the only thing she can count on is her children.

Among the four children, the daughter is okay, but she always wavers.

And he always looks at her with accusatory eyes, and preaches every time he comes, hoping that she can realize her mistakes and repent sincerely.

He even hopes that after he gets out, he can sincerely apologize to Xia Xindong's family.

Because this is her only daughter, she doesn't want to scold her.

But she still hates her in her heart.

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