Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 554: Flies don’t bite seamless eggs

Lin Han was also very upset and hateful.

Xiaoying was innocent and kind.

She loved him unconditionally, but he couldn't give her any response. He was such a bastard.

And that Song Yu Nuan, Luo Shuxiu's fellow villager, was too domineering and unreasonable.

Why did she kick Xiaoying out of 301?

A hint of coldness appeared on Lin Han's face.

"Lin Han, that's what I said. I suspect that Song Yu Nuan and Principal Xu have an unspeakable relationship. Otherwise, why would Secretary Gu come forward for such a small matter?"

Lin Han, who was still thinking, suddenly realized, and then disdain appeared in his eyes.

I didn't expect Principal Xu to be such a person.

How did he have the nerve to scold me just now?

Is he a good guy?

But it can be understood, after all, Song Yu Nuan is really the most beautiful female classmate in this school.

Then he remembered the last time Secretary Gu came to the classroom to find Song Yu Nuan.

What happened that made Secretary Gu come to the classroom to look for someone in person?

He probably went to the principal's office.

What did he go there for?

In broad daylight.

But even in broad daylight, what can't he do?

That old man is also full of tricks. He can't help but take action when he sees such a young and beautiful female classmate.

Xiaoying's analysis is correct. Song Yu Nuan must have gone for the operation after taking a half-month leave.

Otherwise, why would she take a half-month leave for no reason?

As far as he knows, no one would take such a long leave unless something big happened at home.

It's a pity that he has no evidence in his hand. If he had evidence, he would definitely sue the damn principal Xu.

But because there is no evidence for this matter, he can't say anything.

He told Bian Haiying: "Xiaoying, even if it is true, you should not say anything."

Bian Haiying nodded obediently: "I know that Principal Xu is very powerful and we can't afford to offend him."

Lin Han looked at Bian Haiying intently and suddenly said firmly: "Xiaoying, I want to divorce Luo Shuxiu."

Bian Haiying suddenly widened her eyes, with a look of surprise on her face.

Even a little unbelievable.

She asked again with a trembling voice: "Really, do you really want to divorce her?"

Lin Han, who had been hesitant at first, saw Bian Haiying's reaction like this, and all his guilt and hesitation disappeared.

He nodded heavily: "I can't let you down, I have to give you an explanation, so I will divorce her, but you are still in school now, and after you graduate, I will marry you into the family, okay?"

This time, Bian Haiying's tears flowed again, but they were tears of happiness and joy. She cheered and really wanted to throw herself into Lin Han's arms, but she was worried about being photographed.

But she still jumped happily: "I'm so happy, I'm really so happy, Lin Han, I will make you the happiest man in the world."

Lin Han's mouth had a hint of joy.

If he really married Bian Haiying, who was so beautiful and had a good family background, he would be very happy.

At this time, Luo Shuxiu knew nothing. Like every woman whose husband cheated on her, she was more looking forward to her husband changing his mind and returning to the family, forgetting the woman outside.

She didn't want this family to fall apart.

Luo Shuxiu held the wool and knitting needles in her hands, preparing to knit a sweater for Lin Han.

After October, it was almost autumn, and it was the season to wear sweaters.

For some reason, I couldn't knit a single stitch.

I had been in that position for a long time.

Luo Shuxiu put the knitting needles and wool on the sofa.

Mother Lin shouted sharply: "What are you doing? Why don't you knit a sweater for my son in your free time? What will he wear when it gets cold?

You are not good at anything, and you have nothing left over when you eat. You are always suspicious.

Don't say that this is not the case. Even if this is the case, it is your fault. You are not capable of keeping him at home. You have to find the problem and the reason from yourself.

Don't wander around thinking about your poor fellow villager when you have nothing to do. Think about what you did wrong and then work hard to improve.

Luo Shuxiu, did you hear me?"

Luo Shuxiu stared blankly at Mother Lin, whose mouth opened and closed.

She didn't know why she had to endure this?

Finally, Luo Shuxiu kicked away a chair in front of her with an angry kick.

Her face was pale because of anger: "What are you talking about? How is it my fault that Lin Han has an affair? Why don't you say that your son has a problem with his character? Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If he is a good person, how could he hug and kiss with female classmates?"

Lin's mother was stunned.

It was the first time she saw Luo Shuxiu like this, and the first time she heard Luo Shuxiu dare to refute her.

Luo Shuxiu was really disappointed.

She pushed open the door and staggered out of the house.

When Lin's mother chased out of the house, Luo Shuxiu's figure was no longer seen.

Then the neighbor Aunt Bai grabbed Lin's angry mother and said, "What are you doing?"

Lin's mother looked gloomy and angrily cursed, "My daughter-in-law is really an ungrateful person. She eats and drinks from my Lin family, but I can't say a word. She dared to talk back to me.

People from small places are uneducated and poor. My son was really blind to choose her. Our Lin family is really unlucky. "

Aunt Bai curled her lips: "I say, Lao Du, you should change your temper. Shuxiu is a good woman praised by everyone in our area. She takes good care of your family. What's more, what do you mean she eats and drinks at your house? Doesn't she also work?

I remember that she started working and making money since she came. You can't do this. You only have this one son. When you are old, you still have to rely on her to serve you. "

"As for her, I can't count on her. All the money she earns is used to support her family. I haven't seen a penny. She can marry Lin Han because she burned incense in her previous life. She also wants to talk to me. It's because I have a good heart. Otherwise, I would have driven her out of the Lin family long ago. If she leaves my Lin family, she, Luo Shuxiu, will have no one to give her food. "

Mother Lin's face was full of meanness, with her hands on her hips: "She dares to run away, I want to see where she can run to. If she leaves my Lin family, she can't even find a doghouse. She has the ambition to never come back in this life. Humph!"

Aunt Bai felt that it was meaningless to continue talking. Luo Shuxiu's parents' home was thousands of miles away. Where else could she go if not here?

With a shy smile, Aunt Bai turned back to the house.


Song Yunuan, who was considered arrogant by others, returned to Erdaohe Village with her family, Mr. Hu, and Jemke who wanted to go out to play.

Song Liang and Xia Guilan looked at their three children and felt a sense of trance and unreality.

Once upon a time, everyone was staying in Erdaohe Village. In addition to hoping that Song Mingbo could get into college and get out of the valley, they never dared to imagine anything else.

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