Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 570 Lying to me?

But what was Lin Qing's way of attacking?

According to what Lin Qing did to her, Song Yu Nuan analyzed that it was probably to make her angry or something.

First, she threatened her with her brother's ability, and seeing that she didn't react much, she took advantage of her, so she started to mock and ridicule, and talked about Gu Huaian.

If a girl with a strong self-esteem, she would probably be angry.

Yes, her purpose was to irritate herself.

What would she do to irritate herself?

Make her lose her mind like a madman?

What would Lin Qing get?

It still seemed wrong.

But she did want to irritate herself. Song Yu Nuan felt that even if it was not accurate, it should be close.

Staring at Lin Qing?

No need!

If she wanted to take action, she would definitely come to find her.

As for attacking her family?

Song Yu Nuan thought of a possibility.

That is, maybe she would arrange something bad for her eldest brother.

Song Yu Nuan decided to find her eldest brother.

During this period of time, I was busy running around and didn't go to my brother's school.

Song Yu Nuan didn't inform Song Mingbo, but went directly.

Naturally, I didn't tell my uncle.

After entering the school smoothly, Song Yu Nuan went to find the dormitory where my brother was.

Unexpectedly, I saw my brother and a girl walking together at the corner.


Something happened.

Then, they stopped.

Song Yu Nuan quickly dodged and hid behind an ancient tree.

The trunk of the ancient tree was very thick, perfectly blocking Song Yu Nuan's figure.

Song Yu Nuan just stood there, and then Song Mingbo and the girl actually walked under the tree together.

It was just right.

Song Yu Nuan leaned against the tree leisurely, and those who didn't know would think she was also a student here.

Then I heard the girl say: "... I don't mean anything else, I just feel that they look down on you, and think that you are from the countryside and don't fit in with them.

I have also experienced the same thing as you. The female classmates in our dormitory are guarding against me like a thief, thinking that I come from a poor area and I will be a thief. I can come here to study because I fight to the death. Otherwise, my family will sell me to my eldest brother in exchange for a wife. It was the cadres in the township who came forward to give me a chance to study.

So I have to earn tuition by myself. I'm sorry, I'm presumptuous. I shouldn't think that you may be short of money, so I asked you to go to the restaurant with me to help. I took it for granted. I'm sorry."

Song Yu Nuan heard it very clearly.

It seems that this female classmate has found a job to earn tuition, that is, in a restaurant. After all, the subsidy for this year has been eliminated.

It is indeed very difficult for those with difficulties at home.

Then the female classmate thought that the eldest brother who also came from the countryside might be short of money, and the restaurant happened to be short of one person, so she ran to ask the eldest brother if he would go.

It's a small matter.

It doesn't seem abnormal.

Everything she might have heard seemed a little unusual.

Song Mingbo grabbed a handful of hair, a little irritable, and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

The female classmate looked up, and there was still a hint of something in her eyes.

She hoped that Song Mingbo would go with her.

Song Mingbo was a kind person.

Working with her in a restaurant, she should not be bullied.

The important thing is that she can still complete the task assigned by the woman, and she can also get some money. Why not do it?

"The time of that restaurant is just right. We can help after class and school. The salary is not bad, and it is not far from the school. Song Mingbo, are you really not going to consider it? Do you look down on the job of serving dishes in a restaurant?"

Then the female classmate choked up: "This is the best job I can find now, but... the boss of that restaurant doesn't look good. I... I just want you to go too, so that the boss won't dare to bully people."

Song Yu Nuan frowned.

To be honest, this female classmate is very pretty, and she is a bit weak.

If she cries out of grievance, she will probably look better.

This is because she wants her elder brother to be her backer.

Is it wrong to think so?

Actually, it is not wrong.

Find someone with a similar family background to yours, at least you can have a common language and take care of each other.

Song Mingbo put down his hand and said in a muffled voice: "Kong Chunying, I don't want to expose your lies, but you shouldn't slander your family like this."


Slander family?

Song Yu Nuan narrowed her eyes.

This Kong Chunying didn't tell the truth?

Kong Chunying was also stunned, and her heart jumped in panic.

After all, it was the first time to do such a thing, and she immediately felt guilty.

She moved her lips and said dryly: "Song Mingbo, you...what do you mean, I don't understand."

Song Mingbo: "You have a pair of kind-hearted parents who treat you well, and an older brother who is proud of you. You can come to school because your older brother and your father work odd jobs to save up tuition. It's right for you to go to the restaurant to earn living expenses. You can go there without worry. The female boss of that restaurant is a good person. As long as you work hard, she will not treat you badly. But I don't understand why you lied to me?"

Kong Chunying: ...

Her mind was blank for a moment.

Since she came to school here, she has never told anyone about her family relationship and family affairs. How did Song Mingbo know?

After the blank, there was panic.

She took a step back, her lips trembling: "You...how did you know?"

Song Mingbo: "Don't worry about how I know, I just know, and you too, why do you slander your parents and your elder brother in front of your classmates, it's not good for you to do this."

Kong Chunying stared at Song Mingbo for a long time, and suddenly turned and ran away.

Song Mingbo didn't expect her to run away, and wanted to chase her, but was startled by a familiar laugh.

Turning around, it was his sister Xiaonuan.

I immediately blushed and said to Song Yu Nuan: "You...you stinky girl, what are you hiding here for?"

Song Yu Nuan: "What do you mean I'm hiding here, I was waiting for you here."

Song Mingbo scratched his hair and said angrily: "Why did she lie to me?"

Song Yu Nuan: "Do you still remember Lin Qing?"

Song Mingbo: "I remember, isn't she Lin Zhiqing's sister?"

He didn't have a good impression of that woman.

Self-righteous, arrogant and domineering.

And he was also very paranoid and always took things for granted.

He didn't forget that this woman was also the executioner who killed his family.

Although that might have been in the previous life.

"I don't know what she has been doing recently. She came to my place and said some inexplicable things. I came to see if she came to see you too. I guess this lying female classmate was also instructed by her. But since you have exposed her lies, she will definitely not come to you again."

Song Mingbo was not relieved, but asked: "So, she tried her best to let me work with her as a helper. I guess she wanted to harm me?"

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