Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 574: The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention

The next day, Song Yu Nuan told Gu Huaian about Lin Qing's abnormality.

"...Send someone to follow her and investigate thoroughly. Maybe there will be great gains."

Even if there is no great gain, it can make Lin Qing quiet down.

Song Yu Nuan felt herself and it seemed that there was no change.

The glass in Lin Qing's room had been installed. She also felt it and it seemed that there was no change.

The police station came again and told her that the glass should have broken naturally because no stone tiles or other things were found in the house.

Because Lin Qing suspected that someone was taking revenge on her.

It was probably the neighbors whose houses were burned.

But she had already paid compensation, so why would they take revenge on her?

After a serious investigation, the police station determined that it was not broken by being hit by something like a stone.

There were no strange footprints in the yard.

Besides, when the glass broke yesterday, Uncle Mu was the first to rush out, and the yard was empty.

If someone broke the glass, it would be impossible to escape so quickly.

After all, although the courtyard is small, it is surrounded by glazed tile walls. Unless it has wings and can fly, it will definitely make a noise.

So it was left unresolved.

Lin Jia said to Lin Qing: "You have already asked for leave twice in the past few days, so you should go back to work. Now all units are not as overcrowded as before.

The leaders of our unit told people that they would reduce the number of staff. They said that they would set up a service team to do cleaning, housework, and carry bags for people.

Qing'er, the dowry I prepared for you was burned, but you can't go to the Su family empty-handed.

I saved some money for you, and I will buy you some things when the time comes. And Junze's mother, she can say whatever she wants. Let's live together. It's a little difficult for the time being. When we save enough money, we will rebuild the villa. At that time, everything will be fine.

Don't be depressed. Compared with most people, we are much better off. At least we still have a villa. Even if we don't live there, we can make a lot of money by selling it."

Lin Qing shook her head, she was not optimistic.

She said worriedly: "Now it depends on grandpa. If his recent situation improves, my cousins ​​may not have any ideas about the villa.

If there is no sign of improvement. Those people may have their eyes on our house. After all, this house was bought by grandpa for our mother."

If that is the case, she and her sister will really be left with nothing.

So, what is the use of this system?

Now there are two points of luck.

The system said that it has been added to her.

But she didn't feel anything. The system encouraged her to continue to gain jealousy.

But it's not that simple.

Song Yunuan's relationship is complicated, but that complicated circle is something she can't get in touch with now.

And it has nothing to do with jealousy or not.

Two points are too few, she still has to find a way.

The next day, Song Liang called Song Yunuan and told her that the new overlocking machine and sewing machine had arrived, and another workshop was added.

The order from three months ago has been completed. The workers have been very hard in the past few months, but they have been given bonuses, and everyone is very motivated.

Business is good nowadays.

There is little competition, and supply is basically in short supply.

Song Yu Nuan urged that the quality must be up to standard, and Song Liang said that the director of the county garment factory came to him.

The garment factory in Nanshan County is not big, but the staff is redundant and barely maintained.

In order to keep their iron rice bowls, several masters who went to Zhilan Garment Factory to support still reluctantly returned from Zhilan.

However, the monthly salary subsidy and bonus suddenly decreased by more than 80 yuan.

That was simply like cutting meat.

But Zhilan is currently just a collective enterprise, and they still look down on it.

This is not forced.

Song Yu Nuan said to Song Liang: "Dad, you can do this. Don't you have a batch of fixed-version jeans? You can entrust this order to the county garment factory for processing. After acceptance, pay according to the processing fee. If you agree, you agree, otherwise forget it."

Song Liang turned to find the factory director, but he didn't expect the other party to agree readily.

So, the order for one thousand pairs of jeans was handed over to the county garment factory.

So, they also got busy.

Although some people feel bad, Nanshan County is different from other places. Many things are ahead of other cities and counties.

Even if you don't accept it, you have to learn to accept it slowly.


Jinju was called to the office by the editor-in-chief.

The editor-in-chief poured a cup of tea for Jinju and said, "I'll tell you directly. Someone asked me to ask Xia Xindong indirectly if he has any idea of ​​developing new drugs?"

Jinju frowned.

"Is this public or private?"

"Both public and private. Just ask him. The key point is whether he has any idea of ​​researching drugs that can make people healthy and long-lived?"

Jinju: "I really know about this matter. Xiao Nuan told me that she was just trying to deliberately anger Shangguan Yunqi at that time, and she also wanted to see if she was really crazy or fake.

Believe it or not, you can go to Erdaohe Village to see if Xiao Nuan's grandmother has really become younger.

How can you really take this seriously? Can you ask this casually?"

The editor-in-chief was not embarrassed. After all, he had prepared before saying this.

"I think so, actually. Song Yu Nuan is such a smart girl. If her uncle really developed this kind of medicine, he would have to keep it top secret. How could he tell anyone about it? It's just that some people think too much. Okay, there's nothing else, you can leave now."

Jinju still called Xia Xindong and asked him to meet.

Since Xia Xindong had been invited, Xiao Nuan was also called out.

However, Xiao Nuan couldn't come because of something.

Jinju and Xia Xindong talked about what the editor-in-chief told her.

"I don't mean anything else, just remind you."

Xia Xindong smiled.

Jinju found that this man was always gentle and his eyebrows were always elegant, but when he smiled, he could let you down.

It seemed that at this moment, you could tell him a lot of things.

Xia Xindong said: "You are not the first one to ask, it's always the case that the speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional. It's okay, you can tell your editor-in-chief that there is no such idea at present. People always like to say that medicine is three-point poison, so the development of new drugs is also a long process, which requires continuous clinical trials, summarizing various data, targeting individual differences, and various targeted solutions... However, there may be ideas in this regard in the future..."

Jinju heard Xia Xindong say so many words for the first time.

I was very surprised in my heart.

There is also an indescribable taste.

Xia Xindong glanced at Jin Jue who was listening attentively, and his eyes still had a little smile.

Song Yu Nuan ran to see Shangguan Yunqi again, but didn't see him this time.

He said he had taken a sedative and was resting.

The vice president of this hospital had a good relationship with the second grandfather, and Song Yu Nuan learned from him that Shangguan Yunqi was indeed mentally unstable.

Unstable is normal!

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