Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 579 Don't cry poor to me

Being terrified is only one aspect. We have to find a way to survive, right?

Song Yu Nuan can’t kill them after all.

In fact, Zhong Daqiao was very panicked.

He didn’t know if the company he had set up without telling the two companies would be discovered.

The company is now very profitable.

He couldn’t bear to sell it, but he was terrified to continue.

The past year or so has been like walking on a tightrope on stilts.

But there was nothing he could do.

So he could only ask the authorities to suppress Song Yu Nuan.

Damn girl, a demon, let the thunder strike her.

With the cooperation of Gu Huaian and Song Yu Nuan, the three went to the director of the Hong Kong office.

He expressed his ideas directly.

He was willing to provide a sum of money to support the construction of Longguo.

The director of the office was greeted by Gu Huaian in advance.

Naturally, he welcomed them strongly and promised to try his best to negotiate and resolve their requests.

So, the detained people and frozen assets were released.

Shangguan Heng even called Song Yunuan to test her attitude and said, "Xiao Nuan, our three families provided free financial support to Longguo. Have you seen the newspaper?"

Song Yunuan said with a smile, "I saw it. You did a good job. Mr. Xia came to talk to me. I am a sensible person and will not cause trouble for you."

Shangguan Heng smiled bitterly, "I no longer live in the villa. Most of the servants have been dismissed. My children have separated from their families. I decided to go to the temple to practice meditation and atone for my sins."

Song Yunuan put away the smile on her face and said straightforwardly, "Even so, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Don't cry poor to me."

Shangguan Heng: ...

Shangguan Heng and Song Yunuan said, "I called you this time because there is actually another very important thing, but it is not convenient to say it on the phone. I plan to go to Beidu after the Spring Festival."

Song Yunuan stared at the microphone hard.

She always felt that Shangguan Heng kept people in Beidu for no reason, not all for the purpose of protecting the so-called Shangguan Yunqi.

This is not a war-torn era. To put it bluntly, they stayed here to do things for him.

Then he also sent his daughter here.

When the truth came out, he could have cut off contact with this side.

Of course, on her side, it was not a distance. As long as she wanted, it was not a distance at all.

Song Yu Nuan said: "Well, let's talk about it when you come. By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Your half-brother is still alive, but he is not in good health. A few days ago, he went to see Mr. Xia and said that you took a relic of his mother. If the thing is still there, I hope you can return it to him for the sake of brotherhood."

Shangguan Heng's heart skipped a beat.

He was so regretful.

He shouldn't have called Song Yu Nuan.

What was it?

He had forgotten it a long time ago.

He wanted to ignore it, but what if Song Yu Nuan deliberately made him a big joke?

He could only say dryly: "This...that...Xiao Nuan, can you help me ask what it is?"

Song Yu Nuan: "I actually asked, it's a diamond-shaped mirror inlaid with gemstones."

Shangguan Heng suddenly remembered.

Yes, yes, fortunately the thing is there.

Song Yu Nuan suddenly said: "By the way, that, Lao Qi has another person. The two people who wanted to harm me and my uncle have no news until now. Could it be that they ran to Hong Kong and were killed by you?"

He has not contacted those two people now.

Lao Qi is very patient, and I don't know where he is hiding.

If you want him to show up, you have to wait for everything to be completely calm.

I had to choose to tell the truth.

Song Yu Nuan: "You see, I like to repay evil with kindness. Am I a good person?"

Shangguan Heng gritted his teeth: "You are a good child."


Before Song Yu Nuan went home, he went to see Lin Qing on purpose.

Lin Qing is recuperating at home.

Seeing that it was Song Yunuan, Lin Jia was excited and busy.

Xiujuan also came to ask about Ah Sheng's situation.

Song Yunuan talked to the two of them with a smile.

Lin Jia really wanted to get along with Song Ting and Song Yunuan, but with such a mess and her sister's obstruction, she only went to the school to see Song Yunuan once.

She left the canned food, apples and cakes in the guard room.

Song Yunuan came to repay a favor.

She also observed Lin Qing by the way.

When she and Lin Qing were the only ones in the room, Song Yunuan lowered her voice and said, "I have wanted to tell you something for a long time, Lin Qing, although we don't get along, your sister is really a good person. She has lived a hard life for more than ten years. I can't bear to let her and the children follow you and worry about it. After all, you are their only relative."

Lin Qing actually didn't welcome Song Yunuan's arrival at all.

She felt that Song Yunuan was just here to laugh at her.

However, Song Yunuan's mysterious look successfully made her heart hang.

I didn't want to talk to Song Yunuan, but I couldn't help but follow her words and asked: "You...what do you want to say?"

Song Yunuan didn't answer immediately, and deliberately glanced outside the door, as if she wanted to say something but stopped.

Lin Qing said anxiously: "What do you want to say? Are you here to tease me?"

Song Yunuan rolled her eyes: "Who are you? I have nothing to do and come to tease you. Forget it, I'll leave if I don't want to listen."

She stood up and really prepared to leave.

She was stopped by Lin Qing's hurried call, so she had to soften her voice and said: "Okay, please tell me."

Song Yunuan sat down again, lowered her voice and said, "Lin Qing, remember that time you went to school to block me, and you were talking about the B\u0026B management department. You were being targeted."

After saying these words, Song Yunuan paused.

Looking at Lin Qing's expression changed drastically.

He continued: "It is said that they have a newly developed device in their hands that can scan treasures. They found that there is something wrong with your body, especially your brain. It is extremely active. It seems that something high-dimensional and alien has taken root. There will be ripples in your head that are different from human brain waves. I haven’t figured out how to deal with you yet, but if you dare to do anything that harms humanity, you will probably be sectioned for study.”

Lin Qing's heart suddenly panicked.

She didn't keep her expression steady, and she felt guilty. She knew that department, and she specifically mentioned it to Song Yunuan.

I just didn't expect that Song Yunuan would know about it.

But later, she forgot about this department.

Moreover, as for that life-modifying system, no one in this world can discover its existence.

But what's going on?

Lin Qing's mouth was dry and she said in a difficult voice: "Song Yunuan... what do you mean, I... I don't understand, you..."

Song Yunuan stood up and said helplessly: "Actually, I don't understand either. I didn't want to tell you originally, but you mean so much to your sister. I thought about it and decided to tell you. It's still okay. It was a favor for your sister to visit me last time.”

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