Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 602: He was so angry

Being able to blend in is not just as simple as having money.

You also need to have identity and status.

Just these two requirements have raised the Xishan Villa District to a very high position.

This Song Yunuan is very good at cooking.

Zhong Daqiao held the phone in his hand. It was Song Yunuan who called him just now.

Knowing it was Song Yunuan, I didn't want to pick it up, but I didn't dare not to pick it up.

But Song Yunuan was just a cover, and it was Zhong Shaoqing who called him later.

These two are definitely together.

Regarding Zhong Shaoqing's words, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Isn't it time yet? Why are you in a hurry? Aren't they all yours? Who can snatch them away?"

Zhong Shaoqing sneered in his heart.

At this time, Zhong Daqiao spoke like this.

From the moment he allowed himself not to live like a human being, he never thought that these things were his own.

He thought it was from him and Zhong Tianci.

He didn't even understand how Zhong Daqiao could be so shameless?

He actually felt that everything in the Hai family belonged to him.

Zhong Shaoqing said directly and sarcastically: "Without my grandpa and my mommy, how could you, Zhong Daqiao, be where you are today? The things they left me are naturally mine. The tone you have to give me seems a bit unpleasant. Bar."

Zhong Daqiao:......

His face suddenly turned red. The last thing he wanted to hear in his life was that everything he got now was because of the Hai family.

He said angrily: "You bastard, what are you talking about? Didn't I do nothing? What are all the hard work I have done over the years?"

Zhong Shaoqing laughed out loud: "There are many people who want to work hard, but not everyone is like you and can live the life you have today.

It is said that when you are drinking water, you should not forget the person who dug the well. I found that there are many people in this world who pick up their rice bowls to eat and put down their chopsticks to scold their mothers.

Isn’t that what you, Zhong Daqiao, are like?

Since my mommy's death, you have refused to mention anything about the Hai family, as if all your wealth and social status were obtained out of thin air by yourself.

Since you love face so much, why didn't you conquer the world with your bare hands back then?

You have a loved one and you both have children, but you marry my mommy for wealth and status. What’s the matter? Are all men in this world dead? Are you, Zhong Daqiao, the only one left?

Or can my mommy not get married without you?

Are you, Zhong Daqiao, the reincarnation of a god in heaven? Couldn't I, Hai Shaoqing, be born without you, Zhong Daqiao?

What kind of life I should live was determined before I was born. I have a bullshit relationship with you. Without you, my grandpa and my mommy would still be dead.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry now. After all, my illness has recovered, and I still have plenty of time to investigate the real cause of death of my grandpa and my mom.

If my mother and grandpa were harmed by someone, I would definitely skin, remove the bones and carve out the heart of the person who harmed them! "

Zhong Shaoqing's output crackled, shocking Song Yunuan who was standing next to him.

Then she hit an important point.

Hai Shaoqing?

When did Zhong Shaoqing change his surname?

In fact, Song Yunuan meant that her surname was Hai, and she accidentally told Zhong Shaoqing that Zhong Shaoqing was a very special being.

Because of Song Yunuan here, he has been living in Beidu like this.

Then it was Gu Huaian who signed the guarantee certificate.

But Zhong Shaoqing’s ID card is from Xiangjiang.

Changing your last name is not that simple.

She had never heard Zhong Shaoqing say anything about this before.

But Hai Shaoqing sounded good to her, so she gave Zhong Shaoqing a thumbs up.

Then Zhong Daqiao's head seemed to explode with thunder.

This was the first time in such a long time that I heard this villain say so many words to him, but they were all sarcastic and harsh words.

Nie Zhan actually dared to threaten him. Was it because his wings were stiff and he wanted to rebel?

Zhong Daqiao wanted to slam the phone down. But at the moment when I was about to throw the phone down, I had to squeeze the phone tightly.

Because he suddenly remembered that the person next to this criminal was Song Yunuan.

That dead girl has a power that cannot be underestimated in Xiangjiang.

Although she is young and not from Xiangjiang, as long as she opens her mouth, someone will probably come to him for a heart-to-heart talk at night.

No, no, that's not the point. The point is that the villain just said his name was Hai Shaoqing.

"What did you say about yourself just now? Tell me again."

Zhong Shaoqing said calmly: "You heard clearly, from now on my name is Hai Shaoqing, and I take my mother's surname. I have always disliked the poor and loved the rich above all others. I think your old Zhong family is too ordinary, so Your predecessors have nothing to say about them, and I despise them very much.

I really don’t understand why my grandpa agreed to your marriage to my mommy in the first place?

My mother is young and innocent, so she must have been deceived by you. Then my grandfather had no choice but to agree so as not to hurt his daughter's heart.

But I can't do it. I dislike it very much and look down on it. Look at your name. If the soil is dead, why don't you call me Zhong Da Qiao?

At first glance, it looks like a name given by an uneducated person.

After I inherit my mother's inheritance, I will return to Xiangjiang and change my surname. "

Zhong Daqiao was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He shouted angrily into the phone: "What will happen if you change your surname to Hai? What will happen if you look down on my surname Zhong? You still have me. "Zhong Daqiao's blood?"

Hai Shaoqing smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes. His voice was cold and full of hatred: "Don't you remember when I was fifteen, Zhong Tianci forced me to commit suicide by cutting my wrists, and I almost bled to death?

Zhong Daqiao, I feel that I can live to this day because all the blood that belongs to you has flowed out of my body.

Don't call me evil again in the future, it makes me sick.

Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. I just want to inform you to be mentally prepared."

Then Zhong Shaoqing, no, call him Hai Shaoqing from now on, he put down the phone leisurely.

Song Yunuan blinked.

Hai Shaoqing didn't have red eyes like before. He was very calm at this time, and even smiled at Song Yunuan.

Song Yunuan always felt that something was wrong.

After pondering for a long time, he suddenly looked at Hai Shaoqing with wide eyes: "Why do I feel that the tone and words you used just now are so similar to my grandma's."

Hai Shaoqing scratched his hair embarrassedly and said weakly: "I always chat with Grandma Song, and I find that what she says makes sense, so I... I remember everything, and then I got the chance today and said these words to Zhong Daqiao, and I felt particularly refreshed."

Song Yu Nuan: ...

I don't know if grandma knows?

But after grandma knew it, she really scolded Zhong Daqiao to death.

The old man hates this kind of man the most.

He obviously made a fortune by relying on his wife, but he felt as if he was insulted.

If he was so ambitious, he should have started from scratch and become self-reliant.

Instead of being both a boss and a clerk.

Or some people say that women can't pity and feel sorry for men, because that will make them unhappy!

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