Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 649: Cure all diseases?

As soon as these words were shouted out, the originally noisy auditorium suddenly became silent.

This silence was like pressing the pause button.

The master panicked, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

He wanted to run away.

But after just a few breaths, the auditorium suddenly became more lively.

Many people probably didn't expect it to be like this.

It turned out to be a fake.

I said, where in the world is there something that can cure all diseases?

If there is, it is impossible for people like them to see it.

If it can cure all diseases, then what are hospitals for, and what is the point of researching drugs?

The important thing is that if a cure for all diseases comes out, doesn't it mean that humans can live forever?

Not to mention living for hundreds of years, it would be happy to live for a hundred years.

Is it possible?

This is obviously a liar.

Song Yu Nuan didn't get involved later, and just watched the excitement.

At least let the people around know, but if they still insist on being obsessed, then there is nothing the gods can do.

The project was reviewed again and approved soon.

The same is true for Mr. Ji, who has fewer cold words.

The doctor and nurse were arranged by Uncle Xiaodizi, and the others were classmates brought by Song Mingbo, who has already started working.

Song Mingbo also graduated from graduate school and was assigned to the judicial department. Recently, he is preparing to resign and open a law firm.

However, Song Liang and Xia Guilan do not agree.

Even Mrs. Song thinks it is too early to go into the sea. According to the current family conditions, there is really no shortage of money, but this unit is so good. It sounds so high-end and feels so majestic. It is also Xiaonuan's face that Song Mingbo can get in.

What virtue and ability does the old Song family have to enter such a unit and not cherish it.

Song Mingbo had to give up this idea.

Song Yu Nuan also talked to him once, saying that this idea is good, but what is needed now is to accumulate qualifications. Since there is such a good opportunity, it is better to settle down in this unit.

Three to five years later, when there are more and more private enterprises, people pay more and more attention to legal awareness, and learn to take up legal weapons to protect themselves, then law firms will come into being.

In addition, with the work experience and connections here, it won't be so difficult to run this law firm.

Otherwise, if you do this right after graduation, who will believe you? Who will look for you?

Starting a business is difficult, that's what it means.

Besides, the two college graduates in the family are not going to work, Song Liang and Xia Guilan must be uncomfortable.

Sometimes they still have old ideas in their hearts.

As children, they feel proud to have an iron rice bowl, not to mention a golden rice bowl.

This is what dignity means.

Just like now the higher-ups hope to contract the second garment factory.

Song Liang also went to see it.

But the workers in that factory were very resistant to them.

Everyone knows that the second garment factory is also a famous large factory in Beijing.

It is also at the forefront of supporting national construction and is one of the best in the garment industry.

This is different from the fifth factory. The original fifth factory started as a small factory under the street office, and it was only listed as the fifth garment factory when the time was right. But in fact, there are only three real large factories.

It is normal for the workers here to look down on Zhilan Garment Factory, not to mention that a mud-legged upstart from the countryside contracted their factory to arrange their place.

The workers disagreed and strongly opposed it. They would not be surprised even if you arranged a job for them.

Can't we find a way out ourselves?

Can't we contract it ourselves?

Why do we have to let an outsider tell us what to do?

They are genuine state workers. They have worked in this factory many years ago. Some of them are even a family of three generations.

Zhilan Garment Factory is indeed good now and has a great reputation, but what kind of people does it recruit?

Housewives, unemployed young people, and educated youth who returned to the city.

They are not old-fashioned workers like them.

Workers are different from workers.

Can the wages of workers in the steel plant and those in the match factory be the same?

Let alone other things, when the Fifth Factory could not pay wages, could they still give bonuses and increase wages?

They are two levels higher, so they cannot be compared.

Song Liang went there once and never went again.

The factory is busy enough for him now.

Song Yu Nuan didn't say anything, and immediately established Zhilan Co., Ltd.

There are many discounts now, and even her Fanhua enjoys a ten-year discount.

But Song Yu Nuan is a little jealous of the old workers in the second factory, and almost all of these workers are treasures.

What is the problem with this second factory?

Song Yu Nuan has detailed investigation materials in his hand.

The reason is that the so-called advanced equipment from abroad was introduced two years ago.

He was the factory director at that time. Of course, he has gone down now because he received benefits, so this so-called advanced equipment is actually a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Everyone knows that making clothes does not actually require advanced production equipment.

It is not a high-end precision instrument.

From raw materials to finished products, to be honest, the entire production process can be completed by a tailor with a foot-operated sewing machine and an iron.

Nowadays, handmade production accounts for more than half.

Even if automated cutting machines, sewing machines and ironing machines can be produced in the future, they still need manual operation.

The equipment that the second factory already has can fully meet the current requirements.

There is really no need to import from abroad.

But in recent years, it has been like a swarm of crazy people. All units have imported equipment and production lines from abroad, and many people have been cheated.

Just like the situation of the second factory, the production was paralyzed all of a sudden, and now it has not been paid for a year.

Let me put it this way. There is a snack bar with good business. In the 1990s, it could make 1,000 yuan a month.

In the mid-1990s, the average monthly salary was around 300 yuan.

By comparing, it can be seen that the snack bar made a lot of money.

Then the boss's son thought that my snack bar's business could be better.

How can it be better?

Then I will buy a robot.

I heard that the thing does not eat grass or feed, and does not need to be paid, and can also cook and entertain guests. Anyway, only one robot can support a small shop.

Counting money while lying down?

The snack bar has saved 100,000 yuan over the years.

But the robot is 1 million yuan.

So the boss's son borrowed another 900,000 yuan from the bank.

Then he bargained with the other party, and the other party agreed to sell the robot to him for 900,000 yuan.

Then he hid the 100,000 yuan that his parents gave him in his own pocket.

The robot was bought.

The chefs and waiters were fired.

Because the labor cost was also very high, the boss's son was very happy, and the boss also thought it was pretty good.

Maybe he could make a fortune every day.

But he didn't expect that the robot was fake, and someone had set a trap for the boss's son.

The robot lay there, just scrap metal.

Then the boss owed 900,000 yuan in foreign debt for no reason.

The snack bar worked hard for more than ten years to save 100,000 yuan.

How many years will it take him to pay back the 900,000 yuan?

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