Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 657 Who is cheating whom?

Looking at Sairad, Song Yunuan didn't seem to think there would be a problem this time.

What exactly are you relying on?

Never mind.

Song Yunuan went around and signed a 90 million yuan contract with the other party.

Ten times the compensation for breach of contract.

Song Liang covered his heart and thought, is this true?

True or false, he couldn't speak.

The daughter has the final say.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to buy it. If you regret it, Zhilan Garment Factory will have to pay you 900 million yuan. Oh my god, it’s scary.

Song Liang kept telling himself that his daughter would not do anything she was not sure about.

He knew how much money his family had.

He didn't know how much money his daughter had.

But such a high amount of compensation is also frightening.

He shouldn't have been in contact with these people in the first place.

In fact, it was his fault in the beginning, but now that we have reached this point, there is no turning back.

The big deal is that he was defrauded and lost all his money. It's not a big deal to go back to his hometown to farm.

Of course, these are just thoughts.

Once the contract is signed, full payment must be made, which was agreed in advance.

After the 90 million yuan arrives, the other party will also start stocking up.

The procedure is very simple.

But during the stocking process, the other party actively invited me to visit the production base.

This place is indeed advanced enough. If you say it can bluff people, it really can.

But it was just a spin. Later, Sailade arranged for these people to play.

And was rejected.

Go and eat.

Also rejected.

Buying something?

It was even more rejected.

Song Yunuan said that he had to do some personal things, and the others stayed at the hotel honestly. However, in the afternoon, Song Liang and his party were quietly picked up by Jemke.

Song Yunuan and Xia Bowen, led by Hans, went to the manor that Shangguan Heng had bought for their sister.

Just a small town in another city.

The laws here are different from those at home, and no one can live in this manor.

So, with the help of Hans, the manor was sold.

Song Yunuan turned around and invested the money she got in the stock market.

Someone was making a move in the stock market this year. Song Yunuan had been paying attention to it. When he realized that it was a month in advance, it happened that Song Liang received the people from Xuguang and Meigui. The money they placed was huge, and ordinary men would actually take the bait. .

But Song Liang is her father.

I'm used to listening to my daughter. Outsiders don't know it, but everyone in the family doesn't know it.

Song Yunuan wanted to take a bite of the fatness of the stock market, but it was difficult to get the principal out, but there was no need to take money from Hans.

Then Song Yunuan remembered the manor Shangguan Heng had bought for Shangguan Yunqi, and sold it to use as capital to invest in it.

Follow the person who makes the game and take a bite.

It can be regarded as killing three birds with one stone.

Hans took care of everything.

But I really trust Song Yunuan.

Listen to her words and withdraw all the working capital and invest it decisively.

It's like a big gamble.

If he wins, he will become the richest person in country x, and the Jim family will move to the next level.

If you lose, your property will shrink, but you won’t lose everything.

Serad, on the other hand, could not find the other person.

He noticed uneasily that this person was different from the one who came last time.

The people who came last time were country bumpkins who had never seen the world, and they were really dazzled by their colorful world.

But these people, whether they are eating, drinking, playing, or taking them shopping, there is no one to take the bait.

They want to dig holes for them, they want to blackmail them with something, they want money and sugar-coated bullets to corrupt them.

But no one can be found.

In fact, if Serad and the big guys behind him could pay enough attention, this situation would not happen.

According to statistics by Song Yunuan and Gu Huaian, there were almost a dozen companies that were defrauded last year.

They are basically all in country X.

Some people who have been deceived will not publicize it in a big way.

Because there are many issues involved here, it is not convenient to talk about them.

Not to mention the big companies, small companies are being fooled one after another.

How to say it?

Always being fooled, Dangdang is different.

The other party has also investigated Zhilan Garment Factory and has information about Zhilan Garment Factory.

However, Anna Qian and the Qian family never paid attention to Zhilan Garment Factory.

They still feel that the reason why the Song family is what it is today is because of Gu Huaian's backing.

Everything happened because of meeting Gu Huai'an.

Without Gu Huaian, Zhilan Garment Factory would not be what it is today.

Without Gu Huaian, Song Yunuan would not have the glory he has today.

As for Song Yunuan's interactions with Jemke and Hai Shaoqing, it was just an opportunistic move based on her beauty.

Or it can be said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

What will be the consequences of underestimating the enemy?

The ending is obvious.

The agreement is that the goods will be delivered to the port for acceptance one week later, and then some people will go with the cargo ship, while others will take a plane.

It's a simple one...I pay for something and you ship it to me.

The last time I went to the port of the second factory, I saw such well-packaged boxes and mountains of containers, plus I received too many benefits from the other party.

So I signed it.

This time they couldn't even see anyone, and they couldn't corrode each other even if they wanted to.

Something is wrong with this.

Normal delivery, where do they have normal delivery of that thing?

The samples were made at great expense, and they required scarce materials, and were also intended to deceive people. How could they be handed over when they involved core secrets?

No goods?

Isn't that a joke?

And Sairad, who was pulled in, was dumbfounded.

Because the other party wanted to open the boxes.

To open them one by one.

When Sairad said that this kind of packaging box was particularly difficult to open and required professionals and relevant personnel, Song Yunuan came forward.

It was difficult to open, but this one was very simple.

The outside was tied with a thumb-thick steel wire, which was unscrewed by Song Yunuan in a few seconds, and then a screwdriver pried open the outside box intact.

This really requires professionals to disassemble.

Song Yunuan opened it very professionally.

Sairad and others were shocked beyond words at the time.

After opening it, Song Liang jumped up immediately.

What's in it?

It's really just scraps of copper and iron.

All kinds of junk are put in it, this is the golden exterior with rotten cotton inside.

It looked so bright and beautiful on the outside, just like something out of a science fiction world, but inside it was filled with rusty screws, steel pipes and iron blocks, it was really a mess.

It was just like a joke.

At that time, Song Liang grabbed Sairad and asked him to give an explanation.

What explanation could Senard give?

He wanted to say that the box was opened by mistake, but this was issued by their company, and it had their company logo on it.

In fact, as long as the person who signed the contract signed it, it would have nothing to do with them in the future.

Just like the last time they cheated a factory.

As long as it was signed, you don’t care what’s inside, it has nothing to do with them.

At that time, the lawsuit was also filed, but they had the other party’s contract and all legal procedures and signatures.

The factory director’s name had been signed, which was legally effective.

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