Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 665: Little Thoughts

Huang Shi and Song Yunuan said all this, and Song Yunuan also gave him some implicit suggestions and opinions.

Song Yunuan was close to the center of Beidu, and her words were not spoken without reason.

Huang Shi on the other side agreed one by one, and then, he hesitated for a while, but still said to Song Yunuan: "Xiao Nuan, I want to tell you about your aunt."

"You say." Song Yunuan frowned. Some time ago, she learned from her mother that her aunt was going to take a leave of absence, and then there was no movement these days, and she didn't take it to heart.

Speaking of which, Hu Zi didn't go to college in Beidu.

He went to Haicheng.

Because he applied for a university in this city, Sun Jinrong and Hu Zi had a big fight at that time.

Even Sun Jinrong didn't want Hu Zi to go to Haicheng to study, and insisted that Hu Zi repeat a year before going to Beidu to take the exam, and then privately found Gu Huaian and asked him if he could make some arrangements, that is, to choose a university for Hu Zi again.

According to Hu Zi's college entrance examination score, although he can't go to Beidu University, he can go to other similar colleges.

Is this possible?

It can be done.

After all, Hu Zi's college entrance examination score is not low.

Not to mention that Gu Huaian does have the ability.

Just think of a name and Hu Zi should be able to be placed in a similar and equal college.

But things don't work that way.

Gu Huaian certainly won't listen to Sun Jinrong's casual arrangement of a school for Hu Zi. This matter must respect Hu Zi's opinion.

Hu Zi, A Sheng, Xiao Gang and Xiao Ru are already Beidu people.

It's not an exaggeration to say that they grew up in Beidu.

Xiao Gang, who graduated from university, wanted to go to Nancheng to try his luck.

So, Song Yunuan arranged for him to go to Nancheng.

At first, he went to a state-owned enterprise, and later Xiao Gang and several young people partnered to establish an electronic technology company.

Song Yunuan supported this point.

So, Song Yunuan gave them investment and let them do it as much as they wanted.

Naturally, Song Yu Nuan would give some guidance from time to time.

Today, Xiao Gang is doing well.

They developed a social chat software that can be used not only on computers but also on Dongfanghong mobile phones.

This chat software is not used by everyone, but it is almost the same.

For now, is there any other software that can replace it?

And now Dongfanghong Group not only develops and produces mobile phones, but also computers.

The computer field is on par with foreign countries.

There is no monopoly.

This is also the case with Dongfanghong now.

It can be regarded as the world's largest brand, but other brands have also sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

How to describe it?

This world is more than ten years ahead of the world development process that Song Yu Nuan knows.

Then Xiaoru from the second aunt's family went to Xiangjiang.

She went to Fanhua and now she has become a manager.

In fact, these are really the children's opinions. Song He and Lian Xiang have no idea.

If the children in the past could have such luck, they would wake up with laughter in their dreams.

Lian Xiang knew that the two children's success today was directly related to Song Yunuan.

You have to help them get on the horse and send them off.

These... She knew all of this in her heart.

Lian Xiang's idea was right. It didn't necessarily have to be in Beidu, right?

The world is so big, there is not only Beidu. Today, Nancheng is developing as much as Beidu and Haicheng.

But Sun Jinrong didn't think so. He felt that the old man and the old lady were biased. Were they afraid that the children of their two families would covet the property of the big family?

Otherwise, why did their big family develop in Beidu, and even Song Mingbo had such a good job?

Didn't Song Liang and Xia Guilan want to take Zhilan for themselves?

But to be honest, didn't Zhilan belong to their big family?

No, it belonged to their three families, including the old man and the old lady.

Without these people, could you, Song Liang and Song Yunuan, have achieved what you have today?

Many hands make light work. Although he dared not say this, Sun Jinrong still brought it out in his words and actions.

It was just that she stopped mentioning it after being scolded by Old Lady Song a few times.

But she never stopped thinking about it.

When Hu Zi was going to Haicheng to study at university, it was only then that she broke out.

The old lady called Sun Jinrong to Beidu, and Hu Zi was there too, and Song Nian naturally came along.

The old lady was really angry that time.

This matter cannot be left like this. Sun Jinrong just said a few words casually, and then said: I didn't mean it, I thought wrongly and misunderstood it, is it over?

No, if this matter is not clarified, it will be a hidden danger in the future.

Old Lady Song doesn't care about Sun Jinrong, but she cares about her son.

It's the same as being afraid of hurting the jade bottle when hitting a mouse.

It's inevitable that Sun Jinrong will hurt his son, after all, they are husband and wife, and they have a good relationship.

In fact, after all, her youngest son is also narrow-minded.

When they were poor, the couple was very calculating.

Sun Jinrong really wanted to give her heart and blood to her beggar mother.

But she was unwilling to give even a bite of food to Old Lady Song.

She was also unwilling to live with her mother-in-law for a day.

But she ate and drank at her mother-in-law's house, and then subsidized her parents' family.

From another perspective, people say that such a daughter is really not born in vain.

This is not a daughter who is married off and can be thrown out.

But from the perspective of Mrs. Song, it was really sad.

They didn't have much contact in the later period.

But when her son came to her to ask for food and money, she softened her heart again.

Later, life got better and they lived a stable life. One of them became a factory director and the other became a section chief in the Finance Bureau.

According to Mrs. Song's thinking, they should be content, really content.

Before, you, Song Nian and Sun Jinrong, could never dream of such a future.

But the result was that people are greedy.

Or it can be said that many people are never satisfied, and they always want more.

Why didn't they think that they had already agreed with them at that time that if they didn't want to work, they would do business together.

If they wanted to work, they should work hard in the unit and don't get involved in the family business.

But these two people were reluctant to give up their iron rice bowls.

So what?

Later, she still gave shares to her youngest son's family.

It was from her own hands.

You know, they didn't take a penny or put in any effort at the beginning.

But she and the eldest son's family never treated them badly.

Xiao Nuan asked someone to get them both to study at the cadre school, and even encouraged them to develop well and provide them with support.

But in fact, if it weren't for Xiao Nuan, her youngest son would never have become the director of a factory with 3,000 employees.

A factory director, and a department-level cadre.

He is also Gu Huaian's uncle, and he is respected wherever he goes.

Nowadays, the timber factory produces many varieties, mainly engaged in import and export trade.

Why are you still not satisfied?

After being scolded, the couple blushed and dared not say a word.

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