Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 669 What are you busy with?

Lazy Sun Jinrong didn't pretend to be sick or go to the hospital to get a certificate. The main reason was that she was not familiar with the hospitals here. She didn't dare to ask for a fake sick leave certificate.

This is Beidu after all.

She didn't dare to knit a sweater. Anyway, she had money in her hand. Knitting sweaters was purely to give warmth to her son. Now that she has become the factory director, knitting sweaters in the office will be cheap.

So what does Sun Jinrong do?

In fact, she didn't do anything. She just came late and left early. She spoke in official language during meetings, but she didn't say anything to the point.

When the people below asked her opinions, especially when Deputy Factory Director Ye came to ask for instructions on work, Sun Jinrong simply gave it to him.

What she thought in her heart was that she had delegated power. If something really happened, it would not be found on her head. This was all Deputy Factory Director Ye's responsibility. As for taking responsibility, it was just a small thing.

Deputy Factory Director Ye knew the reason inside. He was a member of the Ye family, and Song Yu Nuan used him as a confidant.

A week passed like this, Song Yu Nuan didn't come, and even the old lady who was eyeing her covetously didn't come.

Not to mention Song Liang and Xia Guilan.

It was not good for these two to come. If they came, Sun Jinrong would smile, but everyone could see that his eyes were unhappy.

He didn't turn his face away because he didn't dare to offend Song Yu Nuan and the old lady.

But in fact, Song Liang and his wife knew what was going on.

It would be fine to come and participate in the opening.

So, Sun Jinrong was very comfortable. She also had a secretary who bought things and ran errands for her every day... In short, she used it very thoroughly.

On this day, Deputy Director Ye was on a business trip.

He said that there was a problem in the procurement of raw materials, and he wanted to go there in person to take a look.

Sun Jinrong didn't take it to heart.

He still did what he had to do.

There was even a feeling of relief.

It was as if she was the only manager here, and the others were just minions.

The factory wanted to build a new one, but in fact, it was not completely newly built. The factory was a match factory in the past. Since the lighters came into being, the people's demand for matches has become less and less.

Now there are match factories, but they have been merged into a large factory.

This place was bought by Song Liang and built this jewelry factory.

After all, the demand for Zhilan clothing is also increasing.

Moreover, it not only produces buttons, but also various accessories. Especially with artificial diamonds, it began to produce hairpins, hairpins, brooches, tie clips, etc. in large quantities.

Now it has entered normal operation, and the first batch of goods has been shipped to the main factory and branch factories. Even the down jacket factory in Nanshan City has received the first batch of zippers, buttons and other accessories produced.

These are all under the charge of the capable Deputy Director Ye. Sun Jinrong knows it.

Now that Deputy Director Ye is on a business trip, Sun Jinrong needs to arrange it.

Someone asked Sun Jinrong that she needed to supervise the quality inspection in person. After all, this was the second batch of goods shipped out of the factory, with a total amount of 50 million yuan, which was sold to Hong Kong, and the most of them were simulated diamond products.

Sun Jinrong impatiently went to the workshop and turned around with a proud attitude. Whether it was the team leader or the employees, everyone greeted her cordially.

Sun Jinrong was familiar with this feeling.

But that was in Nanshan City.

Now it is indeed in Beidu, and the feeling from the heart is different.

Sun Jinrong nodded to them with a reserved smile on her lips.

Then the workshop director reported to her that the glue for sticking bright diamonds was used up, and now there were several merchants waiting in the office, and she needed to go.

Sun Jinrong followed the workshop director to the meeting room.

There are 5 suppliers here.

Seeing Sun Jinrong come in, everyone's face was filled with enthusiastic and even flattering smiles.

Entering the 1990s, business is not as good as in the 1980s.

Because the competition at that time is really fierce.

In addition, no matter what product it is, if it is sold, there is money to be made, and if it is not sold, it will be a waste.

The more products produced are sold, the better.

Sun Jinrong frowned, but immediately asked them to sit down.

Then she told them that it was not certain now, but it was urgent to use it, and asked them to send her a report in the afternoon.

One of them was called Lao Meng, and he came with a jewelry box along with the report.

It contained a complete set of gold jewelry.

Sun Jinrong looked at his price again and felt that it was very cheap. The workshop director in charge of this aspect didn't even know, so Sun Jinrong decided it directly.

In addition, the director didn't think much about it.

It doesn't matter whose product it is, as long as it can be used.

Otherwise, if it cannot be delivered on time, it will be subject to liquidated damages.

After this matter was done, Sun Jinrong smiled and felt that controlling a factory was nothing more than this.

She couldn't help but think of the first three days when she came, her overbearing mother-in-law grabbed her and followed Xia Guilan and Lian Xiang for three days.

They were really busy and hard-working during those three days.

It cannot be said that they did not have time to rest, but they rarely did.

Unlike her now, she was lying on the sofa in the lounge watching TV series.

So some people are destined to be born to work hard.

Sun Jinrong was eating melon seeds while watching TV series. She looked at the time. She would be off work soon. She would not go home for lunch. She asked her secretary to let her rest in the lounge after lunch.

This lounge is very big.

There are places for washing, sleeping, and watching TV.

After lunch, Sun Jinrong lay on the sofa, looked at the time, and watched a TV series, and then went to take a nap.

But the phone rang.

It was Song Yu Nuan's call.

Sun Jinrong frowned, but he quickly picked up the phone.

Song Yu Nuan asked Sun Jinrong where Long was now?

Sun Jinrong said to her: "Xiao Nuan, I'm at work, what's wrong? Do you have anything to do?"

Song Yu Nuan: "Aunt, I just want to ask you, do you know which manufacturer the viscose purchased this time is from? Who handled it?"

Sun Jinrong's heart skipped a beat.

Of course she knew which manufacturer it was from, and the factory director of this factory secretly gave her a set of gold jewelry.

Did something happen?

It shouldn't be, the jewelry sent to Hong Kong this time seems to have been shipped out.

She didn't have a consultant for the details, and she just heard the secretary tell her so much. She was watching a TV series at the time, so she didn't take it to heart at the time.

Song Yu Nuan asked again: "Aunt, is this batch of goods in transit or has it arrived in Hong Kong? Please tell me the details."

Sun Jinrong wanted to ask why I should report to you.

But when he thought about it, Song Yu Nuan was now a director of the group. She held a large share and was also a major shareholder. She understood this, so Song Yu Nuan had the highest say.

Sun Jinrong smiled and said: "Xiao Nuan, I've been busy these days. So I didn't have time to ask."

"Aunt, then tell me what you've been busy with these days?"

Sun Jinrong: ...

What is she busy with?

I really haven't been busy with anything these days. She didn't even host the Monday meeting.

The main reason was that she went to the Foreign Trade Building to buy a bag that day.

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