Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 673: Bite Back

Mrs. Song couldn't wait to stand up and give Sun Jinrong some big words.

This is shameless.

Just yesterday, I asked her privately if she had any shady dealings with Factory Director Meng. If so, we can't go to court in a big way now. This matter must be resolved privately.

Otherwise, the only one who will be embarrassed is our old Song family.

Then the old lady swallowed her nerve and gave her a promise, saying that as long as she told the truth, she would not care about what she received or what benefits she received.

Although she, Mrs. Song, is older now, no one dared to say no to her in Old Song's house if she wanted to say a word to save her.

If you want to be the director of this factory, you can do it. Let's learn from experience and lessons. Isn't it just a loss of tens of millions? Our old Song family can afford the compensation.

Even when she said this, Mrs. Song kept thinking of Amitabha in her heart. She, Mrs. Song, is not a rampant person when she is rich, nor is she a person who harms food when she is full. It is really the daughter-in-law of the family who is too worrying. She I had to comfort her like this.

He really said a lot of nice things, which could be considered to appease her heart.

But what did Sun Jinrong tell her?

Staring hard and stubborn.

Not only did she not admit it, she also criticized her, saying that she, Mrs. Song, despised her the most among the three daughters-in-law. This was true then and it is true now.

Now everyone else has money, so she has no money.

Although Mrs. Song was extremely angry, at that time she really felt that Sun Jinrong was honest and did not receive any benefits from him.

Then this is a big mistake made by inexperienced people. The mistake will not lead to death, so give her a chance.

Then she was relieved.

Today, Factory Director Meng was called over for negotiations.

Fortunately, Xiao Nuan told her to talk about it first. If it is determined that there are no problems, and if Lao Meng does not cooperate, let the legal department intervene.

Fortunately, I listened to Xiao Nuan's words, otherwise I would be really embarrassed.

What a blind thing.

Does Sun Jinrong have no money?

Compared with Mrs. Song, Sun Jinrong doesn't have much money.

But you shameless bastard, can you compare with my old lady?

Now this face was beaten hard.

Mrs. Song was so ashamed.

The quiet conference room made both Deputy Director Ye and Director Han feel uncomfortable.

In fact, this is the Song family's housework.

They looked at Song Yunuan and found that Xiaonuan's face was very calm and she was looking down at Dongfang Hong, as if she was sending a message to someone.

So, I felt calm.

When things have reached this point, it is actually no longer a household matter for the Song family.

It should be said that it is a matter of the group.

At the very least, the matter with Director Meng must be resolved before we can talk about other things.

Director Meng was very satisfied with the quiet atmosphere in the conference room.

However, he was also very upset. In fact, he was also deceived. After the product was produced, the effect was not very satisfactory, but it worked, so he sold some. However, he did not expect that the same method would be used to sell the product to his liking. After giving it to Zhilan Jewelry Factory, something happened.

As for the Zhilan Group, he was just taking a chance, just in case it could be used, right?

But he still gave Director Sun a set of gold jewelry.

Just in case.

Now it seems that this step was too correct.

But he put away his proud look.

Make a very guilty look.

Then wait for the other person to speak.

Song Liang glanced at his daughter sitting aside. By this time, Song Yunuan had finished sending text messages to her daughter.

The little girl said that she wanted her parents to take her to see a new children's movie in the evening, and that she should go early so as not to affect her sleep time.

The little girl also said that as a girl, she must get beauty sleep.

I don’t know where this girl knew this from.

Song Yunuan glanced at Factory Director Meng who was sitting opposite. It was not surprising that there were so many people like this now.

Then he glanced at Sun Jinrong, who was pale.

Although his face was pale, his eyes were turning and turning, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Song Yunuan smiled faintly. She was not stupid enough to use such a factory to dig a hole for Sun Jinrong.

She has always been very tolerant towards Sun Jinrong because they are not enemies.

There are many ways to make my aunt realize the reality.

She and Mrs. Song actually wanted to give Sun Jinrong a chance to learn.

It’s okay to start over at this age.

Is Sun Jinrong stupid?

She is not stupid, she is actually very smart, but it is a pity that her smartness is not used in the right place.

Song Yunuan nodded towards Song Liang.

This threat must be contained first.

But what needs to be said also needs to be said.

Director Meng immediately burst into tears and said that he was just on guard.

In fact, he was also deceived. After this incident, his factory will also go bankrupt. And to reassure the Song family, he brought all the copied tapes, including this small tape recorder, and gave them to the Song family.

He used his life to guarantee that there would be absolutely no possibility of these things being spread to outsiders.

No one would believe this assurance.

But after the matter is resolved, these things will have no meaning to the Song family.

When only the Song family was left in the conference room, before Mrs. Song could speak, Sun Jinrong suddenly stood up and pointed with trembling fingers at his father-in-law, mother-in-law, eldest brother, sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, and those who had just been transferred to Beidu. Second brother.

"I finally understand. You planned this in advance. You just want me to fall into a big pit and can't climb out. Then you can use this to control me. This is the handle. Are you going to kick me out next and let me go back to where I came from?

Your Song family is really too rampant. You think you are rich, but you abuse people like this. I have seen it clearly today. Okay, I admit it. Isn't it just asking me not to interfere in the family business? Can't I go back to Nanshan City? I'm leaving now. Are you satisfied?"

Song Liang's face was ashen with anger, and his fist hit the table in the conference room: "Sun Jinrong, who do you think you are? Are you worthy of digging a pit for you?

Also, if you dare to point your finger at my parents again, don't blame me, Song Liang, for turning my face against you."

Old Mrs. Song was so angry that her heart hurt a little.

Song Yu Nuan, who was sitting next to her, quickly pulled her hand and rubbed her palm.

Sun Jinrong stopped talking when he saw that the old lady looked a little strange, but he turned his eyes and pointed his spear at Song Yunuan.

"Xiao Nuan, you are really cruel. I know you are capable and rich, and you have people in South City and even more in Hong Kong. I don't believe you when you say that this matter has nothing to do with you.

How did that Deputy Director Ye go on a business trip by chance? Didn't you send someone out? And then you framed me?

You are all rich and powerful now, but I, Sun Jinrong, have nothing like a pauper. You people should think about it with your conscience. Is our family in the third room the worst off and the poorest in the entire old Song family?

We are all like this, and you people still gang up to bully me. You will be struck by lightning..."

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