Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 98: What creates favor and what cultivates favor?

Song Yunuan went to look at the cloth he had brought back.

My sister-in-law's room is now a warehouse, and part of it is placed in Song Yunuan's room.

Mrs. Song said that fabrics like to be stained with smell, so it is better to keep them in a fresh room.

Song Yunuan asked Song Liang, "Dad, do you have any ideas?"

Song Liang actually didn't sleep well in the past two days.

The cost of five hundred yuan sounds very high, but in fact, there are quite a lot of things.

Now I have money in my hand, even if it is not real, the money is real.

There is also a bankbook, and one thousand yuan is still untouched.

The 500 yuan for the fabric has been given to Xiao Nuan, and the second brother and sister both have more than 900 yuan.

The family is really rich now and has so much inventory.

He passed by a department store yesterday and found several shops selling satchels and hairpins at the entrance.

The colors are even brighter, and there are also people selling gauze scarves along with them.

The headband can be made, just use a rag headband, and the shoulder bag needs to be changed.

He found that if he continued to make these two items, it might not be easy to sell, so he had to introduce new styles. Also, when he looked at the fabrics, he said they had flaws, but in fact they were not many and could be avoided.

This is also thanks to Mr. Ji, it must be his face, otherwise he would not be able to get such good fabrics.

Today's fabrics are actually very tight.

Even in department stores, tickets are still required.

His idea was not to sell fabrics, but to make trousers, ready-made trousers, in three sizes: large, medium and small. As long as he was asked to sell them, he would start making them, cutting and sewing. Most of his family members, except the small ones, could do it.

Song Yunuan's eyes were shining. The Song family must have a person in charge, and Song Liang is the most suitable.

"Dad, you think so well. I'll go to the brigade headquarters and call Sister Zhao. Give me a dollar first."

Song Liang stared: "Xiao Nuan, don't you even have one dollar?"

"I have it. I have more than 930 yuan in pocket money. By the way, I got another 300 yuan bonus when I went to the provincial capital this time." Song Yunuan said very showily.

Song Yunuan had six hundred yuan before, but no matter where she went, she never spent any money.

This time when she went out, Old Songtou gave her a hundred yuan.

Anyway, she has plenty of money.

Song Liang's eyes widened: "Xiao Nuan, your father and I only have a few dollars in pockets."

Song Yunuan smiled: "Dad, so you have to work hard. I'm waiting for dad to give me pocket money."

Song Liang's head felt warm, and Xiao Nuan's father's shout made his eyes turn red.

Someone said to him: Siqi returned to the village, why are you, the Song family, so lukewarm and don't let people into the yard? It's too much.

It's good to kiss your daughter, but you can't just do whatever she says. Siqi was raised since she was a child, so she still kisses you, otherwise she can come back?

He also told him that there was a family in Liuxiatun who had lost their child when he was three years old.

The daughter-in-law of that family was in poor health and could not give birth to another child, but the only one she had was lost.

The daughter-in-law of that family was crazy about having children all day long. So, he brought back a girl who was about the same age as her daughter.

The daughter-in-law of this family has recovered from her illness and is no longer making trouble.

The children grew up day by day, and when they were fifteen years old, the daughter of that family was found.

It turned out that he was abducted by human traffickers. The child had never read a book and shivered and shivered when he saw people.

It is said that he was beaten often and his body was covered with bruises.

That daughter-in-law doesn't recognize her biological daughter, but is very kind to her adopted daughter. Because her adopted daughter is excellent, she is only fifteen years old this year, and has already skipped a grade to high school. She is also in the key class of the county No. 1 Middle School, and ranks first in the year group. It is said that she is the star of Beidu University.

What about my own daughter? She can’t do anything, doesn’t eat enough, is timid and weak, and can’t do anything. In the spring, she got engaged. She said that the other party was a widower and had three children. The eldest ones were the same as her own daughter. Years old, you say, if you raise your daughter well and raise her well, she will be yours. When your adopted daughter goes to college and gets a good job, won't she follow the popular ones and drink spicy food?

Of course, after the man finished speaking, he smiled and said that there is no comparison. Siqi is the daughter of a high-ranking official. How can she stay here? But because of this, shouldn't your old Song family treat her well? Well, how can I borrow her light from now on?

Song Liang thought in his mind at that time, treat her well and lend her some light. What kind of light do you want to borrow? Let’s be fierce!

The things that happened in these days, one after another, were all swirling in his mind in the dead of night.

Without Xiao Nuan, their Song family would really be in ruins.

He doesn't have a good impression of his adopted daughter. Even if he puts himself in his shoes, if his biological daughter is found back, no matter what she becomes, whether she is powerful or timid, he will treat her well to compensate her. Why was she lost? Is it the child's fault? It was an adult's dereliction of duty. How dare he blame a three-year-old child?

She is alive because of the blessing of Bodhisattva.

Returning from a narrow escape, only to be met with indifference from her family, and to force the girl to marry a widower?

How unlucky must this girl be to be reborn into such a family?

Song Liang had a quarrel with others at that time, but he was shocked to find that many people thought that someone who had been raised since childhood was better than someone who was not around.

That is to say, cultivating kindness is greater than generating kindness.

At this time, Song Liang looked at the daughter who was soft and Nuonuo and called him daddy. This is his dear daughter. It doesn’t matter whether she is good-looking or not, obedient or disobedient. She is his biological daughter and the lifeblood of his life. continue.

Why don't you listen to her? Just listen to her!

Song Liang said in a gentle voice: "My daughter, don't worry, Dad will definitely work hard to let you live a better life in the future."

Song Yunuan stretched out her hand unceremoniously: "So, Dad, give me one yuan, I will go to the brigade headquarters to make a phone call. This is a public matter and it must be handled in a public manner. You can't use my private money."

Song Liang laughed and immediately took out the money in his pocket and gave it all to Song Yunuan: "All for you, the rest can be used to buy candy at the supply and marketing cooperative."

Song Yunuan only took one piece: "There are still a lot of candies at home, one piece is enough."

So, she ran out happily, and a little tail followed her.

That was the youngest son Asheng.

The brigade headquarters was not far away, and when she went there, Chu Zizhou had just put down the phone.

Seeing the two siblings, he asked in surprise: "What are you doing here?"

Song Yunuan said: "I'm here to call Sister Zhao."

Chu Zizhou joked: "I didn't expect you to have such a wide network of contacts."

Song Yunuan said modestly: "No, no, I just want to ask for advice."

Chu Zizhou: "You can also ask me."

Song Yunuan thought about it and really asked it out.

Chu Zizhou pondered for a while, "When I came from Beidu, there were stalls on East Street, but the money earned was hard-earned. Sometimes it was too chaotic, and people would be chased away, arrested, and fined."

Song Yunuan pondered: "In fact, there are no clear rules and regulations."

Song Yunuan started dialing the number while talking, and after a round of transfers, it finally reached the person's hand.

Zhao Li told Song Yunuan that it is currently considered a sideline business for her family, such as selling eggs and maltose, and now no one is in charge of shoulder bags and hair flowers, but they are still selling them.

But if it is selling clothes and pants, I don't know.

I have to ask the leader...

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