Electromagnetic Tyrant

Chapter 9 Birthday

July 23, 2223.

Today is Ji Xinghuo's birthday, 22 years old. As Lu Yunhai said, this may be the most important birthday in his life.

Because on this day, Ji Xinghuo will meet his biological parents.

If they are still alive.

In the afternoon, after Ji Xinghuo practiced, he waited until his physical and star power had almost recovered, then went out as usual to practice archery at the Qishan Wutong Archery Hall.

He has already signed up to participate in the "Sheye Cup", and the competition date is three days later.

In the past few days, according to the training plan formulated by Lu Yunhai, Ji Xinghuo has been practicing shooting at moving targets and random targets. He has made rapid progress and his hit rate has improved a lot.

At the end of the training, Lu Yunhai came over and said, "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you." Ji Xinghuo asked while packing his bow bag, "Are you really not coming to the birthday party tonight?"

Lu Yunhai shook his head, "No, after all, we are your family, so I will not participate in your family gathering."

"Okay. I'll treat you alone tomorrow."

Ji Xinghuo didn't force it, packed up his things and left the archery hall.

When he got home, he washed up and put on new clothes. He was fresh, clean and well-groomed.

However, he did not set off immediately. He walked to the wall, opened the glass window, and quietly looked out the window at the bustling city scenery with a complicated expression.

It was getting late, and Ji Xinghuo's figure was elongated by the setting sun, shining on the wall behind him.

Neon lights lit up outside the skyscrapers, and the maglev cars on the superconducting highway also turned on their lights, converging into a turbulent and brilliant band of light.

Ji Xinghuo came to his senses, glanced at the time, and turned around to go out.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

Ji Xinghuo arrived at the "Weiyang Building" located in the center of Chang'an. This skyscraper has a height of 1,800 meters and is one of the tallest buildings in the capital. Its shape is designed like a majestic palace towering into the clouds and is known as the Palace in the Sky. .

He took the elevator to the 228th floor, where there was a high-end restaurant called "Guxi", and he made a reservation last week.

“Welcome back to our hometown!”

Ji Xinghuo followed the slim waitress and walked in the magnificent corridor. The guests passing by were all well-dressed and quite upper-class.

He rarely comes to such a high-end place, but his mind is not on that at the moment.

Enter the box.

The wall on one side of the box is a complete transparent glass, overlooking most of Chang'an, and seeing the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the capital of the Communist Party of Asia.

Standing here is like standing on the clouds, looking down at all living things.

Ji Xinghuo didn't look much, he sat down, ordered a table of dishes, and then waited quietly.

After a while.

"Xinghuo." A tall young man opened the door and came in.

He looks handsome, with a sunny smile on his face. He is high-spirited when walking. When you get close, you can feel an unusual warmth in his body, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Second brother."

Ji Xinghuo stood up and went to greet him.

The two hugged, Zhong Ming patted his back hard, then let go, and handed over the packaging box on his hand, "This is a birthday gift for you, the latest model of 'Electron Chaser' power shoes , you can usually use it for transportation, you should like it."

"Thank you, second brother." Ji Xinghuo accepted it unceremoniously.

Zhong Ming's income is very high. For him, a pair of power shoes worth tens of thousands is just a few days' salary.

He is the most accomplished among the five brothers and sisters. He became an alien at the age of nineteen, and his professional template is "Yan Kuang".

Last year, Zhong Ming was promoted to the intermediate level at the age of 22. After graduation, he signed a contract with a club and is now working hard in the second division.

The team believes that he has the potential to enter the Super League in the future and is already quite famous.


Zhong Ming was about to sit down when he suddenly paused. He looked at Ji Xinghuo seriously and asked, "Xinghuo, have you become a stranger?"

Ji Xinghuo was about to answer when an exclamation came from outside the door.

"Third brother! Are you a stranger?"

A man and a woman walked in quickly. They were both in their early twenties, and the one who spoke was a pretty girl.

She wore a tight top that exposed her navel, a colorful patterned pleated skirt underneath, and a pair of knee-high socks. She had light makeup on her face, and her hair was dyed ocean blue and styled exquisitely. She was full of youth. Beautiful scent.

In comparison, the young man next to her looked very ordinary, thin and slovenly, with his hands in his pockets and a lazy posture, deliberately keeping his distance from her.

In fact, he kept his distance from the camera hovering next to the girl.

"Feifei, please turn off the live broadcast." Zhong Ming reminded.

"Second brother, I'm not live broadcasting, I'm just filming my own life. If I become famous in the future, I will be the material for documentaries!" Liangqiu Feiyan walked in with a bright smile, controlled the camera to fly around the room, and aimed the lens Zhong Ming and Ji Xinghuo.

Zhong Ming took a look and saw that it was indeed just filming, and shook his head helplessly.

"Third brother, do you mind?" Liangqiu Feiyan asked again.


Ji Xinghuo didn't care about this and had long been used to it.

When Liang Qiu Feiyan was eighteen years old and just came of age, she determined to be a famous anchor all over the world. She could sing, dance, play games, and perform all kinds of things, but she was not good at everything. With her outstanding appearance, she had been live broadcasting for three years. , is now a small anchor with hundreds of regular viewers.

She is live broadcasting almost all the time except when she is sleeping and going to the bathroom.

There are tens of millions of people like her who live broadcast their private lives across the country, and you can meet seven or eight of them just walking a few hundred meters on the streets of Chang'an.

Ji Xinghuo never wanted to be in the camera.

He turned on the "Portrait Protection" mode in the "Personal Network Privacy and Security" settings.

In this way, any scene in which you appear, such as live broadcasts, videos, and photos, as long as it is publicly released on the Internet, regardless of who took the photo, will automatically process your appearance and replace it with a random universal face unless authorized by you.

Of course, this is only for public image protection.

If it involves legal issues or cases, government departments have the right to retrieve data and get real information.

Liangqiu Feiyan leaned close to Ji Xinghuo affectionately. She had always been close to the third brother and asked happily: "Third brother, you haven't answered me yet! Have you become a stranger?"

"Yes." Ji Xinghuo nodded.

"When did it happen?" When Liang Qiu Feiyan learned that it was almost three weeks ago, she raised her eyebrows and snorted fiercely, "You never told me about what happened at the beginning of the month!"

Before Ji Xinghuo could explain, she asked with a smile: "Third brother, what career template did you choose?"

Zhong Ming also asked with concern.


Ji Xinghuo answered with a smile and looked at the young man who had sat down without saying a word since he entered the door, "Zizhen, what are you busy with during the summer vacation?"

"Third brother, aren't you talking nonsense..." Liangqiu Feiyan rushed to reply, "Besides playing games, what else can he do?"

As she said this, she complained, "I live with him and I don't see him two or three times a week. He even forgot your birthday today. If I hadn't dragged him out, he would still be playing games now. Everyone in the cabin is moldy!"

Liang Qiu Feiyan and Wang Zizhen entered the same university, so they rented the same house.

Both are one year younger than Ji Xinghuo and will not graduate until next year.

However, their personalities are completely opposite.

Liangqiu Feiyan is lively, cheerful, positive and very lovable; while Wang Zizhen, who is ranked last, is very introverted and has a completely flat life. When he was fifteen years old, he decided not to work in his life and did not want to become a stranger or indulge in addiction. You can't help yourself in the virtual game.

"I didn't forget, it's just that the boss of this dungeon was a bit powerful and I couldn't end it in time, so it was delayed a little bit."

Wang Zizhen defended himself and took out a packaging box.

"Third brother, this is my gift to you."


Ji Xinghuo took the gift. Although Wang Zizhen didn't say what was inside, it could be seen from his expression that he had prepared it early and was very thoughtful.

"Third brother, I also bought you a birthday gift." Liangqiu Feiyan quickly gave a gift and said with a smile: "Your mobile phone has been used for several years. I will buy you a new one. It has been very popular recently. Huo’s ‘Magic Star’ mobile phone, I specially selected the black and gold model for you, your favorite color.”

Ji Xinghuo was moved, "Thank you Feifei for letting you spend money."

"Last week, a 'little capitalist' came to my live broadcast room. He was very generous and gave me tens of thousands, just in time to buy a mobile phone for my third brother, hahaha..." Liang Qiu Feiyan looked proud.

Ji Xinghuo and Zhong Ming looked at each other, a trace of worry flashing in their eyes.

Zhong Ming said seriously: "Feifei, you must protect your information during the live broadcast, and tell us if there is any situation."

"I know!"

Liang Qiu Feiyan's face showed a sly expression, "I'm not a child. I know exactly what the wealthy people who give money in the live broadcast room have in mind. I want to be a big star in the future, so I have to avoid serious love. Why? Maybe you mess around with others just for this little money?"

Ji Xinghuo felt a little more relieved, nodded and said, "As long as you feel confident."

The four of them sat around and chatted.

Today is Ji Xinghuo's birthday, so of course he is the center of attention.

Zhong Ming asked strangely: "Xinghuo, wasn't your previous target always the 'TiCobalt Dragonite'? Why did you choose the Ranger?"

Liang Qiu Feiyan and Wang Zizhen were also curious.

"The competition among the titanium cobalt dragons is too fierce. It will take at least two more years of training to be even half sure, but I really can't wait." Ji Xinghuo had thought of his words before he came, "And I have been practicing archery with my classmates recently. , found that he was very talented in archery and was very suitable for the ranger."

His words were 70% true and 30% false, and the order of cause and effect was also reversed.

The three siblings had no doubts.

"What a pity!"

Zhong Ming couldn't help but shook his head and said regretfully: "You are more talented than me. If you become a titanium cobalt dragon, you will really soar into the sky."

He and Ji Xinghuo grew up together, aspired together, trained together, and understood each other's situations very well.

Ji Xinghuo's talent is definitely the highest in the family!

Among the five brothers and sisters, only Ji Xinghuo can be called a true genius.

Although Zhong Ming has the highest achievements and the strongest strength now, he knows very well that Ji Xinghuo became a foreigner in the later years in order to accumulate more experience and will definitely surpass himself in the future. I just didn't expect that Ji Xinghuo fell short and failed to hold on in the last two years.

The gap between rangers and titanium cobalt dragons is really huge!

Zhong Ming only had regrets in his heart and felt sorry for Ji Xinghuo, but he didn't show it on his face. After all, this was Ji Xinghuo's own choice.


Liang Qiu Feiyan and Wang Zizhen also looked regretful.

Both of them have average natural talents and willpower. They cannot endure the hardships of exercise. Their physical fitness is average and they cannot pass the test of the Astral Ministry. The probability of becoming an alien is extremely low.

There was silence in the box for a moment.

"Why hasn't eldest sister arrived yet?" Ji Xinghuo changed the subject and looked at the time. It was already half past seven.

There are five brothers and sisters, the oldest Ye Dongyun is the eldest sister.

She graduated two years ago. After her alien fusion failed, she gave up the alien path and entered a government department to become a civil servant. Now I am so busy every day that I seldom talk even in the group. I only appear occasionally to forward some government news.

"Eldest sister recently participated in some key project. It is said that if you do well, you may be promoted."

Liangqiu Feiyan's eldest sister was the one she was most attached to since she was a child, and she had more personal contact with her.

"I'm coming!"

The voice arrived before anyone arrived.

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman dressed exquisitely and smartly opened the door and came in.

She was holding a briefcase and a gift box in her hands. The moment she entered the door, her original solemn expression immediately turned into a warm smile.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting."

"I had something to do in the afternoon and went on a business trip to Tianfu City. I rushed back as soon as I finished, so I was delayed for half an hour." Ye Dongyun explained with a smile on her face and presented the gift in her hand, "Third brother, I wish you the best. Happy birthday to you!”

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