Elemental Archer

Chapter 306 Rewards from the Temple of War God

"The task shows that it can be submitted." Feng Oath heaved a sigh of relief.

The only regret is that after the death of the knight leader, apart from the quest items, no other valuable things were dropped.

In this regard, the wind oath doesn't care, what he wants is not the equipment, but the guild points given by the mission.

"Go back to the city!" Feng Oath waved his hand.

And as the words of the wind oath fell, the surrounding lights fluctuated, and the players used the city return scrolls one after another to return to Dallas.

System: Congratulations on completing the mission "The Lost Glory".

System: Congratulations, you have obtained 400,000 experience points and 13,000 reputation points.

System: Congratulations on obtaining 500 guild contribution points.

System: Congratulations on your upgrade to level 37.

Lin Ye took a deep breath. This task actually directly gave more than 10,000 reputation points. Of course, this is also due to Lin Ye's special equipment, which can increase the speed of gaining reputation points.

In addition to the amount of fame points gained during the mission, Lin Ye's reputation is already close to 20,000 points.

Lin Ye was a little excited in his heart, and he didn't know whether these fame points could trigger the final reward of the Temple of War.

"This time there will be two more." Feng Oath thanked Lin Ye and Lao Huang with a smile.

"I'm just here to collect mission experience, you don't need to thank me." Lao Huang shook his head.

Lao Huang's level has just reached level 30, and during the mission, basically the whole process is soy sauce.

"If it wasn't for you, I could have invited Little Brother Mingyueye?" Feng Oath said with a smile.

The relationship between Lin Ye and Lao Huang, Feng Oath is very clear, the two of them should be friends in reality.

"Don't leave the guild in a hurry, go back to the station with me first, the task reward just now, you should have got the guild contribution value?" Feng Oath asked.

Both Lin Ye and Lao Huang nodded. They were very unfamiliar with the guild contribution value.

"Any guild member can have guild contribution points. This thing is equivalent to a currency, but it can only be used within the guild."

"As for the purpose, you can exchange various things in the hands of the NPC in the guild resident, such as materials, gems, and even equipment, etc. Of course, the more high-end things, the more contribution value you need."

Hearing Feng's oath's explanation, Lin Ye suddenly realized.

"The construction level of our guild is only about two levels, but after the completion of this task, in a few days, it should be able to reach level three construction level. The items that can be exchanged include various primary ores and herbs, red and blue potions, various types of Elementary blueprints and so on." Feng Oath continued.

"So many!" Lin Ye was shocked.

Even, Lin Ye can foresee that when the so-called construction of the guild is higher, the level and types of exchanged items will also increase accordingly.

At that time, lone players will no longer have any advantage.

"These are low-level items with average value. Therefore, they can be exchanged directly with guild contribution points. For advanced items that appear later, contribution values ​​alone are not enough, and expensive gold coins are also required."

Following the wind oath, several people came all the way to the residence of the Tianxing Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Ye nodded silently after listening to Feng's oath.

Even so, the advantages of the guild will be infinitely expanded.

Even Lin Ye felt that some high-level rare blueprints or special items could only be produced by guilds.

For example, the design drawings of large ships necessary for going to sea, and so on.

Old Huang on the side was also lost in thought.

"This is the NPC for exchanging items." Feng Oath pointed to the system figure in front of him.

Lin Ye stepped forward, talked with him, and opened the exchange window.

The items in it are at a glance, although these are only rudimentary, and the value is not high today.

"There are even formulas for primary healing potions!" Lin Ye looked at a blueprint in the exchange window.

This means that with the development of the guild, even the top blueprints will appear in the future. Although the difficulty of exchange is not easy, it is still relatively simple compared to relying on face in the wild. They are all dog supports, and drawings can be printed casually.

In the end, Lin Ye and Lao Huang exchanged a few primary gems and used up their contribution points.

Without accepting the task bounty from the Wind Oath, Lin Ye couldn't wait to enter the Temple of War God after leaving the guild's residence.

Entering the Temple of War God again, Lin Ye knelt down in Yucheng and donated all his fame points.

System: You donated 10,000 fame points to the Temple of War.

System: You donated 5,000 fame points to the Temple of War God.

System: You donated 3,000 fame points to the Temple of War God.

A total of 18,000 points of fame, which is already all of Lin Ye's reputation.

Suddenly, in the Temple of War God, several giant golden statues emitted a dazzling light.

"Your city of Yu has been approved by the Temple of War God!"

Above the main hall, a line of golden writing appeared.

Lin Ye's heart moved. It seemed that the fame value of this donation should have triggered related events in the Temple of War.

These golden handwriting turned into a touch of golden light, which sprinkled from the sky and enveloped Lin Ye.

System: Congratulations, you have received the blessing of the Temple of War, your basic attributes have been permanently increased by 100 points.

System: Since you have donated more than 30,000 Fame Points to the Temple of War, you have been awarded the title [Guardian].


Strength +50

Intelligence +50

Dexterity +50

HP +500

Wearing effect: Your attacks have a certain chance to be blessed by God of War.

Wearing requirements: None.

Lin Ye was visibly excited when he saw the word "the only one".

"This... the blessing of the God of War?" However, the attribute of the title made Lin Ye somewhat suspicious, whether this thing has a specific effect, and what is the effect of the blessing!

Full server announcement: Congratulations to the player "Mingyue Ye" for being recognized by the Temple of War God and blessed by the God of War. The system rewards the player with a permanent increase of 100 basic attribute points.

Full server announcement: Congratulations to the player "Mingyue Ye" for being recognized by the Temple of War God and blessed by the God of War. The system rewards the player with a permanent increase of 100 basic attribute points.


"It actually triggered the full server announcement." Lin Ye rested his chin, it seems that this secret can't be hidden, but fortunately, the only title has been taken away by him.

Moreover, since there was a full server announcement, it also showed that the 100-point permanent basic attribute was a reward open to all players.

"What? One hundred points of permanent basic attributes, I'll wipe it, this is too awesome!"

"What the hell is this? I only add about a hundred main attributes to a high-level copper-nickel weapon. Now, all the basic attributes are increased by one hundred points. Is this against the sky?"

"The Temple of War God? I remember I have been there too!"

The moment the server-wide announcement sounded, all players in the game were shocked.

After all, this is a 100-point increase in all basic attributes, and it is permanent.

At this moment, several of Lin Ye's friends also sent messages asking what was going on.

Lin Ye's name became a sensation in the game again!

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