Elemental Archer

Chapter 35: The Skull Cavern

Needless to say, as soon as Lin Ye appeared at the gate of Harlem Town, he was seen by the guards in the town and arrested.

Lin Ye didn't resist and let the guards take him away.

In a town of Harlem's size, the guards were at level 30. Once Lin Ye resisted, one could imagine what would happen.

Lin Ye was taken to the prison in Harlem Town and imprisoned.

Here, if you want to go out, there are only two ways, either donate your reputation points, or wait a few days for the evil points to be automatically eliminated.

"I want to donate fame." Lin Ye said to the guard at the door.

Lin Ye has a total of eight crime points and needs eighty points of fame.

System: Fame point donation is successful, your crime point has been eliminated.

A point of crime needs to cost ten points of reputation, which makes Lin Ye feel a little heartbroken. Fame points are hard-won. You need to kill high-level bosses or complete difficult tasks to get them. Only a little over a hundred.

After getting out of the prison smoothly, Lin Ye repaired the equipment first, then began to organize the packages, sold some useless items to the grocer, and put some materials and equipment that players could use into his personal warehouse.

In the personal warehouse, there are more than a dozen pieces of bronze equipment, most of which are dropped by killing people. No wonder in the game, some things often happen in the game. Compared with killing monsters, this way of equipment is really fast.

Of course, there were also many players who lost their hands and were blasted back. As the saying goes, there is no way to keep your shoes wet when you stand by the river. This is the truth.

Naturally, Lin Ye would not do such things that harm others and benefit himself, but if someone acts too domineeringly and bullies him, Lin Ye can only fight back.

Lin Ye is a solo player. Even if he offends a certain powerful force, the big deal is to change the city. The game is so big that no studio can cover the sky with one hand.

Ready, Lin Ye walked out of Harlem Town. There are still three days left, and he has to hurry up to upgrade his level. A lord at level 22 cannot be killed casually.

At this time, in the other direction of Harlem Town, a group of people gathered together, seemingly discussing something.

These people are obviously the players who were killed by Lin Ye before.

They all shrugged their heads and lowered their heads to explain.

"Boss, that person is a master." One of the thieves players said tremblingly.

"Experts? You are all from Jiuyao Studio, who among you is not an expert?" the leader of the Rangers scolded.

"That...that guy is a professional player." The thief defended again.

"Fart! If you didn't underestimate the enemy, how could this ambush fail."

The players below were suddenly afraid to speak.

"Boss, give us another chance." Another druid gritted his teeth, he was really aggrieved, and wanted to get back this place.

"You guys? Hmph, forget it, I will find someone else to handle this matter. In addition, each of you will deduct 100 studio contribution points." The leader said in a cold voice.

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of the people below changed. Deduction of contribution points means deduction of wages.

However, they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Boy, you really pissed me off." After the leader of the Ranger finished speaking, his eyes were full of murderous intent. He no longer cared about the copper-ranked weapon. His purpose was to kill Lin Ye.


Lin Ye, who was out of Harlem Town, was considering whether to continue to kill the dark wizard. At this time, the communicator rang.

"Let's upgrade together?" was the voice sent by Bloody Mountain and River to Lin Ye.

"Okay." Lin Ye replied, almost without thinking. He didn't expect this fierce man who doesn't talk much to invite himself to upgrade.

Lin Ye knows the strength of the blood-stained mountains and rivers. If he can form a team with him,

The efficiency of the upgrade can definitely be doubled.

Soon, Bloody Mountains and Rivers sent Lin Ye the map coordinates.

Lin Ye switched directions according to the coordinates and kept moving forward.

This map is a bit remote and inaccessible. Without coordinates, Lin Ye might not be able to find it.

Going around the dense forest, Lin Ye saw a stone cave. At the entrance of the cave, stood a tall barbarian berserker holding a huge axe. It was the blood-stained mountain and river.

When Xueran Shanhe saw Lin Ye, he said, "I can't handle it alone, let's go together."

Lin Ye guessed that in this way, the monsters here must not be weak.

The two formed a team, led by Xueran Shanhe, and entered the cave.

System: You entered the Skull Cavern.

There was a smell of rotten corpses blowing head-on, it was very unpleasant, and there were a large group of skeleton monsters wandering in the cave.

Under the holographic simulation, the appearance of these skeleton monsters is very real, with carrion on their bodies, and two ghost fires flickering in their empty eyes.

Skeleton soldier, level 20, blood volume 1800 points.

"I took a mission to kill the skeleton commander here. Later, I found out that this place is very suitable for leveling, but my damage alone is not enough, and it is very troublesome to deal with it. If you are here, the two group damage skills should be useless." Problem." Bloody Mountains and Rivers said.

Lin Ye is his first game friend. After the last cooperation, they have a good impression of each other, and they will not argue over equipment. Otherwise, Bloody Mountains and Rivers would not invite others to upgrade together.

Lin Ye nodded, but was secretly shocked in his heart. This guy is indeed a fierce man. He dared to single out the skeleton commander here. This skeleton commander is at least the monster of the golden elite.

"You take this food." Lin Ye took out some crocodile stew from his backpack and traded it to Xueshen Shanhe.

"Food with additional attributes?" Xueyan Shanhe was slightly surprised, then sat down and ate the food without hesitation.

The crocodile stew has a ten-minute buff time. In the early days, these attributes are quite a big improvement for players.

Bloody Mountains and Rivers rushed towards the group of skeleton monsters immediately after eating the food.

Alone, he recruited a dozen skeleton monsters, and then tore off a speed scroll. The blood-stained mountains and rivers kept moving, interspersed in the blind spots of the skeleton monsters' attack.

The movement speed of these skeleton monsters is not fast, and they closely follow behind the blood-stained mountains and rivers.

Seeing that the monsters were almost gathered, Lin Ye shot an arrow.

The more targets there are, the more terrifying the damage of the thunderstorm arrow will be. When the arrow goes down, a large group of skeleton monsters are immediately paralyzed by the electric current, and they stay in place numbly, and a large amount of magic damage emerges from the skull monster's head.

Seeing this, Xueran Shanhe waved the ax in his hand, slashed several times, and hit the skeleton monster.

Bloody Mountains and Rivers didn't activate Whirlwind immediately, but used a few skills before starting Whirlwind.

Every time a Berserker attacks, he can accumulate blood energy, consume blood energy, and increase the power of his skills.

At this time, Xueran Shanhe consumed all of Ji Zan's full blood energy, and the power of the whirlwind increased suddenly, continuously harvesting the health of the skeleton monster.

Lin Ye's thunderstorm arrow has a follow-up deceleration effect. The slow-moving skeleton monster is even slower than a turtle crawling, and it cannot attack the exquisitely positioned blood-stained mountains and rivers.

Under the consumption of the dual skills of Thunderstorm Arrow and Whirlwind, the group of skeleton monsters fell to the ground one by one.

Lin Ye found that his experience value had increased rapidly.

This speed of spawning monsters is too terrifying.

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