Elemental Archer

Chapter 430 Guild War

The first task now is to quickly obtain guild points and then upgrade the level.

The two-level guild medal can increase the user's attributes by 60 points, and the speed of gaining experience points by 5%.

5% of the experience value gain[ ] is very useful for players, and this effect can be superimposed with the ring of the sea wolf, and the upgrade speed can be accelerated a lot.

"Why don't we start a guild battle? I heard that once you get down, you can add a lot of guild contribution points, and the first win will be even more. In less than a week, we will be able to reach the second level of guild." Li Huo said.

Guild battles are also part of this update.

As the name suggests, this is a battle between two guilds.

"Look at our guild's residence. The poor don't even have an arrow tower. Are you too confident to fight guild battles?" Lin Ye rolled his eyes at Lihuo.

Guild battles are not just about players on both sides rushing to each other, the defensive facilities and levels of the guild's resident are the top priority.

"It doesn't matter, even if you lose, you still have to contribute points." Said that there must be a corpse in every virtue.

Regarding guild wars, there must be a dead man who knows more than Lin Ye. After all, he has many friends who are thugs in the guild.

"In this case, if everyone has no objections, let's go." Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye's current plan is to quickly upgrade the guild to two levels, and then get the attributes.

At this time, the system prompts that Qianyu is online.

"It just so happens that the weakest member of our team has come online." Lin Ye said.

Qianyu is still in the city of Dallas now, and it will take several hours to reach Luoxia City.

"Then let's wait for Sister Qianyu first, and Yun Duo and I will go buy some herbs first, and then make some potions to prepare for the guild battle." Susu said.

"Okay, if you don't have enough money, you can just come to me...to get it from Luan Hua." Lin Ye said.

Now, Lin Ye has no money on him.

After hearing this, Hua Hua's charming eyes immediately rolled their eyes at Lin Ye.

Seeing this, Lao Huang smiled, and went forward to trade 30,000 gold coins to Susu.

"You don't need to give me money, I have enough." Susu didn't answer, and left with Yun Duo'er.

Lao Huang had no choice but to deposit the gold coins in the guild warehouse, and also stored some big meals and food in it by the way.

"After a few days, I will give you the gold coins." Lin Ye said to Lao Huang.

"It's okay, the gold coins are earned in the game anyway, don't be polite to me, if you are too outsider, I will be embarrassed to stay in the guild." Lao Huang shook his head.

The actions of Susu and Lao Huang made the people around them unconsciously ashamed.

Afterwards, You De Bi You Shi took the lead in depositing 5,000 gold coins in the guild warehouse, followed by Li Huo depositing 2,000 gold coins, and Bloody Mountains and Rivers depositing 6,000 gold coins.

Other teammates also deposited a lot of gold coins one after another.

It is true that the main purpose of creating a guild is for the additional attributes of the medal, but no matter what, everyone is now a group and should contribute their own strength.

Lin Ye looked at the gold coins in the guild warehouse, pondered for a while, and set the withdrawal authority to only the president and vice president.

"Let Susu manage the finances. If you want to spend money, ask Susu to apply."

"Besides, the frost under the moon and the wind under the moon,

You go to apply to Susu, take out some gold coins to exchange for equipment, at least ensure that each position is of cupronickel grade. " Lin Ye said.

Yuexiashuang and Yuexiafeng had given all their resources to Yuexiaying in order to help get the full server records. As a result, until now, they were still wearing bronze suits, only a few white copper suits.

"Thank you everyone. We will definitely contribute more to the guild in the future. Remember this money first, and we will definitely make up for it."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Yuexiashuang and Yuexiafeng were immediately grateful.

"Then everyone is free to move around first, and when everyone is ready, I will call you on the guild channel, and then start a guild battle."

As a result, everyone disbanded one after another.

Lin Ye took out 10,000 gold coins from the guild warehouse, went to the trading market to buy a lot of engineering materials, and then refined some engineering products, such as iron grenades.

Later, Lin Ye bought a lot of mutated fish and made a batch of delicious wind snakes.

Until all the gold coins are consumed.

I don't know if these things can be used in guild battles, but it's always good to be prepared.

After a few hours, the guild warehouse was finally not empty. In addition to the engineering products and delicious wind snakes deposited by Lin Ye, there were also all kinds of food stored by Lao Huang, and the potions and medicines refined by Susu.

Not long after, Qianyu rushed to Luoxia City.

System: Player "Qianyu" has joined the guild.

Lin Ye pulled Qianyu into the guild, and then started gathering on the guild channel.

When everyone gathered in the guild hall, Lin Ye would start the guild battle.

There are several scales of guild battles, and the smallest scale is also a 40-player mode.

You know, even a first-level guild can accommodate two hundred people.

Lin Ye chose the smallest guild battle, and then began to sign up and line up.

Since the guild medals have attribute bonuses, the number of players who create guilds has soared.

The queuing time is not long, about ten minutes, and the opponent has already been matched.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I killed anyone, my hands are itchy." Li Huo pinched his knuckles.

It doesn't matter if you can win the guild battle, as long as you can kill people.

After entering the guild battlefield, Lin Ye appeared at his guild's resident.

The resident is very simple, except for a guild statue and a warehouse, there are no facilities.

About 300 yards away from the garrison is the resident of the opponent's guild. On the other hand, their garrison not only has complete facilities, but also an arrow tower, and there is a thick fence around the garrison.

At this time, there are restricted fields on the periphery of the two sides' garrisons, which cannot be passed through. After about two minutes, the fields disappeared and the battle began.

The judging of winning or losing a guild battle is not simply killing people, but completely destroying the opponent's guild resident. When the guild statue is damaged, the game is over.

"Haha, this is luck, the opposite station is empty, and there are only fourteen people, it must be the newly created guild." A warrior player stood on the top of the arrow tower, looking into the distance.

"Damn it, I was tortured a lot, so let's get angry, everyone, don't push them, put them in the cemetery, kill them for half an hour and then hit the statue." The commander of the team said.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the opponent rushed out almost at the end of the restricted field.

Each of them had excitement on their faces.


Everyone rushed forward, just because they were afraid of being one step too late and not getting the head.

But then, they discovered that things were not as simple as they imagined.

Susu predicted the opponent's advance position and cast a blizzard.

Qianyu was still very confident, flashing into the crowd, and after throwing away his skills, his body was frozen in extreme cold.

Li Huo's damage was even more outrageous. With his composure, his attack was a killer move, killing the enemy's healer in an instant.

Lin Ye and Liu Yu shot two arrows at the same time and hit one person at the same time. They were professional in armor and would die if touched.

The blood-stained mountains and rivers descended from the gods, sweeping thousands of troops, with unparalleled combat power.

The opponent was stunned, and they fought head-on, but it was a disastrous defeat.

On Lin Ye's side, only the blood stained mountains and rivers and a few melee players died once. On the other hand, the opponent was defeated almost instantly.

After hanging up, you can only be resurrected at the guild station. The first time you die, the resurrection time is 20 seconds, and the second time is 40 seconds. After that, it will continue to stack up to the upper limit of 120 seconds.

The president of that guild was completely stunned. Forty people were beaten to pieces by fourteen people. Did you make a mistake?

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