Elemental Archer

Chapter 450 Players Gather

This is the end of the weapon distribution.

"If it's money, I'll get it together as soon as possible," said Casting Swords into Plows.

Although the price of this weapon is only half of the market price if it is taken by oneself, it is an epic-grade weapon after all, and even if it is half, the price is not low.

At the moment, everyone gathered together. Due to hanging once, the durability lost a lot. Lin Ye hung more times, and the armor on his body began to break.

So, Lin Ye summoned the goblin repair robot.

"Everyone, repair your equipment." Lin Ye said.

"It's so convenient to have this thing." Youde must have a corpse with a smile.

If there is no goblin to repair the robot, you must return to the town now, otherwise, if you die one or two times, you will basically bid farewell to the adventure.

Just as Lin Ye and the others finished repairing the equipment, there was a sound behind them, as if a player had come.

According to visual inspection, there are dozens of people. From the looks of it, their strength should be good. The equipment on their bodies is very eye-catching, and their steps are also orderly. They may be players in the guild's fixed group.

Lin Ye saw them, and the other party naturally noticed Lin Ye and his party.

However, because Lin Ye and the others ate delicious wind snakes, they were all in a transformed state, either as human sailors or black-clothed thieves.

"Someone came before us." Looking at Lin Ye and the others, someone said in amazement.

"What's so strange about that? I saw that damn thief selling treasure maps in the city just now. There will be more people after a while." The other person was very indifferent.

The leading swordsman players looked at Lin Ye's team without any worries, but they were very surprised to see their appearance.

If it is not bad, it should be a kind of transformation food called Delicious Wind Snake. He has been fortunate to have seen it several times in the trading house.

There was no conflict between the two sides, they just looked at each other a few times.

These guilds are fixed groups, and they are not in a hurry to enter the underground palace, as if they are waiting for something.

And Lin Ye and the others just sat down, lit a bonfire, and roasted food. They also brought a lot of mellow high-grade ale in the blood-stained backpack, which was very delicious with barbecue.

Anyway, all the treasures that should be taken have been taken, and the rest can only wait for the arrival of the large army of players to break through the palace.

"Boss, what are the origins of these men in black? Also, they won't take the treasure chest and the sword inside, right?" someone asked.

The one called the boss is the leading swordsman. He is well equipped and has already turned two.

Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said, "You think too much, if a dozen people can take away the purple treasure chest and the sword, then we are nothing."

"That's right, even though they are all rank two players, they don't have that strength." Another person echoed.

Obviously, they were the first group to enter the lizard man's palace, and they had experienced the methods of monsters.

As the first batch of players, although they paid a lot, they also gained a lot, but they couldn't let go of the purple treasure chest and the sword on the stone platform for a long time.

Especially the sword, obviously extraordinary, the lowest level is also copper grade, maybe it is an epic grade weapon.

"We don't need the purple treasure chest. We can even announce it. It would be best to cause confusion.

But that sword, we must get it, no matter what the cost. "The leader gave the order to die.

"Don't worry, boss, our stealth team has been arranged. When the time comes, we just need to enter the hall and lure those lizardmen away. We will rush up immediately. That sword will be ours sooner or later." The thief next to him , all eyes open.

They are discussing how to snatch the treasure and make a battle plan.

On Lin Ye's side, what was being discussed was delicious food.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if you get nothing afterwards, everyone will be satisfied, so you will not be too attached to the remaining treasures, and if you can get the best, it’s okay if you don’t get it.

"Uncle, your craftsmanship is really getting better and better." Yun Duo'er gnawed on a deer leg that was roasted until it was golden, and praised.

The white rabbit on the side kept nodding. To be honest, it was the first time for her to eat the special food made by Lao Huang, which was more delicious than any food sold in any tavern.

The girls ate a lot regardless of their image, even if it was Qianyu, they ate several portions of food in a row.

Lin Ye and a few other boys drank a bag of high-grade ale each to their heart's content.

About half an hour later, another team came and got together with the previous team, apparently knowing each other.

After that, many people came one after another.

Among them, there are many individual players and small teams.

After only about two hours, the entire vicinity was already filled with players, hundreds of them.

It's just that I haven't seen many acquaintances, and these players should all be near Mojache City.

"Many people, like us, have eaten delicious wind snakes." Youde must have a corpse looking at the nearby players.

Lin Ye wasn't surprised, this was his method in the first place.

Long before coming here, Lin Ye cooked a large batch of delicious wind snakes, except for the part eaten by his own people, Lin Ye threw the rest at the trading house.

Delicious Wind Snake is the only one in this family, not to mention attributes, just the ability to transform can be a big seller.

Lin Ye's original intention was to let a large number of delicious wind snakes flow into the market, and now it seems that it has achieved results.

Many people have maintained the transformation effect of the delicious wind snake, so Lin Ye and the others will not attract too much attention.

Otherwise, in the entire game, only Lin Ye's team is in the transformation state of the delicious wind snake, which is too eye-catching, especially conspicuous. In this case, it is not a good thing to be eye-catching.

If there are too many people, you don't know who is who, and it is much more convenient to do things. It is really a must-have for house robbery and home travel.

"Wow, it really is an underground treasure, and it didn't trap us." Someone exclaimed.

Many individual players, or small group players, couldn't bear it any longer, and prepared to go deep into the crypt to find out.

However, they also knew that this kind of place was extremely dangerous, so no one took the first step.

After a while, several people finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked into the underground palace first.

After someone took the lead, the players finally rushed to enter.

"These people are really cheap, I clearly saw that they were still standing in the guild group just now." Youde must have a corpse looking at the few people who took the lead.

Obviously, these people belonged to a certain studio, deliberately took the lead, first introduced a group of players to take the lead, and used them as cannon fodder.

It wasn't until nearly half of the players entered the underground palace that the guild teams got up.

These people are all old fritters, and they will never lead the way to death.

"Let's go too." Lin Ye stood up, they were the last batch of players to enter the underground palace.

Inside the underground palace.

Except for a few unlucky ghosts who were triggered by seconds, nothing happened for the time being.

"This...that purple treasure chest was taken away, how is it possible!" A swordsman player looked at the empty stone house with a dull gaze, where there was originally a purple treasure chest.

Now, the treasure chest is gone, and the agency has also stopped, obviously it was taken by someone.

He suddenly remembered the small team he met before, so the purple treasure box must have been taken away by them.

Because apart from them, no other team has been here.

For a moment, the swordsman's mood was extremely complicated.

"Boss, it's not good. In the hall, the sword on the stone platform is missing." Someone reported in the team channel.

Hearing this sentence, the swordsman's eyes widened immediately, and he cursed angrily: "How are you doing, even a stealth team can't grab it, are you idiots?"

"That's not the case. When we came in, the stone platform was already empty, and the sword had already been taken away." The people below explained.

"President, it's true. If the people here took it away, those lizardmen would definitely lock him. But the fact is that this didn't happen at all, which is enough to show that it wasn't taken by the players who came in now." said another thief.

Hearing this, the swordsman suddenly became ashamed, he was really not as good as God.

"How could this be?" The treasure chest was gone, and the weapons were gone, he couldn't figure it out.

"It's definitely them!" The swordsman's eyes suddenly brightened. Before that, only Lin Ye's team had been here, and they must have taken away the treasure chest and weapons.

Although this statement was absurd, the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

"I don't care who you are, you will die today."

He was furious and secretly murdered.

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