Elemental Archer

Chapter 535: Atlantis Island

Lin Ye couldn't help but increase his appetite.

The golden shad king is indeed the rarest existence in the game, it is so delicious.

In the team, everyone has a copy.

After eating, it can permanently increase the basic attribute value by 100 points.

Beside Lin Ye, Naixin was also enjoying the delicious golden shad king.

The effect of improving attributes is still valid for pets.

After this incident, the nearby players seem to be more enthusiastic about fishing. If they are lucky enough to encounter rare species, they will make a fortune.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing obviously won't happen again.

Not to mention whether there are rare species, even if there are, they cannot be caught based on their fishing level.

The players participating in the dragon treasure are almost all combat professionals, and there are very few life professional masters.

Lin Ye was an exception after all.

Throughout the night, there was no attack by monsters, and the team did not set off again until the sky became brighter.

About halfway to the destination.

On the way, of course, it cannot be smooth sailing.

After all, Endless Sea is a high-level adventure map. It is not uncommon to encounter attacks, and casualties occur from time to time.

Even encountered monsters that were more powerful than the previous lords.

This level of monsters cannot be dealt with by current players.

Fortunately, the speed of the ship was very fast, and it was dangerously avoided.

Of course, many monsters died in the hands of players.

After all, there are more than a thousand players here, and with the defensive devices, the combat effectiveness is still very strong.


Dragon Island, displayed on the map as "Oatlantis Island."

This is the real name of the island.

Because there are traces of dragons here,

This is how it became known as Giant Dragon Island.

This is an ancient island with countless treasures, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Seeing this, the nearby players were not very calm, and their eyes changed.

When there is no conflict of interest, they can be friends and talk freely with each other.

But once there are interests, the relationship between each other becomes very delicate.

When the ship docked, the players couldn't stand it anymore and rushed to the island, wanting to snatch the treasure of the dragon as soon as possible.

At the entrance of Atlantis Island, there are a lot of wandering monsters.

These are not dragons, but ghosts in armor.

"They were all former dragon slaying warriors. Many of them did not hesitate to slay dragons for fame and treasure, but in the end they were buried here." Ye Ying Suifeng explained.

These armored ghosts are extremely powerful, reaching level 70, and their offense and defense are not weak. Although they are not elite monsters, they are not too bad.

Just after the fight, many players died.

Most players are at level 60, and the difference between level 10 is that unless the equipment is extremely powerful, most skills cannot break through the defense.

"I've looked carefully. The monsters here are very densely distributed. How did you get in?" Lin Ye asked.

A monster with such a high level, even if it is stealth, will be seen through immediately, and it is impossible to sneak in by stealth.

Ye Ying smiled with the wind and said, "I have my own plan."

Seeing this, Lin Ye rolled his eyes at him.

Lin Ye and the others were not in a hurry to fight. Too many people rushed to do this kind of thing.

Although the strength of the humanoid ghost is strong, it cannot withstand the concentrated fire of so many players.

After a while, these monsters died.

The monster's drop is very rich, in addition to a large number of gold coins, there are also many gem fragments.

This usually seems to be a treasured thing, but it can be seen everywhere here, which is enough to show that the treasure of the dragon is rich.

The area of ​​Atlantis Island is huge, much larger than many mid-level cities.

As a result, the players quickly separated and fought alone.

This is unavoidable, after all, it involves interests and cannot be monolithic.

At first, Lin Ye was invited by the Galaxy Guild and the Hanmeng Guild, but after careful consideration, Lin Ye chose to decline.

This is not because of Lin Ye's envy, but, sometimes, it's not that the more people, the better.

What's more, Lin Ye's team is not weak at all, and they have Ye Ying Sui Feng as their guide.

Even though the relationship between Lin Ye and the two guilds is not bad, when it comes to huge interests, it will still become very delicate.

Instead, there is no need to form a team.

"Actually, not all monsters on the island are giant dragons. There may only be one or two real giant dragons." Ye Ying explained with the wind.

Lin Ye nodded. If the entire island was full of giant dragons, how could they be opponents with just a thousand players.

Don't forget, the minimum level of monsters here is above level 65, which is very difficult for many players.

"You should hurry up and lead the way!" Li Huo shouted.

Ye Ying rolled his eyes at Suifeng, and said, "You don't really think that just a few of us can get the legendary weapon, do you?"

"What we have to do now is to search for scattered treasures as much as possible. The final ultimate treasure must gather the strength of all players to obtain it."

Li Huo looked at Ye Ying Sui Feng and said, "If this is the case, our chances may not be great."

Along the way, Li Huo has seen the strength of many people.

It has to be said that the core players of some super guilds are really strong.

Furthermore, there are some rich players who are equipped with luxurious equipment, and the most important thing is that their skills are not weak at all.

These people are all strong competitors.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan." Ye Ying Suifeng's eyes were bright, and he did not retreat because of these opponents.

Most of the islands of Atlantis are dominated by low shrubs without too many tall trees.

The nearby terrain is more complex and belongs to mountainous terrain.

Fighting in this environment has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that there are many obstacles and the terrain is undulating. If you use them, you can achieve card position killing.

The disadvantage is that if there are too many monsters, they will put themselves in danger.

Not long after, Lin Ye encountered a monster.

A tall, scaly creature, half-dragon, half-human.

"This is a dragon man, very powerful." Ye Ying Suifeng looked solemn.

The dragon man is actually a creature transformed from a human. It was originally a servant of a giant dragon. After being empowered by a giant dragon, it became a half-dragon and half-dragon creature.

This dragon elite has reached level 68, and there are dozens of ordinary dragons behind it.

Although it is ordinary, the dragon man's combat ability is very strong, both in attack and defense, much stronger than ordinary monsters.

"Qianyu and Su Sumeizi are responsible for keeping those ordinary dragonmen at bay. The others focus on the elite monsters. Don't hold back. Everyone pay attention to using the resistance potion in advance." You De Bi You Shi took a look at the monsters and quickly made a decision.

Although these dragonmen are all of the melee type, but because they are empowered by the giant dragon, there is a thin layer of dragon blood in their bodies, so even their melee attacks will have some magical damage.

Even, some dragon people also mastered the breath of fire, which caused terrible damage.

On the field, where there is virtue, there must be corpses and Zhu Jianwei Li shouted angrily, blocking the movement of the dragon elite.

At the same time, the sky above the monster was filled with ice and snow.

The deceleration effect of the blizzard was very obvious, and for a while, the dragonman's movement speed dropped sharply.

Except for the hatred of the dragon elites who focus on virtue, there must be corpses and Forge Swords into Plows, the hatred of the rest of the dragon people is concentrated on Qian Yu and Susu.

The profession of ice mage is also very suitable for kiting. As long as it can deal damage and add deceleration, no matter how strong the monster is, it is difficult to pose a threat to ice mage in a short time.

Facing the concentrated fire of the crowd, the dragon elite couldn't bear it.

Although it is very powerful, its blood volume is quickly emptied in the face of more than a dozen top players.

Once the elite monster dies, the rest of the dragon people will no longer be able to achieve anything.

Qianyu held the Soul Devouring Staff, combined with the Lover's Ring, and Blizzard's multi-stage attack characteristics, the damage was too high.

By herself, she actually knocked out half of the Dragonman's blood volume, which was so exaggerated that it stunned all the teammates.

At this moment, if they were hit by teammates again, all the dragonmen in this team would have been turned into corpses.

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