Elemental Archer

Chapter 542 Epic Skill: Shadow Dance Step

Caides is a boss monster, so it is not difficult for Lin Ye and the others to deal with it.

You must know that Lin Ye's team has not lost the buff attribute, and still maintains the "roar of the ancient iron spine dragon".

Therefore, the combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

A defense class is also the nemesis of thieves. As long as monsters cannot be killed in one blow, there will always be corpses and swords into plows, then they can only be gradually consumed to death.

System: Congratulations on killing Caides.

System: Congratulations on your upgrade to level 66.

Lin Ye has been at level 65 for quite a while, and now, killing many high-level monsters is a matter of course.

This level is definitely the highest in the entire game.

As soon as the monster dies, a pile of loot explodes.

Although this is a boss monster, it has a lot of treasures on it, which shows that Ye Ying Suifeng is not lying, this guy was really a dragon slayer before his death.

Although he still failed to escape in the end and was buried here, Caides is a thief after all, and it makes sense for a thief not to leave.

"Haha, I finally got my skill book." Ye Ying picked up a book with the wind, laughed heartily, and kissed it hard.

[Shadow Dance Step] (Epic Skill)

Description: Leap towards an enemy within 20 yards, within 3 seconds, cause a total of 10 attacks on it, during this period, your damage increases by 100%, your movement speed increases by 50%, and you will be immune to any control effects , and cannot be selected.

The level is limited to 50, and the occupation is limited to thieves.

Looking at this skill, Lin Ye found it to be extremely powerful.

Immune to any control effects, unable to be selected, just these words, people can't help but envy, it is indeed a nirvana for thieves.

Yeying Suifeng has learned this skill, and her strength has greatly increased. If she gets the legendary weapon again, I am afraid that even Lin Ye will not dare to underestimate him. After all, if he is not careful, he may be instantly killed by him.

When other teammates saw such skills, they were also envious. Skills, to be honest, were much better than equipment.

The equipment lasts forever,

Skills are passed down forever, and the words of the older generation are always right.

There are many other items scattered on the ground.

"Damn, legendary-grade boxing sword!" Youde must have a corpse, grabbing a piece of equipment in your hand.

This fist sword exudes a faint orange light.

[Dead Fist and Sword]: sub-legendary level, gem inlay position +3, agility +755, strength +420, life value +2000, hit level +2, anger value generation speed +3/second, shadow resistance +85, attack 1288-1336, equipment effect: release the destructive power of the dead, hit all targets within ten yards, reduce their movement speed, and cause high hatred value, cooling time 60 seconds. Equipment level 70, durability 220/200.

"Damn it, it's sub-legendary level again." Virtue must have a corpse a little depressed, he thought that he was going to get the first legendary weapon in the game.

Now it seems that legendary weapons are really not so easy to get.

However, the attributes of this sub-legendary weapon are quite good, and it is very suitable for Druids who specialize in defense.

There are also two pieces of epic equipment on the ground, one is the epic skill Skyfire Meteor of the fire method.

The Skyfire Meteor is an enhanced version of the Rain of Flames, both in terms of power and scope, it is much larger.

The other two pieces of epic equipment are a ring and a leather belt.

The things are still temporarily stored on Ye Ying Sui Feng's body. This kind of place is too dangerous. Once it hangs up, all the things may be exploded.

Coincidentally, this scene was bumped into by a player rushing over from behind.

The leading player showed doubts. He had just vaguely seen a faint orange light, so he shouldn't be mistaken.

The other party was very direct, and rushed over without saying a word.

"Bastard, you dare to steal my things." There is a virtue and a corpse said angrily.

The two sides fought together.

The situation is almost one-sided, Lin Ye and the others are too strong.

The combat ability of this team was not as good as that of the Liuguang Guild before, and they were beaten to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the rest of the people knew that the snatch was hopeless, and retreated one after another.

Some people don't want others to get what they can't get.

Therefore, they yelled nearby, exposing what Lin Ye and his party had gained.

Legendary equipment, epic skills.

Just these two things are enough to make people jealous.

"We are fighting to the death here, and it turns out that the benefits have been taken by others." Some people were dissatisfied.

"Brothers, let me swing them and explode the legendary weapon." Another player roared.

The sub-legendary weapon on the stone platform has been taken away by the Xingxuan Guild.

For this sub-legendary weapon, countless people died.

In the end, Lin Ye and the others took a piece of sub-legendary equipment with ease, how could anyone be convinced.

Secondly, although Lin Ye's team has good combat effectiveness, it is not a super guild after all, nor is it a celebrity like Jiang Shangyu.

Therefore, anyone dares to go up and step on it.

"You take your things and leave first, don't hang up." Lin Ye said to Ye Ying Sui Feng.

Facing such aggressive players, Lin Ye can only temporarily block them with others. As long as Ye Ying does not die with the wind, then the spoils still belong to him.

And just when Lin Ye and the others were about to make a confrontation.

The Hanmeng Guild suddenly stood in front of them.

"You guys are so shameless." Gu Yuehan's expression turned cold.

During this treasure hunting trip, she could see clearly the faces of these professional gamers who usually call themselves professional players, it was so disgusting.

The Hanmeng Guild, because it was the first faction to create a guild in the game, had a bit of a reputation, and many people temporarily stopped.

"Since we are allies, we should stand together." Gu Yuehan said to Lin Ye and the others.

Her words are very touching.

This was almost a fatal situation, and Lin Ye never thought that Gu Yuehan would come to support him.

Although they are allies with each other, to be honest, this ally has no binding force.

"It turns out that you high-end players are just shameless bastards. It's really ridiculous. It's okay, it's been a long time since you killed so many people." Quicksand laughed loudly.

"Are you sure it depends on your Hanmeng Guild?" Qiankun waved his hand and said coldly.

"Don't tell me about benevolence, righteousness and morality. There are some things that you are not capable of. Even if you get them, it will only make you feel guilty."

Although Waving Qiankun is not the president of the Killing Alliance, he is the leader this time. His words naturally represent the position of the Killing Alliance.

"Treasures are for those who are capable. You should hand them over obediently. A Cold Alliance guild cannot protect you." Artes, the hunting god of the Ares guild, sneered.

Just a killing alliance is extremely powerful, and now there is an Ares guild.

There was even the Streamer Guild, which had previously clashed with Lin Ye, and several other large and small teams.

They don't have any deep hatred with Lin Ye, but this is a game. In the face of interests, there is no benevolence and morality. If you want to blame, you can only blame Lin Ye for not being the leader of a super guild.

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