Elemental Archer

Chapter 77 Full Server Announcement: Master Chef

Lin Ye was very sad. To be honest, he had never seen a rich second generation who was poorer than himself.

His father has always believed in "the poor raise children and the rich raise daughters", so even during college, Lin Ye had no extra money at all except for the basic food expenses.

Luxury cars and villas have nothing to do with Lin Ye at all.

Lin Ye never mentioned his background, so in the eyes of his classmates, Lin Ye is just a person from an ordinary family, and he has no other specialties except being good at playing games.

Perhaps because of the single-parent family, after graduating from university, the generation gap between Lin Ye and his father became more and more serious, even to the point of severing the relationship. It can be said that Lin Ye, a rich second generation, has never enjoyed the rich second generation since he can remember. generational treatment.

Lin Ye didn't care about this, because he was used to it.

As long as he can play games, it doesn't matter to Lin Ye whether he is a rich second generation or not.

"Then what are your plans for the future?" Yan Jing asked.

Lin Ye was a little silent. He really didn't have any plans. The ambitions of the past, the ideals and aspirations of the past, have long since been polished by time and are about to disappear completely. For Lin Ye, the hall of fame and super studio seem to have no meaning at all. attractive.

The current Lin Ye is nothing more than playing games, killing time, earning some money occasionally, enough to live on. To put it bluntly, he is a salted fish without dreams.

Therefore, Lin Ye didn't know how to answer Yan Jing's question.

"Actually, if you are willing to reorganize the studio, I...will help you, and even Zhao Minghua is definitely willing to leave Xingxuan." Yan Jing's clear and bright eyes were full of hope, and her fingers tightened tightly. Buckled together, she wanted to see Lin Ye nodding.

"Games nowadays are no longer computer online games. I believe your father should understand how important the virtual industry is in the market today. I think, as long as you tell him well, uncle will definitely not object to you. "Yan Jing continued.

A few years ago, there were indeed many families who did not support their children to play games, and many people who played games were also labeled as "not doing business properly".

But it is different now. The development of virtual games is too fast, which has completely subverted people's cognition, and the prejudice against games has gradually disappeared. Here, it is completely the second world.

Even in reality, many well-known consortiums and listed companies have also extended their hands into the game.

Lin Ye had a complicated look on his face. Before, he would definitely agree, but now, he can't get excited anymore, and his dream is gone.

Perhaps because too many things have happened in the past few years, Lin Ye has gradually become ordinary in his ordinary life.

"I'm a little tired now, let's talk about the studio later!" Lin Ye said.

Yan Jing was a little disappointed when Lin Ye refused.

But soon, Yan Jing regained hope. She didn't believe that Lin Ye's ideals and ambitions had disappeared completely. As long as he entered the game, Yan Jing believed that sooner or later, he would come back.

"Well, during this period of time, I will seriously improve the strength of the studio, even if it is...to lay the foundation for your future reorganization of the studio." Yan Jing said softly.

Lin Ye was silent for a while, and then said: "Well, then I owe you more and more."

"It's okay, anyway, you are the rich second generation." Yan Jing smiled sweetly.


After leaving the tavern, the two said goodbye to each other.

Lin Ye raised his head and looked at the blue sky. At this moment, he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Full server announcement: Congratulations to the player "Lao Huang Cooking" for passing the task test of the master chef and obtaining the unique title of "Master Chef". The system rewards an additional 50,000 copper coins.

Full server announcement: Congratulations to the player "Lao Huang Cooking" for passing the task test of the master chef and obtaining the unique title of "Master Chef". The system rewards an additional 50,000 copper coins.

After Lao Huang got the heart of the brown bear leader,

It's not that the task is completely completed, but there is a final test. Of course, even if this test fails, there will still be task rewards, but it will not be able to trigger the exciting full server announcement and extra rewards.

These server-wide announcements instantly shocked all players.

You must know that from the time the game was launched to the present, the number of announcements on the entire server has not exceeded three times.

Players who can appear in the announcement of the whole server, which one is not a big boss.

"Damn, Niubi, the only title, great chef."

"Which super studio boss is this, so fierce!"

"The only title, I am so envious, it must have added a lot of attributes."

The players talked a lot.

"I'm going, what the hell is this? Isn't the mission to kill the leader of the Thorn Canyon? The player is only at a few levels now, so it's done so quickly?" A middle-aged player who was cooking food was stunned.

In the game, there is never a shortage of worldly experts, such as this middle-aged man.

He is also a culinary master, with adventures and techniques, and even, he reached the fifth level a few days earlier than Lao Huang.

However, he doesn't have the strength to kill level 27 bosses, and he doesn't have any team friends. His original intention is that after some time, when the player's level is a little higher, he will spend money and hire some thugs to help.

But who knew, someone had already finished the task so quickly, and he could only sigh.

"Old Huang Cooking? The name sounds familiar. Alas, isn't it the mage who teamed up with us to fight monsters before? Captain, you still call him an idiot." One of the thieves suddenly remembered in a leveling area.

"Now that I said that, I remembered, damn it, I'm an expert in life professions, so I knew I should be a friend." The druid next to him was full of regret.


Throughout the game, Lao Huang's ID has become famous, especially in the city of Dallas.

Even, many studios have already sent people and offered extremely generous conditions to bring Lao Huang into the studio. A life professional player of this level is no less important in the team than a combat player. professional player.

At this time, Lao Huang fell into a state of extreme helplessness, friend applications, voice requests, and various private chats were almost maxed out.

Lao Huang had no choice but to go offline temporarily to try to be quiet.

On the other side, Hanyue Qianli, who had been robbed of the mission, couldn't help another mouthful of blood when he saw the announcement on the server. This was obviously his honor, but the cooked duck flew away.

"Mingyue Ye, I will never end with you!" Han Yueqianli could only cast this resentment on Lin Ye.

Lin Ye, who was in Dallas, couldn't help but sneezed.

"Damn it, which bastard scolded me!" Lin Ye scolded.

After Lin Ye finished cursing, he went straight to the blacksmith shop. Now, there are many more players here than at the beginning, and the jingling sounds are non-stop. Now that the game server has been launched for a while, the amount of ore has increased. few.

Some well-off players can barely afford equipment.

Lin Ye also found an open space, took out the materials, and started smelting. With five materials, as long as he wasn't too lucky, he should be able to forge a pair of Frenzied Boots.

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