Elemental Archer

Chapter 821: Core of Elements

The changes in the kingdom of gods have caught all players by surprise, and the supermodel attributes of monsters are hard to fight against.

Many people are huddling in the safe area of ​​the main city. Although the Abyss Lord is powerful, at least there has been no invasion of the main city.

Now, there must be someone who can stand up and completely kill the abyssal lord.

The players naturally turned their attention to the two behemoths, the Galaxy Alliance and the Slaughter Alliance. In the entire game, these two alliances are probably the only ones that have the ability to summon players from all servers.

The first is the Galaxy Alliance. After all, the current overall strength of the Galaxy Alliance is stronger than that of the Killing Alliance, but the Galaxy Alliance has not taken any action.

Seeing this, the Killing Alliance, which had been keeping a low profile for a while, took action.

During this period of time, they have been overwhelmed by the Galaxy Alliance, which makes those professional masters who are used to being the number one uncomfortable. If they can take the lead in solving the Abyss Demon Lord, the reputation in the game will return to the Killing Alliance again. .

A few days later, the Killing Alliance set off. Now the Killing Alliance has dozens of god players, especially Waving Qiankun. His strength is much stronger than before. Not long ago, he even got the No. 1 player in the whole server. Swordsman weapon.

Moreover, the players of the Killing Alliance also know that in terms of player strength, they are not weaker than the Galaxy Alliance. Since the other party dare not make a move, it is up to them to save the game and build up their reputation.

With the Slaughter Alliance taking the lead, countless players flocked to join in immediately. Although the Abyss Demon Lord is extremely terrifying, if he can be killed, the spoils he will get are absolutely unimaginable.

Countless players have launched an attack on the Abyss Demon Lord, and the battle is extremely tragic, but the Abyss Demon Lord has the means of soul harvesting after all. After the player's attributes are continuously weakened, he is no match for the monster at all.

Even if he waved his hand, it would not last two rounds under the condition of soul harvesting.

Needless to say, the ending is a fiasco for the players.

The dark scythe shone with a gloomy coldness, and no one was a match for this monster.

After the player's disastrous defeat, many players pointed their finger at the Galaxy Alliance, meaning that if the Galaxy Alliance hadn't been a coward, they wouldn't have lost so completely.

Of course, people with a discerning eye can still see that even if the Galaxy Alliance joins, the ending will be the same.

If there is no soul harvester, it may be possible to fight, but the gap between the abyss lord with the dark scythe and the players is too big.

At this time, Lin Ye didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things at all. From the very beginning, he knew that even with the power of all the players in the server, it was impossible to kill the abyssal demon lord.

Unless the abyssal lord loses the dark scythe, but that is impossible.

The abyssal master majored in dark elements, and the scythe condensed from elements was more powerful than a real weapon, and it was impossible to defeat it artificially.

Therefore, if you want to completely make the abyssal lord lose the dark scythe and soul harvest, unless you deprive it of its dark elements.

This sounds a bit fanciful, and it seems that it is not something that players can do.

System: Congratulations on raising your level to 167.

With the golden light shining down, Lin Ye finished adding free attribute points casually, his goal has been accomplished,

Next, it is to get the core of the task item element from the body of several god elements.

Lin Ye, at level 167, replaced the equipment on his body, most of which were level 170 artifact equipment, only the weapon was a little bit worse, it was a level 165 artifact bow and arrow, of course, this difference is relatively bad, really speaking, The attributes of this weapon, not to mention the first in the entire server, are at least the top five levels.

Lin Ye still kept a small amount of equipment, even if the level was slightly lower, he did not replace it, such as the crown of wisdom, elemental seals, etc.

Secondly, although Lin Ye didn't wear equipment such as the lover's ring, he kept it in his backpack all the time in case he needed it from time to time.

Lin Ye, who was wearing level 170 equipment, had almost a skyrocketing increase in his attribute values.

Lin Ye returned to the Dark Sea. In an underground cave about a hundred miles away from the birthplace of the dark elves, Lin Ye's first target to kill was the Dark Elementalist: Adrian.

Adrian is an elemental monster completely condensed from dark elements. It looks ordinary, but its level is very high, 180 gods.

The dark holy sword in its hand is not a substantive weapon, but a weapon made of elements condensed like the abyssal lord.

Adrian is a race guardian left behind by the dark elves' race leader after the dark.

Since Lin Ye himself was a dark elf, even if Lin Ye approached, Adrian would not take the initiative to attack Lin Ye.

Lin Ye stepped forward, talked to Adrian, and triggered the mission mode.

Suddenly, Adrian's status changed directly from friendly to red hostile.

The dark holy sword in Adrian's hand slashed down at Lin Ye mercilessly. This dark holy sword didn't seem to be long, but its attack distance was so terrifying that even if Lin Ye avoided it, he couldn't. Still suffered a little damage.

Seeing Lin Ye avoiding it, Adrian turned into a dark hurricane and approached him in an instant.

But this time, before it had time to attack, it was thrust out by Nessin who flashed over.

Nassin roared furiously, his hair bulging all over his body, revealing his sharp fangs, and his strong limbs left a series of footprints on the ground.

Nessin leaped forward and launched a bite attack on Adrian.

Lin Ye also drew his bow and shot arrows in an instant, and confronted Adrian from two different directions, one person and one pet.

Since there is no contract between Lin Ye and Naixin, Lin Ye cannot enjoy the attribute bonus of Wild Rage, and even the attribute of soul link cannot take effect.

But the good thing is that Naixin's attributes are not comparable to that of a normal pet. Even if Adrian, the dark elementalist, wants to kill Naixin completely, it is by no means easy.

Don't forget, behind Naixin, there is Lin Ye, a god player.

And behind Lin Ye, there is Naixin, the god and beast.

Sometimes, the power of one plus one is far beyond two, and the cooperation between each other can maximize the power and burst out unimaginable abilities.

Lin Ye dared to say that without Naixin, it would be impossible for him alone to obtain the elemental core from Adrian, even if he was wearing a level 170 artifact.

After a battle of gods, Lin Ye successfully defeated Adrian and obtained the Dark Core from it.

Adrian did not die completely. After all, it was the guardian left after the darkness. It was just that after losing the core of darkness, Adrian's strength plummeted from a god to a demigod, and his level dropped from 180 to 150. .

Lin Ye glanced at it. Now Adrian, its name has changed from red hostile to green friendly again.

Lin Ye raised his hand, and the divine light poured out, and the divine light shone to restore all of Adrian's blood.

"In the future, the dark elves will be guarded by me."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he walked away. He was going to challenge the second monster: the flame elementalist.

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