The days went on, and all the acquaintances in the school were training hard, and only Sundays continued to show.

Two guys who trained independently, one of them was upgraded to level 24, and the other was also upgraded to level 19, respectively reaching the bottleneck level of the next stage, which made Zhou Tian very satisfied.

The little guy of the big jaw ant has also recently adapted, and began to follow the two eldest brothers to the school battle hall to rub the battle, but unfortunately, because the premise of the combat method is to change the terrain, they are almost banned by the instructor of the battle hall to prohibit training.

Every time the elf fights, it puts Stonehenge on the battlefield, making the ground potholes, not to mention that it always starts to sand the battlefield when it is on the field, and the whole battlefield is like a quicksand pool.

Every time after fighting, it is not possible to rely on elves to repair, and it is necessary to change the field materials, and no matter how big the household is, it can't withstand the consumption of several games a day.

Zhou Tian also knows this situation, so he often lets the big-jawed ants come out to fight in the wild area of the varsity team, after all, the natural environment of the wild area recovers much faster.

The school team also followed Yu Huatian to the wild area many times during this time, and several times encountered the degree of needing Yu Huatian's rescue, everyone made mistakes, Jiang Hui's Codola stole the thin metal stored in the big steel snake and was chased and beaten; The ghost scared a pair of babies Nidolino and Nidona, and recruited two pairs of elite-level Nidoko King Nido; Wang Kun's monkey monster wants to pick some tree fruit, and provokes a large needle bee colony that collects honey nearby.

Yu Huatian has a headache, these little guys blindly offend the elves in the wild area, especially Zhou Tian Ghost Si that time was purely nothing to look for, 4 elite-level Nido family, he had a brain case.

Fortunately, after time and again, the experience of the wild area of everyone has become richer and richer, and their combat awareness and combat decision-making have become more and more acute.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of this month, Lu Meixin successfully allowed Dai Ruby to break through to the ordinary level and officially became a member of the varsity team, and the next time he can also participate in field battle training.

Moreover, she also bought her third elf, and I heard that it was a bru that was taken in the official cultivation house of the magic capital, and Zhou Tian confirmed more and more that this girl planned to start a team of dogs.

But seeing that she subdued the third elf, the dead party Ye Minghe was also a little impatient, no, just on Sunday, he found Zhou Tian to counsel his third elf.

"So, what type of elf are you going to find?" Zhou Tian helplessly looked at Ye Minghe, who dragged him out of his home early in the morning.

"Oh, anyway, now some are no longer looking for others, do you help me consider, or the fire system?" Or find a fighting department like you? Ye Minghe dumped the matter to Zhou Tian like a fool.

Zhou Tian had a black line on his face.

Looking back, he still accepted his fate and began to help Ye Minghe think about it.

Ye Minghe's current combination is Dark Raven + Gear, Dark Raven main speed and double attack, Gear main defense and support. Zhou Tian probably had an idea for him, but it also depended on whether he agreed.

"What do you say, a fire system or a ground system?" Zhou Tian asked Ye Minghe.

"Ah Tian, what are your thoughts, you tell me."

"One is attribute blinding, the second is that these two attributes have a large strike surface, and the third is that it can help your existing two joint defenses."

"Well, since Ah Tian, you cultivating macho man said so, I will definitely listen to you, go around, let's go find our third elf."

Zhou Tian looked at the excited dead party on the main road, "Where to find it, have you thought about it?" "

Huh? What else, the alliance cultivation house.

Zhou Tian looked at this straightforward guy helplessly, "The alliance center provides elves for newcomers, but there are trainers in the trading area inside who will bring some elves or elf eggs in the wild or secret realm; The Alliance Breeding House has the most elves and elf eggs, but because the official provides, the details are clear, and the price is high, it is difficult to pick up leaks; Looking for elves in the wild area, the uncertainty is too great; Others are that some research institutes will have some highly qualified elves, but basically it is not our turn.

"That is, now it is the trading market of the Alliance Incubation House or Alliance Center?"

"Yes, but the suggestion is to go to the alliance cultivation house first to see if there is a suitable one, find a few as alternatives, and then go to the trading market to find opportunities to pick up leaks, and if you are unlucky in the trading market, then go back to find alternatives."

After saying that, the two walked towards the Alliance Cultivation House.

Came to the alliance cultivation house, after entering the door, the two showed the trainer's license, and after explaining their intentions, a special cultivator took the two to select the elves.

Coming to the natural simulation environment in the backyard of the cultivation house, the area is vast, and you can see that there are many elves active in each area.

Last time Zhou Tian came, because Zhou Tian was a newcomer and took the initiative to ask for it, the cultivator took him directly to the conservation area and chose the elf egg.

This time, Ye Minghe can choose the elves that have hatched, unless he doesn't see the right one to look at the elf eggs.

Riding the shuttle bus of the cultivation house, Zhou Tian and Ye Minghe first went to the mountain and desert environment with more ground spirits.

Everyone got out of the car and walked up the hill, slowly seeing many elves playing, and Zhou Tian also slowly used special abilities to observe the situation of the elves.

"Oh my God, look, there's only Coco Dora over there!"

"That's the lord of the rock and steel system, you will accept it later."

Zhou Tian scanned the elves in the area, and finally found two good elves, a pangolin that was digging a hole, with elite-level high-level qualifications, and would become a powerful attack elf after its own evolution; The other is a sand hippopotamus that dazzles sand in the desert, and it has the low-level qualification of the heavenly king, and if it evolves into a hippopotamus beast in the future, it can be used as the weather core of the sandstorm team, but the appearance is really not eye-catching.

Counting the two elves among the alternatives, the two continued to follow the shuttle to the volcano and dwarf forest area where the fire elves lived, and there were also many ground elves in the dwarf forest area.

Unfortunately, maybe the fire elves are too popular, except for seeing a low-level fire oyster with a qualification in the volcanic area, the other fire elves with better qualifications have not been seen, and the probability is that they were first attacked by other trainers, and as for the ground elves, they did not see much satisfaction in the dwarf forest.

Zhou Tian thought very clearly, since Ye Minghe had planned to continue to move forward, this time he asked him to pick the elves, and he definitely could not choose the elves with ordinary qualifications.

Since there were no more discoveries in the environmental simulation area, the two decided to go to the conservation area.

Unexpectedly, I met Milu, a classmate who was choosing the third elf in the nursery area, and Milu's strength improved quickly during this time, basically ranking in the top five of the elite class, and it is estimated that she will also have one on the school team next year.

"You guys are also coming to subdue the elves, what a coincidence~" Milu greeted the two.

The two nodded and chatted casually, and the three of them simply teamed up to choose the right elves.

There are more choices in the elf egg area, and the elf eggs of mudfish, pangolins and gopher were successfully found in the ground attribute on Sunday, while in the flame area, in addition to the elf eggs of small fire horses and lava worms, there was also a warm pig's elf egg.

After listing the warm pig as the focus of the egg, Zhou Tian and Ye Minghe also asked the price of the elf.

I have to say that the price of the officially known elves is not cheap, the sand hippopotamus in the high section of the king level costs 150W, the elf egg of the warm pig costs 80W, and the cheapest fire oyster also costs 35W.

I have to say that the price of the alliance cultivation house is too transparent, although Ye Minghe's family conditions are very good, but still try to try to pick up leaks.

Hearing that Zhou Tian and Ye Minghe planned to go to the Alliance Center to try their luck, Milu also temporarily gave up the elf egg of a small sea lion that she fancy in the nursery house and decided to go together.

Arrived at the free trading area of the alliance center, it happened to be the most lively time in the afternoon, and many trainers were picking out what they wanted at the stall.

The three of them walked around the elf trading area, and the elves and elf eggs traded here were either collected in the wild area, or persuaded to be brought out in the secret realm to find suitable trainers, and the offspring bred by their own elves, anyway, they were all sources that met the regulations of the alliance.

The elves all stay in the seller's booth to play, and if a trainer sees it, try to communicate with the elves, and if there is a consensus, they can accept it.

Zhou Tian looked all the way over and found that the scope of elf qualifications here was particularly unstable. Although the alliance cultivation house with high qualifications will be picked out first, the qualifications are only ordinary low-level general no, and here I saw many elves who only had ordinary low-level elves, and it is estimated that they were found in the wild area.

Strolling around, I haven't found an elf suitable for Ye Minghe, but I found one that is suitable for Milu.

In a booth, a royal sister followed several water elves in the water tank, one of which was a low-level Heavenly King level Mo Haima was very good in terms of mental appearance and skill configuration, and there was a tornado, indicating that the dragon bloodline in the body was not bad.

Zhou Tian is also a help anyway, and helping two is also a help, so he reminded Milu.

Milu immediately ran to the stall and began to bargain with the royal sister.

Zhou Tian and Ye Minghe continued to search, and finally found two elves that matched their purpose in each of the two neighboring stalls.

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