On the day of the exam, there were many people waiting in front of the official cultivation house, and after the Sunday arrived, Mao estimated that there were about 500 people.

These people are all here to participate in this cultivator examination, most of them are here to test the junior cultivator, the number of intermediate cultivators is definitely not much, as for the assessment of senior cultivators, there are more requirements, and the interview assessment is only available in the imperial capital and the devil.

Entering the official incubation house, the staff arranged by the alliance will lead the flow of people to the arranged examination area, and the first exam is the most basic theory test.

After sitting down on Sunday, he opened the theoretical test questions in front of him, glanced at it roughly, calmed down, it seemed that there were no strange questions, and began to answer the questions.

'Bob's initial elf is a duck with frequent headaches, how should I solve it? '——'Let it use superpower skills to express the superpower energy accumulated due to headaches. '

'What is the most important food in the cultivation of coco Dora? '—'Metal-rich rocks

' 'What are the five important elements needed for grass elves to cultivate?' '——'Environment (grass or forest), grass materials, sunlight, moisture, body temperature'

questions began to become difficult, such as in this question, body temperature that answer is often easy to go unnoticed, grass elves have a very strange characteristic, special body temperature can ensure that grass elves successfully convert the absorbed nutrients into strength, otherwise it will dissipate with photosynthesis.

Continuing to answer the questions, the question finally appeared in the question that Zhou Tian also began to bite the pen barrel.

"Why does the personality of the king carp evolve into a tyrannosaurus, and will the original tyrannical king carp evolve into a docile tyrannosaurus?"

The difficulty of this question is in the second part, which belongs to the unpopular knowledge.

The first part is not difficult, although it also belongs to the content of the cultivation manual, but those who carefully gnaw the exam materials should remember that the evolution of the king carp needs to accumulate excess attribute energy, when the moment of evolution, the attribute energy in addition to helping the king carp transform his body shape, the remaining part will all impact the brain of the king carp, instantly reorganize the brain structure, and the final result is that the evolved tyrannosaurus has a violent temper and is irritable.

In the second part, Zhou Tian has learned from Yu Siyi's cultivation manual, 'The least of the character of the king carp is tyranny, if it happens, the required evolutionary attribute energy will also surpass the other character of the king carp, after evolution, the temper of the tyrannosaurus will be worse, but the basic quality will be stronger than other tyrannosaurs, belonging to the double-edged sword type of personality, it is difficult to build a relationship of trust with the trainer. '

Question by question, Zhou Tian completely mobilizes the knowledge base stored in the brain, it may be the fusion of two souls, Zhou Tian's learning ability is super strong, the memory is super good, these knowledge are quickly searched by Zhou Tian in the brain.

The pen is like flying, the topics are solved one by one, although Zhou Tian did not look at the progress of others, but he feels that he should be considered relatively fast.

Soon came to the last question of theoretical knowledge, Zhou Tian frowned, this question came out...

'A total of eight evolutionary forms of Ibu have been discovered, namely Fire Ibu, Water Ibu, Reevee, Sun Ibu, Moon Ibu, Yeebu, Ice Ibu, and Fairy Ibu, please describe the differences between the eight Ibu in addition to attributes, and imagine whether other attributes will also appear in the corresponding form of Ibu. '

How to answer this, Gang Eevee, Long Eevee, Ghost Eevee, etc.?' This is beyond Zhou Tian's knowledge, after all, the creation company in the previous life has not yet drawn the corresponding elves.

I had to answer the difference between the first eight kinds of Ibrahimovic, the strength of each Ibu, which things are strong, which are fast, which are well defended, and which are fast.

In the second part, Sunday began his own 'daydream', first of all, it was clear that Ibu's own genes are the most unstable but inclusive, according to the existing situation, each attribute should have a way to induce the Ibu gene, so that it absorbs the corresponding attribute energy to complete the evolution.

Zhou Tian began to design Eevee's evolution method based on the materials of various attributes in his mind, such as the dragon system needs 7 kinds of dragon elves dragon scales, the rock system needs Ibrahimovic to ingest rock powder all year round, the ghost Eevee needs to be born in the spirit world, and so on...

Anyway, it is a big brainstorm, anyway, there is no actual case, I believe that the alliance does not have any so-called correct answer.

After completing the answers, Zhou Tian did not make any mistakes, Zhou Tian had enough confidence in himself, and believed that it should be no problem to pass.

Zhou Tian stood up, signaled to complete the answers, and submitted the test paper.

The staff of the alliance signaled Sunday to wait outside for a while, and after scanning Sunday's answers into the system, soon the alliance headquarters would review Sunday's answers and give results and comments.

On Sunday, he slowly wandered around the official cultivation house to see if there were any new high-quality elves in the cultivation house.

It's a pity that after walking through various areas, even the few highly qualified elves I saw with Ye Minghe last time were several less, and there were no new high-qualified elves appearing in the cultivation house, and it seemed that there was no time to transport the elves.

Back in the examination area, I found that several other people who had finished the exam had come out, but judging by their appearance, they were all much older than Zhou Tian, and they were chatting at this time.

"The guy who came out first in our examination room, I see that it is only 20, so soon to hand in the papers, it is estimated that it is cold."

"So young, let's try it, didn't we do the same back then, try it at the beginning of college, and then... The bottom of the table lost a big face and left. "

But this time the topic is more difficult than last year, the front is better, I don't have any ideas for many questions in the back, there is another one in my topic, let me describe the process and reason why the big rock snake becomes a crystal big rock snake, oh my God, so far in the secret realm of the mountain capital Alliance found a large and a small two crystal big rock snakes, I have never seen it, how do I know how it was formed. I'm empty for that question. I'm going to take the Junior Breeder. This is a topic that only senior cultivators need to master...

"No, I also have one, give 15 kinds of shades of tree fruits, let me fill in the name, characteristics, and main effects of each tree fruit according to the shape, my God, I remember a total of about 20 tree fruits, those shadows are not common, and I don't know what to do..."

As more and more people finished the exam, Zhou Tian listened to their complaints on the sidelines and had enough fun, so Zhou Tian slowly walked to the examination area and sat down, waiting for the staff to announce his results.

Sure enough, after another half hour, an excited-looking staff member came and seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd.

"Are you there on Sunday?" Are the Sunday classmates who took the Nurturing Family Exam there?

When Zhou Tian heard him shouting his name, he raised his hand and signaled, "Hello, I am Zhou Tian."

The man immediately walked quickly to Zhou Tian and said, "Hello Zhou Tian, your results have come out, you have passed the theoretical knowledge link, you may have to wait next, we are still preparing the elves of the treatment session~~" "

If you want, our examiner this time wants to meet you, can you?"

Zhou Tian looked at him suspiciously, not knowing why the examiner wanted to see him, after all, he didn't seem to know other cultivators in the alliance other than his own mother and his mother's colleagues.

"Yes, there is still time anyway, right, then let's go over now~~"

The staff immediately nodded, intending to take Zhou Tian to meet his leader.

At this time, other people who had completed the exam heard the words of the staff and were very curious about Sunday.

"I'm sorry, this little brother, what is the grade of this classmate Zhou, we are a little curious~~"

The staff looked at Zhou Tian a little embarrassed, and Zhou Tian spread his hands said that it didn't matter, but seriously, he didn't know ah, and this staff didn't tell him! ! !

"Sunday, this theory exam took 43 minutes and 22 seconds, the first to submit the test paper, the theory exam paper score was 99, breaking the record of the junior cultivator theory exam in the alliance, and the age is 17, if you successfully pass the next two assessments, you will become the youngest cultivator in the Dragon Kingdom Alliance."

"Hint, the original holder of the record is the current alliance cultivation master Si Dushu, the original score, the exam time is 46 minutes and 13 seconds, and the roll score is 93."

After talking about Zhou Tian's results, the staff member hurriedly took Zhou Tian away, leaving behind a silent reference staff.

It took a full 3 minutes for the exams to react.

"Take a snakeskin, I'm ten years older than him, this is the seventh test, why don't I have this kind of score ~~~?!"

"You? Have a big dream, people can have this result in the first test, which means that people have good brains, you took the seventh test, you don't have this life! ! !

"I thought he was a college student, 17??" This is not a sophomore in high school, what was I doing in my sophomore year of high school? Oh, I'm playing with spinytails...

"It's amazing, this result shows that he answered many difficult and complicated problems later." Where did he get information about this kind of unpopular cultivation program... "

That's right, the primary cultivator exam is the most coordinated exam, 60% of the questions are actually as long as you seriously study and cultivate knowledge, your memory should be able to answer correctly, but the last 40% of the questions are deliberately out of the ordinary, to answer correctly in addition to the massive knowledge reserve but also some luck...

The purpose of the Cultivator Association, which originally set up such an examination model, was to not only select people who have the passion for cultivation, but also to remind them that there are various difficulties on the road to cultivation, and it is necessary to maintain a mentality of learning to death.

But for ordinary students who come to test for cultivation families, this is simply torture, there are too many unpopular cultivation questions, and no one knows which question they will randomly get in this exam.

Therefore, the passing score of the junior cultivator theory exam has always been only 70, so there are still a lot of people who fail, after all, it is normal for the top 60% to be wrong a little.

Regardless of the noisy voices behind him, Zhou Tian also followed the staff to the second floor of the official cultivation house in confusion.

Zhou Tian himself didn't expect to do so well in the exam, he just liked to read all kinds of cultivation papers in the Yu Siyi cabinet before, when he saw a lot of unpopular topics, he still scoffed, and felt that the cultivator master of this world was a little funny.

For example, normal people who study whether fast dragons can have babies with super bad stars...

I didn't expect that when I read those strange cultivation articles, I really had a little.

Following the staff brother into a room on the second floor, Zhou Tian fixed his eyes on it, one person was the chief cultivator of the official cultivation house in Hangdu, and he had seen her several times, all in the cultivation house of Yusiyi.

The other two, whom Zhou Tian didn't know, dressed quite formally.

"Long time no see, Xiaotian, after your mother went to the imperial capital, I haven't seen you." The chief cultivator who knew Zhou Tiansuan, Master Xia Heyu, spoke first.

"Aunt Xia, hello, yes, I haven't seen you for a long time~~" Zhou Tian said with a slight bend.

Xia Heyu said with a smile, "The two beside me, one is the supervisor who came from the alliance headquarters to be responsible for the supervision of this exam, and the other is the master of the cultivation association headquarters, who manages all the elves needed for this cultivation examination.

Zhou Tian immediately bent down slightly, "Hello two."

The man in charge of supervision smiled and said, "Hello Zhou Tian candidate, we asked you to come up just casually to chat, anyway, the next round of exams has not yet started."

"We all know your results, but I didn't expect you to cultivate talent so well, and your results will be a small sensation when we report it."

Zhou Tian lowered his head slightly, touched the back of his head, and said implicitly

, "Yes, I also think that my cultivation talent is quite good, look at the cultivation related knowledge, look at ten lines, and don't forget a word ~~ Oh." Wrong... My other knowledge is similar ~~~"

The three people in front of them were stunned, they didn't expect that Master Jade's son had such a comedy personality.

They could hear that Zhou Tian was not that arrogant, purely a little self-confidence + nine points funny.

No way, the factor of being the anchor in Zhou Tian's previous life was engraved in the soul that crossed over, and there was no hot spot when he didn't talk about it at the beginning, and now he can't help but like to talk about it.

"Hahahaha, you kid is quite interesting, does your mother know that you are so interesting~~~"

The cultivation master from the headquarters of the Cultivator Association looked at Zhou Tian kindly.

Zhou Tian said with a smile, "Master, my son and parents are in the same vein, and my parents are similar ~~~" (Zhou Zhiqian:???? Yu Siyi: ?????

"Hahaha, then we haven't seen them yet, next time we have the opportunity to try ~

~~" Xia Heyu also said, "Xiaotian, the next two rounds of exams are elf massage and elf emergency treatment, you should know, how, are you confident~~

" Zhou Tian nodded, "Whether it is basic knowledge or practice, I have invested a lot of time, and I often practice on my own elves, and I have full confidence in myself."

"Okay, then the three of us will look forward to waiting to see you pass this cultivator exam and break the record of the youngest cultivator in the alliance~~~"

Xia Heyu and the other two looked at Zhou Tian expectantly.

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