On the way back, Zhou Tian walked quite smoothly, and the elves he met were not very ruthless or hungry, and they were not interested in Zhou Tian.

On Sunday, they were able to return to the north gate of the port capital smoothly.

Because the time to return on Sunday was actually early, the number of trainers returning to the city at the north gate was not large.

The alliance personnel who registered at the door seemed to recognize Zhou Tian, an iron-headed baby who entered the wild area alone at a young age.

"Classmate, are you all right? Are there any dangers? The man asked Zhou Tian very kindly.

Zhou Tian smiled slightly embarrassed, "There are indeed a lot of dangers, but fortunately there are no dangers

~" "Then you are lucky, there are many trainers who disappear every year

~" Zhou Tian waved his hand at him, "Big brother, don't intimidate me, I'll come back tomorrow~~"

The staff smiled and said no more after hearing this.

Back in the city, I rode towards the Union Center in Hong Kong.

Fortunately, the city is not big, and it takes more than half an hour to ride on Sundays.

After parking the car and looking at the completely different style of the building in front of him and the Hangdu Union Center, he wondered if the navigation had taken him to the wrong place.

The alliance center is quite large, but it looks more like the shape of an indoor botanical garden, covered with vines, it seems that many places are not sealed, and on Sundays I saw several flying elves flying out of it.

With a skeptical attitude, I walked in, but fortunately I could still see that it was the elf center inside, after all, there were several areas that should exist.

Zhou Tian first gave his Pokeball to the healer in the healing area, which was his primary purpose.

In fact, he is still very interested in visiting the free trading area of the Hong Kong Capital Alliance Center, but it's a little late today, so he can come in the morning if he doesn't go to the wild area.

It didn't take long for the therapist to send out the spirit of Sunday, in fact, Sunday's instant therapy was very effective, and here it was just for the therapist to use a large instrument to do another scan.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Tian was exhausted, and as soon as he entered the room, he fell unconscious in bed.

Fortunately, there is a reliable ghost stone, his master does not care about anything to lie down directly, it turned out a few elf food that elves often eat in the space backpack, and also took a day's worth of energy cubes from the energy cube jar of Sunday, feeding himself and the other three.

When Sunday woke up, it was almost midnight, and the call of the owl nighthawk was already heard outside.

Of the four elves, only Ghost Stone stared at Zhou Tian as always.

Zhou Tian scratched its ghost head with a smile, and Ghost Stone also licked Zhou Tian's face with his long tongue.

Fortunately, it did not start to lick its tongue, otherwise Zhou Tian would have to lie back in bed when he just woke up.

"Si Si ~~~" (They were all full and asleep, food and cubes were fed)

Zhou Tian nodded, opened the door lightly, and walked out, while Ghost Stone came out directly from the wall on the side.

The elves were full, but Zhou Tian was still hungry, and he woke up after a special sleep, and Zhou Tian felt that he had lost five pounds.

Came downstairs, there were just a few stalls, and on Sundays they sat on the curb and ate a late-night snack, while Ghost Stone hid in the dark night to catch insects, and several uncles who set up the stalls did not find that a ghost-type elf was scurrying behind them.

After eating and drinking enough to return to the room, Zhou Tian also took a moment to press the ghost, and the other three left it alone since they were asleep.

Rest early, there are unknown adventures waiting for them tomorrow.

Nine hours later, Zhou Tian appeared again in the wild area outside Hong Kong, still the familiar alliance staff, reminded Zhou Tian to pay attention to safety, and then watched Zhou Tian walk into the forest.

Today, Zhou Tian chose a different direction from yesterday, changed feng shui, and met some other elves.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the forest on the other side, I encountered a new elf.

Three frightened deer, looking like a family of three, their strength level just matched Ghost Stone, and Sunday 'shamelessly' opened a three-on-three battle.

The two sides with similar strength have a heavenly gap in combat performance, of course, because there is a man standing behind them.

Forehead.. In fact, Zhou Tian didn't say much, Ghost Stone, Leo Lu and Big Jaw Ant these three have been training together for a long time, and many tactics have been practiced with them on Sunday.

And now one of Sunday's training tasks is to let the pincer-tailed scorpion keep up with the footsteps of the three older brothers.

At this time, it was released by Zhou Tian, watching the battle in front of him on his left shoulder.

Its eldest brother was poisoned in the black mist, and the next hypnotism was blocked by the father in the frightened deer with the same trick.

Its third brother used his sand cave characteristics to restrict the movement of the three frightened deer, and also used the rock avalanche to smash the frightened deer family.

Its second brother used his speed to punch madly, beating the frightened deer son to the frightened deer mother for a while, and the frightened horned deer mother to the frightened horned deer father for a while, making the scene chaotic.

The three elves played their own role, but they cooperated with each other, and none of the skills of the Frightened Deer family were effective, and they were quickly beaten to the point of losing their ability to fight.

Zhou Tian stepped forward to let the big jaw ant remove the characteristic effect and feed the three elves with poison, after all, Ghost Stone's poison has been fed very strongly by Zhou Tian.

All that remains is the old rule of leaving elven food and quietly leaving.

The morning of this day was very smooth, and Sunday met many elves with similar strength to Ghost Stone, and the battle was very happy, and each elf had played against each other.

Even the pincer-tailed scorpion, a newcomer, defeated a serpentine bear, and turned the other party poisonous with a sharp fang, I have to say that since joining the team, the poison eaten by the ghost, the pincer-tailed scorpion is also a lot, and the accumulation of toxins in its body has also improved rapidly.

After feeding the serpentine bear an antidote, Sunday went to a stream in the forest to prepare for lunch.

There are no lakes in the wild area of Minato, but there are streams that are connected to the open sea.

Zhou Tian sat down on a large rock by the stream, took out the elven's food for the four elves, and took out the prepared lobster scallop squid sandwich and began to eat.

One man and four elves ate fragrantly, and an elf stood up in a meadow by the stream.

It turned out to be a tailed meow, which was lying in the grass just now, so Ghost Stone didn't find it.

Xiang Tail Meow's harmless appearance, although Zhou Tian and Ghost Stone saw it, they didn't care too much.

Unexpectedly, this little guy was not afraid of life, and actually came to Zhou Tian's feet and squinted at Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian's ability swept and found that its level had just entered the ordinary level, so he didn't care much and let it stay.

However, it looked like it was obviously the elven food in front of them, and Zhou Tian was not short of money anyway, so he took a small handful and gave it to him.

Xiang Meow, who asked for food, did not make a sound, but only meowed lightly, and began to eat the food that Zhou Tian gave him.

This scene is also quite good, if it weren't for the hobby of petting cats and dogs on Sundays, he would have accepted a pure decoration.

However, I don't know if the taste of the elf food is too fragrant, and after Xiang Tail Meow appeared, there was also movement in the stream at his feet.

A lobster soldier climbed out and made a gesture of wanting to rob him.

Zhou Tian raised his eyebrows, just about to let Leo Lu come forward to teach this honey confident guy a lesson, but he didn't expect a shadow flashed at his feet and rushed towards the lobster soldier.

Just still eating food, Xiang Tail Meow, who looked like a quiet and good time, actually planned to fight with blood.

The next scene shocked Zhou Tian and the four elves of Ghost Stone who were watching the battle.

Sprint to the tail meow while slapping his body with his tail.

The high-five surprise attack directly surprised the lobster soldier, who remained motionless by the stream.

Then he directly flicked his tail and used his tail to make a series of slaps, and the lobster soldier was beaten ten big mouths like a.

The stunned lobster soldier reacted and immediately burned with anger, and the exclusive crab pincer hammer wanted to fight back, who knew that the tail meow tail flashed, and actually used the same skill.

It was imitation, but I didn't expect that although Xiang Tail Meow had average qualifications, he was so powerful in battle.

The two elves who fought against each other obviously did not give up, but when the lobster soldier just wanted to attack with foam light, Xiang Meow used the beauty elf trick, and a wink directly made the lobster soldier fall in love.

The charming effect is sometimes so unreasonable, the lobster soldier forgets the anger of being thrown in the mouth, and instead his eyes are filled with love.

Xiang Tail Meow did not accompany it, but immediately narrowed his eyes and became fierce, and his tail continued to slap the lobster soldier in a row.

Possible.. After about fifty slaps, the lobster soldier's love eyes turned into circle eyes, and he sent it back into the water with a blow.

Zhou Tian was stunned as he watched Xiang Tail Meow return to the food with his head held high, eating gracefully.

Do you and... A type of tail meow from Luby?

The upper can fight with Gaioka Gurador, and the lower can sell cute in the gorgeous competition??

After eating the food, Xiang Weimeow glanced at Zhou Tian, meowed softly again, and then lay back into the grass, proud and elegant.

Watching it return to its place, Zhou Tian looked at his four elves with a smile.

I will not look for it to fight, I have already seen it, it is not something to mess with, there is no need and there is no need.

Zhou Tian waved goodbye to it, but received no response.

Hey ~~ It's quite faceless, Bai gave it food~~~

Zhou Tian, who didn't find face, could only maintain his image, and continued to walk towards the forest with the four little ones, but the ghost stone on the side seemed to be secretly laughing.

Fortunately, they immediately encountered a foamy chinchilla, and Zhou Tian concentrated on the battle again.

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