"Where did the guy come from, the trainers of the alliance arrived so soon?!"

As soon as Zhou Tian's elf rushed out, his figure was captured by the leading middle-aged strong man.

He commanded the Moru Moth and the Mountain King to besiege the Flying Mantis, but the Flying Mantis was very good at breaking the siege, slashing with both knives, and the two elves on the opposite side had to temporarily avoid the edge.

But obviously the flying mantis will not be able to defeat the opponent easily.

The middle-aged strong man carefully observed Zhou Tian, "Just a young ghost? So strong? It

seems that the other party also regards the flying mantis as the elf of Zhou Tian, and he does not know that this is the light of friendship between Zhou Tian and the wild area elf.

Those little brothers indiscriminately commanded the elves to break through the black fog of Ghost Stone, but they were almost all hit back by Leolu's bullet fist and the serial slap of Meow to the tail, and the only big needle bee that flew out was also beaten back by Ghost Stone's shadow fist.

When the middle-aged strong man saw such a chaotic scene, he cursed even more.

"You fools, there are so many of you, the elves are not good at commanding, won't you deal with that little ghost?"

Sure enough, it is an extrajudicial maniac, and the most direct way to fight outside, kill the trainer, everything is a foregone conclusion.

Several younger brothers immediately reacted and rushed towards Zhou Tian.

But the other party chose this way, but Zhou Tian was not so flustered.

Not to mention that Zhou Tian himself is extremely good and strong physique, and after so long of martial arts training, it is not a decoration.

Then the leading strong man saw that several of his subordinates were beaten by a stride on Sunday, one hanging his ear on his elbow, and a bear leaning hard...

A minute later, several of his men fell to the ground and groaned.

And Zhou Tian also made a closing move.


The middle-aged strong man had a question mark.

What's the situation? How did the battle between people end so quickly? One more fight and be counter-killed by others within a minute?

What kind of stuff is arranged for your team?

And what is the situation of this young imp on the other side? What kind of punch did you play?

And Zhou Tian's side saw that the minions could not command the elf battle for the time being, and he breathed a sigh of relief, so that Zhou Tian could adjust to support the flying mantis.

"Leo Lu, go help the flying mantis, cover it!"

On the other side, "Hey! Yikes! The voice came from the soles of the middle-aged strong man's feet.

He immediately rolled one by one and slid to the side.

But he can react, and the amphibious vehicle parked there will not work.

The four wheels gradually fell into the quicksand of the sand cave of the big-jawed ant, and it was temporarily impossible to move.

"Abominable!! There is even an elf hiding underground!! "

If you hear it on Sunday, you may complain, and there is another one you haven't found yet."

The other party now feels that this mission may be going to go wrong.

Dragged down by Sunday, after a long time, when the support of the elven parents and alliance in the wild area arrived, they would have to account for today.

Now the situation on the scene is indeed under the control of Zhou Tian, and the two ordinary level elves, Ghost Stone and Xiang Tail Meow, dragged out the nine miscellaneous fish elves on the opposite side.

And with the timely support of Leolu, the Flying Mantis also suppressed the Moth and the Mountain King.

"Bastard, bastard! How so, waste ah is waste!! The middle-aged strong man cursed angrily.

Zhou Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, now it seems that the strength of the opposite side is not as exaggerated as imagined, especially these few Han who want to play hand-to-hand combat with their own wild fights, all three punches and two kicks all lie down and scream.

The level of the subordinates of this poaching organization is not very good, no wonder they are only sent to the wild areas of Hong Kong to poach, and it is estimated that the powerful wild areas will be beaten into meat by the wild elves inside.

There should be no problem in holding out until the support is reached, and then these people will be able to catch them.

When Zhou Tian just looked forward to it in his heart and stood up the flag, the situation was broken.

"Fantasy light."

A colored light shot from the other direction, hitting Ghost Stone who cast black mist in midair.

Ghost Stone immediately flew out, his physical strength was not one in ten, if it were not for Zhou Tian's super cultivation, it is estimated that he would directly lose his combat ability at this moment.

Zhou Tian's calmness was immediately broken, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction where the attack came.

A dream eclipse floated out.

"Old Fei, why are you so embarrassed, squeezed dry by a little ghost?" A sharp voice came out.

A young man with a hunched back walked out, accompanied by a frightened deer carrying a net of arrogant swallows.

The Proud Swallows are obviously still in a semi-coma, probably because Mengmeng Eclipse has been performing hypnosis.

It's that Ah Cai!! Unexpectedly, at this critical time, he came back!

Zhou Tian quickly came to Ghost Stone, fed a sufficient amount of wound medicine, and then held it, secretly using his ability to treat its injuries and restore its strength.

"Flying Mantis, Leo Lu, Big Jaw Ant, and Tail Meow are all back!!"

Ghost Stone was severely damaged, and the black fog that controlled the nine miscellaneous fish elves would immediately disperse, even if they were all highly poisoned, it would have an impact on other battles.

It is better to gather all the elves together first, break the encirclement, and buy time.

"This kid is evil!! And what kind of garbage the organization arranged for us this time, there will be no battle, no wild fight, and he will be beaten all by himself. The

middle-aged strong man grumbled, now that Ah Cai is back, they have four elite-level elves, and there is no chance of victory on Sunday, it seems that this mission still has hope to be achieved.

That Ah Cai threw the Proud Bone Yan on the ground and said, "Okay, okay, go back and find the above to complain, now that we have cleaned up this little ghost, we are going to withdraw, and those elves are estimated to be looking for it soon." The

middle-aged strong man nodded, and immediately let the Moru Moth and the Mountain King surround Zhou Tian, and that Ah Cai also commanded Mengmeng Eclipse and Frightened Horned Deer to prepare to use skills.

Zhou Tian's face tightened, and he continued to treat Ghost Stone.

The Flying Mantis blocked Zhou Tian and all the elves first, but its face was also black, even if it was good at breaking the siege, it was unlikely to break the siege.

The other side was not soft, and the dream eclipse cast the fantasy light, and the frightened deer rushed over with the Moru moth and the king of the mountain.

Zhou Tian immediately asked Leo Lu to block the fantasy light with a guard, and the big jaw ant rock avalanche prevented Mengmeng Eclipse from continuing to attack.

And the flying mantis and the tail meow touched each other's three elves head-on, the flying mantis was okay, but the flying mantis was obviously injured by the slamming of the frightened deer.

The situation is very serious.

The other party didn't care about the injury at all, and continued to let the elves storm, and the nine elves who broke away from the black mist also joined the battle group, and soon several elves were full of scars.

Leo Lu can be beaten the most, so he is still standing.

Xiangwei Meow and the big-jawed ant had already reached the bottom of their physical strength, and they gasped around Zhou Tian.

"Okay, it can be solved, solve it and go immediately!!" Ah Cai said and let the frightened deer slam again.

The Dream Eclipse and Moru Moth use fantasy light.

The middle-aged strong man also let the Chuanshan King use metal claws.

The other nine miscellaneous fish played their own, and all their skills came towards Zhou Tian.

"Abominable!! Ghost Stone, Leo Road, hold on! Big jaw ants, rock blockade! Flying mantis, air chop! Meow to the tail, slap in a row! "

This is the last block, the physical strength of several elves on Sunday's side has bottomed out, and the injuries are continuing to worsen, and there are no more means.

The skills of both sides collided, and layers of dust rolled up on the ground.

The smoke cleared and the elves revealed.

Although the opponent's skills were canceled, the price was that all three elves of Zhou Tian lost their ability to fight, and their eyes circled on the ground, and Xiang Meow had also lost consciousness.

Only the strongest flying mantis, half-hanging with two knives, is still barely standing, but it is obviously the end of the strong crossbow.

Zhou Tian gritted his teeth, quite unwilling, his strength is still not enough...

Ah Cai saw that Zhou Tian no longer had the power to resist, and he didn't have much right and wrong, so he picked up the proud bone Yan on the ground and came to the amphibious car with the middle-aged strong man Lao Fei, ready to get in the car and run.

The little brothers were also ready to climb into the car and leave, as if things were going to go as they wanted.

At the critical moment, Zhou Tian's last arrangement finally succeeded.

The pincer-tailed scorpion, which had been lying on the carriage during their battle on Sunday, finally used its tail clamp to break the door lock of the carriage.

And the people in the car did not seem to notice, they only cared about pressing the accelerator hard, increasing the speed of the amphibious vehicle, and wanted to rush out of the sand in one go.

Without the control of the big-jawed ants, the binding force of the quicksand weakened and hardened, the tires turned sharply, and the car did rush forward.

But inertia also caused the cage with elf cubs in the back compartment to slide outward.

"Don't you bastards have a locked door?? The elves are all sliding out!! The middle-aged strong man who stared in the rearview mirror immediately spotted the elf on the ground behind the car.

"What are you waiting for, get out of the car and load the elves into the car, the time has dragged on for too long!!" A Cai on the side roared.

A few younger brothers immediately jumped out of the car and ran to the back of the car, but as soon as they ran to the car, they stepped on the poisonous diamond scattered by the pincer-tailed scorpion under the carriage.

Suddenly, a scream came out.

When Ah Cai heard this, he immediately jumped out of the car and walked back cursing.

"You can't do such a little thing, really tell Old Fei, who is the organization arranged?"

Then it saw these little brothers rolling on the ground with their feet covered, and their faces began to turn blue.

At this time, the pincer-tailed scorpion hid in the carriage and shot a line of poison needles, and Ah Cai had long been wary of the injuries of the younger brothers, and jumped away at once.

"Pincer-tailed scorpion? That little ghost's? I didn't expect to keep one... What a dog thing... But this thing is worth a lot, take it with you! "

Mengmeng Eclipse and Horned Deer attacked again, and in one round, the pincer-tailed scorpion lay down without Zhou Tian's side.

Throwing the poison to a few younger brothers and asking them to quickly pack the elves, Ah Cai returned to the passenger seat in the car.

One by one, the elf boxes that had just been rescued by the pincer-tailed scorpion were loaded back into the carriage, which also included the pincer-tailed scorpion of Sunday.

Zhou Tian was recovering Ghost Stone while running towards the car, he would not watch his elf being taken away.

But before he could run, a shadow flew above him.

Then I saw that the amphibious vehicle was directly hit by a white light and rolled over...

The white light flickered, showing his true body, it was Dawang Yan!!

Reinforcements have arrived!! It's finally here!! Reinforcements, who had waited for half a day, finally arrived when the enemy was about to leave.

Da Wang Yan glanced at Zhou Tian in the air, nodded, and continued to rush towards the amphibious vehicle.

All the poachers in the car jumped out of the car after rolling over on their sides, and also saw the attacking Wang Yan.

"Banana board, said it for too long!! Chased it!! Hurry up and find a way to withdraw! "

The elves of all the poachers came out again, lined up to deal with the flying King Yan.

Zhou Tian looked at Da Wang Yan worriedly, knowing that the other party's total strength was not weak, would Da Wang Yan not be able to deal with it.

Unfortunately, before Zhou Tian could worry for a second, a brown figure burst out from the forest and flew the elite-level frightened deer with one punch.

It's a circle bear!

No, not only that, there are constantly elves sneaking out of the forest, and a large number of elves also appear in the air.

Most of the elves in the wild area came, and the rain wing moth also flew to Zhou Tian's side to inform it that it had completed its mission.

"To die or to die, to die today..." The middle-aged strong man looked at all the wild elves who appeared in fear.

Those little brothers were shaking their legs, almost unable to stand, they saw the killing intent in the eyes of these wild elves.

"Old Fei, leave those elves alone, jump off the cliff and let your last moth drag us away!!"

A Cai reacted quickly and immediately told Lao Fei to run away, as for the other younger brothers, he couldn't control it, he didn't have a flying elf and had to rely on Lao Fei.

Old Fei immediately reacted when he heard this, and ran towards the cliff to the west, of course, Ah Cai had already put away the frightened deer and ran to the edge of the cliff.

The elves of the wild area immediately besieged the younger brothers and their elves who had not yet left, and a few went after Lao Fei and A Cai.

Zhou Tian's face was anxious, those two first evils were not caught, and today this matter was only half solved.

He immediately gritted his teeth, intending to catch up again with the ghost stone who had slowed down.

But a hand on his right shoulder pressed him.

"Don't worry, leave the rest to us, you worked hard!" A male voice came.

Looking back on Sunday, it was the owner of 'Gulf Extreme Taste'.

There was also a group of people in the alliance behind him, including Brother Cannon contacted by Zhou Tian, and he also waved to Zhou Tian.

"Most of you stay behind to help the wild elves release their children, and you from the Secret Supervision Bureau use your abilities to calm them, and those two bastards and I will solve them."

Zhou Tian immediately saw a man riding a tropical dragon flying towards the edge of the cliff.

The owner of 'Gulf Extreme Taste' also ran over there with the water arrow turtle.

Zhou Tian, who saw that the scene had completely settled down, immediately sat on the ground with his butt.

Just now, a period of super-concentrated wild fighting, and also used special abilities to treat Ghost Stone, and Zhou Tian's head was about to explode.

The battle of the wild area elves has ended, and the circle bear, the big king yan, and a few slightly weaker elite-level elves joined, and those little brothers and their elves were instantly destroyed.

Except for a few that are surviving, the others seem to be completely gone.

The revenge of stealing a baby, not sharing the sky, in the eyes of the wild elves, there will be revenge, but no matter what else.

Then the elves in the back compartment were rescued, and the elite-level Kairos clamped a cage, and many elves were still confused when they were rescued.

The elves who lost their babies have all received their respective elves, and with the communication of the superpowers of the Secret Realm Administration, their anger has slowly subsided.

In the back compartment, all the Appa family, a few Scorpios and several other ruthless characters living in the west of the wild area were also found.

It turned out that these poachers first captured these fierce elves first as soon as they arrived here, which is why the West Side was so quiet.

Zhou Tian also hugged back his pincer-tailed scorpion, fed some injury medicine and energy cubes, and the little guy also woke up.

Zhou Tian held it and returned to the resting place of his other elves, and after feeding them all wound medicine and energy cubes (including the Flying Mantis and Tail Meow), Zhou Tian leaned against the root of the tree and closed his eyes and slept.

"Brother Zhou Tian, are you okay!! Wake up!! When he opened his eyes again, it was Zhou Tian who was interrupted by Brother Cannon's shout.

When Zhou Tian opened his eyes, he saw several alliance personnel squatting beside him, and their worried eyes showed their psychological thoughts at a glance.

'This guy isn't in shock. Do you want to give him artificial respiration to rescue him...

I'm so tired. Take a break. It's okay, it's okay~~" Zhou Tian immediately stopped the hands of some people stretched out.

After speaking, Zhou Tian also looked at the boss who had returned in the distance and the old Song in his mouth, and there were two non-human-like guys tied to the feet of the old Song's tropical dragon.

It seems that the two chief evils have been caught, and this matter is over.

Zhou Tian also saw that the elves who came to support slowly dispersed, and Dawang Yan and Huanhuan Xiong glanced at Zhou Tian before leaving, although there was no unnecessary movement, their eyes revealed kindness to Zhou Tian.

The wild area elves dispersed, and the boss and that old Song walked towards Zhou Tian.

"Young man, you did so well this time, I didn't expect you to drag them for so long, I thought I was going to be run away by them, and I planned to go to sea to chase it." That old Song patted Zhou Tian on the shoulder as soon as he came over.

"I'm still too weak, even against these thieves, I almost wiped out the entire army..." Zhou Tian shook his head and said depressedly.

And when he finished saying this, the field seemed to be silent... The look in everyone's eyes turned from admiration to contempt.

This style of speech is generally considered Versailles in such cases, whether you mean it or not.

"You are only ordinary level, and the strongest elf is also ordinary level low, even if you find that flying mantis to help, but after all, it is not your elf, stopped four elite level elves, and a bunch of other elves, what do you want?" The owner of the Gulf Extreme Taste looked at Zhou Tian squinted and said.

"If I had an elite elf, I should be able to sweep them." Zhou Tian touched his chin and thought.

。。。 People who cover their faces and ears and don't want to listen anymore.

"Did you go to college? If it's a university, your strength can be considered average, so work hard~~" Old Song continued.

Zhou Tian tilted his head and asked, "University? I'm not a college student, I'm just about to go to my third year of high school. "

After listening to everyone, everyone immediately turned around, what kind of thing, just received the elf for a year has this strength? Demon geniuses, playing with them here?

Zhou Tian looked at the people who turned around and left, not knowing what he said wrong, just waiting to take back his elf, pick up Xiangwei Meow, and help the flying mantis to walk towards Hong Kong.

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