The fox beast is exhausted...

Jirachi has provided a lot of energy to the flower fairy beast, but also lack of vitality...


Moreover, the original strength of Kirachi as a magical Pokémon is in special abilities, not in energy fights...

As for the energy pairing...

The strongest is still the celestial beast...

But at this time...

The celestial beast absorbed the waveguide energy!

Caused to be infused with a large amount of energy shock... and is sleeping!


It would be great if the celestial beast was awake!

Heavenly beast!

Oh my goddess!

Thoughts so far.

Just when Su Han was annoyed.

Suddenly, an intermittent voice echoed in his mind.



And this voice, although vague and incoherent!


With the familiarity of this voice!

Su Han instantly recognized who the owner of the voice was!

"Heavenly beast!?"

"is it you?!"

"Yes... what... cold..."

After an intermittent affirmative answer.

Su Han suddenly raised his eyebrows with joy.

But the next second...

Suddenly realized a problem.

"But... aren't you sleeping now?"

"That's right...I...wasn't awake...but my...consciousness was...assimilating the waveguide energy...suddenly felt a strong emotional waveguide...calling me... .So I...followed that emotional waveguide energy...find it...but I didn't was my little Hanhan..."

Listening to the words of the goddess, the coherence is getting stronger and stronger.

Su Han also remembered that...

Among the original Pokémon...

The emotional waveguide is indeed a kind of waveguide! Small.

320. Heavenly female beast! Pass the waveguide energy to me!

For example, Korney and her Lucario use such fluctuations to have a sympathetic effect on each other...


Right now, there is a situation where Tiannumon communicates with itself through a waveguide.

Not surprising!


Su Han also took this opportunity to quickly ask the Heavenly Beast again.

"The female beast that day..."

"Since you can now communicate with me using the waveguide..."

"Doesn't it take long before you wake up?"

Can result...

After asking such a hopeful question.

But the beast of heaven did not carry Su Han's hope.

Instead, he gave a splash of cold water.


"I just assimilated most of the waveguide energy I absorbed now, and I can only use the waveguide to control my consciousness. The body is still very weak, and I can't wake up!"

"Is that so..."

heard here.

"Two seven three" Su Han murmured suddenly in disappointment.

Emotional fluctuations that were keenly captured by the goddess.


followed closely.

The goddess beast asked Su Han again.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Great joy and sorrow..."

"Also, you just sent out such a strong emotional wave to call me, did you miss me? Xiaohanhan~"

"I miss you..."

"There are also urgent matters that need you..."

After Su Han answered truthfully.

The Heavenly Girl Beast noticed something was wrong from the words "one hundred thousand fires urgently" in Su Han's words.

after all...

In terms of Su Han, who she knew...

When he was still a Dilu beast, Su Han did not use the word 100,000 hurried to describe the divine beast Solgaleo.

But right now, such words are used to express desperation.

As you can imagine...

Su Han is in trouble!

thought here.

The Heavenly Girl Beast couldn't help but worry.

Even the words that came through the waveguide became hurried.

"What is it that stumped you?"

"I entered a different dimension space..."

"And then when I wanted to go out...and found that the rift in space to the outside could not be opened..."

"A particularly strong force of non-physical nature is needed to open it right now..."

Answer so far.

Su Han, who had given up hope.

Suddenly I drew some inspiration from my own words.


Hear his tone change.

He asked the goddess beast again in an excited tone.

"Heavenly beast!"

"Since you have assimilated so much waveguide energy, you can release waveguide energy to communicate with me!"

"Then can you release the waveguide energy and help me to open the cracks in this space!?"

"We thought of going together! Xiao Hanhan! I just wanted to say that too!"

The goddess beast followed suit and said.


"Because my five senses haven't recovered yet! There's no way to determine where the space crack you're talking about is!"

"So, I will first pass on a part of the waveguide energy you can bear to you, and you will strike at the crack!"

"Then I'll be here again and continue to supply you!"

"is it okay?"


Even if Su Han has not tried this.

But there is not much time left now, and the situation is life and death!

Su Han adhered to the idea of ​​​​trying a dead horse to be a living horse doctor if he could try a method, and agreed without thinking.


Hearing Su Han turn to Rotom again.


"How much time is left now!"

"Three minutes and eight seconds!"

After Rotom answered accurately.

Su Han gave an order.

"it is good!"

"Then from now on! You will count down on the side!"

"And then within a minute, all the time points of the whole second, you must remind me!"

"do you understand?"

"Understood! Master!"

Rotom finished.

Su Han once again returned his attention to his mind...

"Then the goddess beast..."

"I'm here, Xiao Hanhan!"

"Start transmitting waveguide energy to me!"

"Okay! Then I'll count down to three, you're ready over there!"



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