After the villa renovation is completed.

It still doesn't look any different than before.

Because of the renovation of the front ice, the appearance of the original villa has been recorded.

When the substance is converted.

Directly on the surface of the vibranium villa, a layer of camouflage is exactly the same as before.

In order to be able to make the ground bear such a heavy vibranium villa.

Fang Bing also deliberately converted the foundation in advance.


All-round defense.

Although special transparent glass is slightly less defensive.

But Fang Bing also installed vibranium closed windows on the inside of the windows that can be turned on and off at any time.

In case of danger.

It is only necessary to close the vibranium window inside.

It's okay if the special glass outside breaks!

The interior of the villa has retained its original decoration.

Wanda sitting on the sofa in the living room practicing Xi.

Didn't even feel the change in the villa!

When all this is done.

Fang Bingcai told Wanda and Pietro about the changes to the villa.

and what to do in case of danger.

He is the embodiment of the Doomsday Survival Maniac.

I even plan to go back and find Iron Man again.

Let him install a boat reactor in his villa as well.

Coupled with a circular life-sustaining system.

When the time comes, even if the aliens invade New York.

It's been turned upside down outside.

Fang Bing can stay at home and watch TV peacefully.

Leviathan banged his head against the door.

I don't blink a bit.

Just ask if it's strong or not?

Now Fang Bing's only regret is one thing.

Last time I went to New Mexico.

Forgot to touch Thor's hammer head.

To say that there is a metal in the universe that is harder than vibranium.

There is only one that is undisputed.

Ulu Metal!

Thor's Mjolnir.

Thor's future storm tomahawk.

Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

Odin's Eternal Spear.

Thanos' tyrant butcher's knife.

It's all made of this metal!

The hardest metal in the universe!

It's just that Thor's hammer only uses Uru metal for the hammer head.

When Fang Bing went to pull out the hammer.

Didn't even think about it.

Only the handle of the hammer was held.

It's a shame to think about it now.

But it doesn't matter.

There will be opportunities in the future.

It won't be long before Thor, the second goods, will be in the Nether again.

If you can convert your own villa into Uru metal.

Fang Bing felt that it was a real absolute defense.

Because of the vibranium shield of the American team.

Later, it was brutally crushed by Thanos' tyrant butcher's knife made of Uru metal.

Although Thor's hammer was later pinched and exploded by Hela.

It's not because Uru metal isn't hard enough.

It's because Thor's hammer was originally Hela's weapon!

When forged, her mana was contained inside.

When Hela was with Odin on his conquest of the universe.

Mjolnir's hammer is one of her weapons.

After Hela's captivity.

The weapon was in Thor's hands.

Thor is second-hand!

That's why Thor's hammer will be crushed by Hela.

It's not that the metal isn't hard.

Rather, it was disintegrated from within!


After remodeling the house.

Fang Bing, who was full of security, made up for sleep at home.

Sleep until midnight after waking up.

He remembered his previous ability to extract insects.

So he got up.

I opened a portal and went straight back to Hell's Kitchen.

Because of the insect he was looking for this time.

It's fleas!

It's as disgusting as a cockroach thing.

Fang Bing felt.

It's better to find a garbage place like Hell's Kitchen.

After walking out of the portal.

He appeared on a secluded street.

This is where he saved Skye in the first place.

Turn on the biodetector on your wrist.

Start strolling through the streets.

A cool breeze blowing at night.

Listen to the screams and gunshots that rang out from time to time within a radius of several miles.

It's also a different taste.

Just after a decade or so of strolling through the streets.

The biodetector still didn't respond.

Fang Bing was dumbfounded.

When did Hell's Kitchen get so clean?

Not even a flea?

But he reacted quickly.

You may be in the wrong place.

Fleas generally only parasitize people or animals.

The street he strolled down was too secluded.

Not even a bum.

How is it possible to find fleas.

Fang Bing, who figured it out.

Immediately changed the location of the search.

He began to walk towards the dense area of apartment buildings.


A few minutes later.

When he walked to an apartment building.

There was a non-stop buzzing sound from the biological detector.

Remind him that he has found his goal.

Fang Bing listened to the movement in the building.

There was a strange expression on his face.

Step in.

All the way upstairs.

Walk to the door of an apartment at the end of the hallway.

There was a knock on the door.

The movement inside the door immediately stopped.

But Fang Bing waited at the door for a minute.

Still no one opened the door.

He knocked on the door again.

The people inside still decided to play dead.

Until Fang Bing knocked it a third time.

A voice came from behind the door.

", knock on the door again and kill you. “

Fang Bing kicked open the door.

The man holding a gun against the door behind the door.

He kicked out with the security door.

The man who flew out slammed directly into the wall.

He's dead.

Fang Bing walked into the apartment.

Straight to the bedroom.

Ignore the bedroom on the bed.

A man who is tied in a chained zigzag, blindfolded, and gagged with a mouthball.

The wardrobe in the bedroom was opened directly.

Take Fang Bing's super eyesight.

Many fleas were immediately spotted running rampant inside.

Summoning flea food prepared in advance out of thin air from another dimension.

Thrown into the closet.

Then he closed the closet door.

Quietly waiting for the harvest moment.

A few minutes later.

The system has successfully obtained a huge list of abilities.


[Flea Attack Lv6], this flea can jump up to 100 times its height to find a target parasitic breed.

[Toxic Infection Lv1], this flea carries a variety of bacteria and viruses that can infect parasites.

[Photophobia Lv5], this flea is very afraid of light and likes to live in damp and dark places.

[Vampire Lv1], this flea likes to suck the blood of the host, so as to reproduce.

[Cocoon Lv1], this flea will form a cocoon to protect itself as it grows.


Fang Bing finished reading the list of abilities.

Without the slightest hesitation.

There was a batch extraction.


After all the hundreds of draws.

He managed to get a level 10 flea sortie.

As for other abilities.

It's all terrible.

Disable it directly.

[Flea Attack Lv10], although you have a different body structure from the flea, you have mastered its jumping power skills, and you have the ability to jump more than 20 times the height of your body.

Same as the ant power obtained before.

Although Fang Bing obtained a full-level flea attack.

But because the body structure is different.

The effect is discounted.

The strongest flea can jump up to 150 times its height.

But Fang Bing was the same as before.

Less than one-sixth of the effect was obtained.

That's only 20 times.

It doesn't sound like that much, though.

Fang Bing is 1.8 meters tall.

Jump twenty times.

That's 36 meters.

The first floor is generally only about 3 meters.

That is, Fang Bing can now jump directly to the height of a twelve-story building.

And that's not even counting the bonus of his own super physique.

So Fang Bing can't estimate how high he can jump now.

I can only wait to go out and try it.

After doing your own thing.

Fang Bing looked at the thin and handsome man who was bound by chains.

He stepped forward.

Pulled off the four chains in the corners of the bed.

Just open the portal and leave.

What I just saw was too spicy.

Fang Bing needs to wash his eyes.

The portal simply opened directly above the sea.

After stepping out of the portal.

Straight towards the sea.

But Fang Bing didn't let himself fall into the sea this time.

It's at the moment when it's about to fall overboard.

Legs slightly bent.

Unique jumping techniques are used.

Then he stepped on the surface of the sea.


It was as if a bomb had been detonated on the surface of the sea.

A reaction force emerged from under Fang Bing's feet.

Lifted his body.

Bang, bang, bang!

Fang Bing just stepped on the surface of the sea and started running.

Each step causes a violent stirring of the sea beneath your feet.

Each step can be bounced up to ten meters away.

The moon on the sea shone on the running ice.

He ran for half an hour.

There was a long whistle, and my heart was very comfortable.

before falling into the water.

Wash your eyes and go.

I swam in the sea and could swim.

Ate dozens of oysters.

Fang Bing opened the portal in the sea.

Back in the city.

He found a tall building.

Stand downstairs.

Get ready to put your jumping abilities to the test.

When I was in the middle of the sea just now.

Because the sea water under your feet is liquid.

Cushioned most of the force of his jump.

Only jumped out of ten meters away.

Now he's going to try.

How high can you jump on land?

Can it reach the level of Little Peter after becoming Spider-Man in the future!


Fang Bing jumped upwards on the spot.

The pavement is slightly slumped.

But it didn't kick back into a big hole as he thought.

This is thanks to the special jumping trick just got.

The body begins to rise at a rapid pace.

10 meters.

20 meters.

30 meters.

40 meters.

50 meters.

Up to fifty meters.

Fang Bing stopped rising.

Fall down.

He's already measured his current jump limit!

With the skill of super constitution bonus and flea power.

He has already managed to jump to a height of 50 meters!

That's 16 stories tall!

At this time!

Fang Bing's body quickly fell downward.

When touching the ground again.

He jumped out again in an instant.

It's not just about jumping up this time!

He jumped to the 16th floor of the 30-story building!

When you reach the sixteenth floor.

He stretched out his feet and stepped on the balcony leaning out of the floor again.


Next second!

Fang Bing jumped directly onto the roof of this 90-meter-high apartment building!

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