"Becoming stronger doesn't necessarily mean leveling up or evolving. I should have reached level three a long time ago, but I didn't want to, so I stayed at level two. Chen Xuan was just trying to bluff me."The duck-billed fire beast said with a smile on his face.

"Then how did you lose to Windy Dog?"

The Burning Bug asked, looking at the back of the Duck-Billed Flamemon. When the matter was mentioned, the Duck-Billed Flamemon put away his smile and said calmly and easily:

"I didn't beat Arcanine with"107", I lost to him, it's that simple."

Speaking of this, the Platypus shrugged.

"How to improve your strength at your current level? First, reach the pinnacle."

The duck-billed fire beast said, and began to explain the theory.

"Train the moves you can use now until you can use them with your backhand. For example, your big character blast is not yet mature, so your flaming kick and flaming slash can be further improved."The duck-billed fire beast said, jumped up, and used the flaming kick.

He gestured.

Is he... teaching me?

The burning bug was confused and didn't react. He hurriedly came up and imitated the duck-billed fire beast's movements.

The burning bug followed the duck-billed fire beast and practiced the flaming kick and flaming slash.……

"There is another one, with the big word"explosion"."

The duck-billed fire beast said, and threw his hands, a ball of fire ignited between his eyebrows, rushed to the distance, demonstrated it once, and then gave way to the burning insect

"Concentrate your energy and focus your power where you release it. For example, you are your tail. When you reach a point, just release it."

The Burning Bug followed the guidance of the Duck-billed Fire Beast and released a huge amount of energy, punching a hole in the Flame Ball.

Qin Ze outside saw this and was worried about the Burning Bug inside.

Seeing the gap, the Duck-billed Fire Beast was stunned for a moment. The Burning Bug was like a child waiting for praise, and approached the Duck-billed Fire Beast.

""Big word explosion!"

The duck-billed fire beast suddenly shouted, and rushed a force towards the burning insect.

"Don't forget the Burning Bug. You and I are still fighting now. Let's have a final, real fight."

The Duck-billed Fire Beast said, and the Burning Bug was a little confused, but the Duck-billed Fire Beast's attack had already rushed over, and the Burning Bug dodged it.

Did he think I was too boring, so he taught me to continue fighting?

The Burning Bug thought so in his heart, and a huge sadness surged up, and he just felt sad.......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Flame Slash."

The Burning Bug leaped up suddenly, and its tail suddenly ignited with flames. Ci ran towards the Duck-Billed Fire Beast, watching the Burning Bug's movements, and leaped up beautifully in the air, with graceful and beautiful movements, rushing towards the Duck-Billed Fire Beast.

This movement made the Duck-Billed Fire Beast fascinated, as if watching a beautiful performance.

The Burning Bug's attack hit the Duck-Billed Fire Beast, which was severely injured and knocked to the ground.

"Why don't you fight back?"[]

The burning bug looked confused and asked the duck-billed fire beast.

The duck-billed fire beast smiled and said

"You did it, Burning Bug, keep going, and reach the pinnacle."

The Duck-billed Fire Beast said, and fainted. The flame ball loosened, revealing the Burning Bug and the Duck-billed Fire Beast.

Seeing that the battle was over, Qin Ze rushed over, worried about the Burning Bug's condition. However, the Burning Bug won the battle, and Qin Ze was also confused. Chen Xuan took the Duck-billed Fire Beast back.

"You win, the Burning Magic Crystal is yours."

Chen Xuan did not continue to entangle, jumped up, and left the cave. The duck-billed fire beast, why.

The burning bug was still brooding, watching Chen Xuan's back as he left.


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