"That's it, Emperor Yan, you will follow Mr. Qin Ze in the future, protect him and help him improve his abilities."

The Phoenix King said, bowing to Qin Ze to show respect.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Miss Lin, and you're still helping Qin Ze now."

The Phoenix King looked at Lin Lili, spoke softly, and took off into the air and flew away.

Lin Lili had been standing aside and watching. Why did the Phoenix King and the Flame Emperor suddenly treat Qin Ze like this? Could it be Qin Ze's necklace?

Lin Lili was careful, but Qin Ze also remembered that the Phoenix King had seen his necklace.

The Flame Emperor obediently entered Qin Ze's ordinary Poké Ball.

"I'm sorry for what you have done, Emperor Yan."

Qin Ze looked at the Poké Ball with some heartache.

"There is no way. Qin Yandi is huge. Since he recognizes you as his master, he must enter your Poké Ball to show his identity. 753"

Lin Lili said, pulling Qin Ze towards home.

"At least there are two elves tonight, which is great!"

Lin Lili said, and laughed. That smile dispelled Qin Ze's doubts just now, and he nodded.


"But from now until the end of the game, you can't show your Flame Emperor, that might bring you trouble."

Lin Lili said, Qin Ze looked at the Poké Ball in his hand and nodded affirmatively. He also knew that if he casually showed Flame Emperor, it would definitely attract many people's dissatisfaction, which was unnecessary (ceeg)

"From what I see now, Lin Tao is likely to win in the end, but it's fine this way, no matter who wins, it's a good thing."

Lin Lili said. After the last battle with Shi Li, Lin Lili's opinion of Lin Tao has changed a lot. This person must be very strong.

"Go to bed early, Lily. Although you are not participating in the competition these days, you are also very tired every day."

Qin Ze said, with a distressed look on his face. Lin Lili was fascinated by his eyes and nodded.

Now they have entered the quarterfinals. Qin Ze and Lin Tao are lucky not to have played against each other. The two will soon play in the semi-finals.

The next morning, Qin Ze and Lin Tao did not have any competitions. Qin Ze was pulled up by Lin Lili to train, and Lin Tao slept all morning.

"Release your Bobo Bird. We need to have a long-term vision. This Demon Abyss Competition is nothing."

Lin Lili said, Qin Ze nodded and released the Bobo Bird.


The Bobo bird flapped its wings and looked at Qin Ze with a tired face. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It seemed to be saying,"I'm so tired, why did you call me?"

"I'm so tired, why did you call me?"

The next second, the Pidgeot spoke, which startled Qin Ze and the others.

Generally speaking, primary elves don't talk, at least they must be second-level elves, and they must be powerful second-level evolved elves.

The Pidgeot in front of him was ordinary and opened his mouth directly. Qin Ze smiled: It's worthy of my fancy.[]

"I'm calling you to train, stand still."

Qin Ze said, bending the legs and wings of the Bobo Bird.


The Bobo bird looked lazy and stood there.


Qin Ze released the lights, trying to use the ghost of lights to drive away the laziness in the Bobo Bird.

""Daylight beam."

Qin Ze shouted, not giving the Bobo bird any time to react. The ghostly daylight beam flew straight over and rushed towards the Bobo bird.


The Pidgeot bird screamed while hiding and running around.


The ghost of the light lifted the Bobo bird up and pulled it over. Tôn

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