In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Compared with places at lower latitudes, winter comes longer and earlier in Siberia.

In Irkut, the first snowflakes have already fallen.

During this period, Anna has bought a lot of winter clothes for Zhang Ze.

The elderly at home have also bought a lot.

Zhang Ze takes the little girl back to Anna's parents almost every week, and successfully brings things back.

Since the little girl started chatting with her mother He Yufang on video and WeChat, she has been unstoppable, and even her Chinese accent has gone astray.

Zhang Ze's parents are in Heihe, Northeast China, and the climate is getting cold quickly, so Anna bought a lot of things early and sent them back to Zhang Ze's hometown by express delivery.

As for the usual food and drink at home, there are also a lot of mutton and other nourishing things. Recently, a lot of Sichuan and Chongqing hot pots have been arranged, and my sister Tanya's family and Oleg and his family often come to eat together.

In terms of school, Anna is serious in class, because she has to take a double degree in Chinese, and the little girl cares about her grades. Zhang Ze is different. He has to skip classes every few days because of busy things.

However, he had considered applying for an MBA before. The gilding was secondary. The main thing was to make his parents happy and to accompany his wife to study.

Moreover, those who studied this at Irkut University were generally middle and senior managers of Longguo enterprises stationed here. It was always good for classmates to know each other better.

The college teachers were of course happy to hear this, after all, it was a job that made money. However, the price of studying this degree at Irkut University was definitely much cheaper than in China.

In his spare time, Zhang Ze also went shopping in local shopping malls and supermarkets with the little girl. Sometimes when the ballet club had activities, the two of them would go to participate together.

Although Zhang Ze had the title of dance master, he was mostly a participant. Dancing with his wife was just for fun.

As for the industry.

The forest farm has already been laid out.

With Oleg and Chen Yongxu in charge, it was much faster than at the beginning.

For example, the mining, development and export rights of several different types of wood, agricultural and sideline products, wild animals, precious medicinal materials, etc., need to go through the city's"targeted" bidding for investment promotion, and the two have almost run through it during this period.

At the same time, Zhang Ze had contacted Longguo's foreign business association through his uncle and had found a construction company to build log houses for lumberjacks in several areas of the forest farm.

The two of them went to discuss the matter. The wood houses they built were mainly the characteristic wood houses of the Mao Xiong, which were fast to build and could be made from local materials.

In about a week or two, the houses would be completed. Of course, the warehouse and the access roads were not very convenient yet, so they could only cut down trees first and then consider transporting them out.

In recent days, Oleg has also purchased some equipment for the forest farm company, and he has also visited some local Longguo forest farm companies for inspection and study.

At the same time, Oleg is also recruiting lumberjacks in the forest farm.

Although winter is coming soon, there are not many people willing to work, but Lao Lai can still cut trees for one or two months.

In addition, the company provides housing, and you can earn some timber subsidies from the company during the winter break, so there are still some unemployed locals who are willing to come and do it.

Mensak also has things to do. On the one hand, the development here requires road construction, and Zhang Ze also has to run his own farm, build a private manor, and build a resort.

Because of the numerous construction projects, a lot of procedures need to be completed for the time being.

In addition, some infrastructure will be needed, and the forest farm, gold mine and resort will all be able to be used in the future.

Zhang Ze simply set up a group company, which makes it much more convenient to handle financial accounts and transfer money.

After consulting Sarah, the agent who bought the villa before, Zhang Ze simply spent about 200 million rubles in the city to buy a five-story office building.

The group company also recruited some accountants, cashiers, assistant legal affairs and the like.

In the future, the company will need some people to do accounting, tax filing and contract procedures. In addition, there is a two-way tax certification between Mao Xiong and Longguo, so some people are really needed to run.

Compared with the makeshift team of the forest farm, Zhang Ze did not find acquaintances to join this type of group employees, mainly because there are not so many people with sufficient experience and acquaintances who can be arranged.

As for the gold mining company, after the introduction of Mayor Alexi and Longguo Foreign Chamber of Commerce, many companies have contacted Zhang Ze.

However, the cooperative companies still need to be contacted and screened, and the conditions still need to be discussed, which will take a little more time for the time being.

All these things were arranged by the company staff, so Zhang Ze himself was not too busy.

Two weeks ago, after all the formalities of the forest farm were completed.

Zhang Ze took advantage of the weekends to go back to Kut Village and camped with Anna in his own forest twice.

With the fourth brother leading him the last time, Zhang Ze must be familiar with the route.

With a gun in his hand, Zhang Ze is also a martial arts master, so staying overnight is not a big deal. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Occasionally, a few wild beasts would come and call at night, which was a bit thrilling and exciting, and the couple was also very excited.

And the area of their own forest is large, and it is a gold mine in itself!

The two of them played and picked up rags in it.

After the little girl followed Zhang Ze, she also liked this kind of activity very much, and now she is like a senior treasure explorer.

The two picked mushrooms and dug some wild ginseng of the previous year. The frequent critical hits also saved Zhang Ze 20 to 30 million RMB.

The forest farm has not started yet, but Zhang Ze has already earned back the cost of the forest land.

This forest land is a treasure!

Not to mention the gold mines waiting to be developed!

After a period of enjoyable and comfortable days, today is the weekend again.

At this moment, Anna is driving her family's Hongqi HS9 from the city to Kut Village.[]

Because her family has many cars, it is convenient for her to practice driving. She passed the driving test a while ago.

She has driven a Mercedes before, but compared with the two, she still prefers this Hongqi from Longguo.���Although it looks too domineering and doesn't look like a car driven by a girl, it is more spacious and the interior is more fashionable. The little girl has long legs, so it is not difficult for her to drive this big SUV.

In order to let Anna practice driving more, Zhang Ze let her drive back now.

Moreover, because Anna can drive, and the villa on the Angara River has been tidied up, Zhang Ze and Anna have actually moved into the villa. They went back to Kut Village today not to spend the weekend in the village, but because the little girl's 270th birthday is tomorrow, which is when the two of them should hold their engagement ceremony.

The two of them went back now to pick up their families and go to the city together.

Of course, one car can't fit so many people. Today, I can also see Anna's second brother and his family.

The group company hired a driver, who is mainly responsible for business contacts on weekdays, so it is convenient to call someone to pick up the car.

On weekends, Anna's parents go to the sanatorium, and they are also picked up by the driver. At this time, the driver is driving the H 9 business car back.

At this time, driving on the local road, Anna's little face was very serious.

After all, this was her first time driving such a long distance.

Zhang Ze said with a smile:"Relax a little! You're holding the steering wheel so tightly, and you're still flustered when you get the general direction."

"Just like driving in the city. There are fewer cars here than in the city. Isn't it easier to drive in the suburbs than in the city?"

Anna smiled shyly, and her tense arms and shoulders relaxed.

"That's not the first time!"

"I'm right next to you, just click it slowly"

"Honey, what do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? It won't snow, will it?"

"That won’t happen. Can’t you see the sun is shining brightly now?"

"Today is the best weather in recent times. It's a rare opportunity for us to get engaged. God is also kind enough to help us!"

Whether Zhang Ze said this or not, the weather would not change drastically.

But after Zhang Ze said this, Anna was relieved and looked forward to tomorrow's wedding.

"What are you thinking about! Smile and laugh like an idiot, slow down, slow down, it's too fast!"



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