Although the second brother mentioned this as a joke, he might not be free.

Andre and Mensak were very happy to hear it, and nodded in agreement.

The forest farm is now contracted by Zhang Ze.

Although he can also pick mushrooms and wild goods and hunt.

But after all, Zhang Ze spent money to bid for the mining rights.

It was not convenient for the two to go digging with Zhang Ze before and ask for money!

But picking up scraps is another matter.

No one knows what is in the land.

It is also very good for Andre and Mensak to subsidize the family expenses occasionally.

After all, one is busy changing houses and the other is busy getting married, and they are actually very tight on money.

The family talked and laughed. The third brother called Mensak.

Zhang Ze looked at the time and asked Mensak and sister-in-law Maria to drive to pick them up.

"Okay, fourth brother, you go pick them up."

"It's about time now, Anna and I will go outside to wait for the guests"

"I guess the students from school will arrive first."

Brother-in-law Andre also stood up:"Brother-in-law, let me and your sister-in-law accompany you!"

Zhang Ze smiled and nodded when he heard it, and hugged Anna out of the villa again, and came to the front yard of the villa with his brother-in-law and his wife. When they walked to the front yard , just a little while later, two Hongqi H9s quickly stopped by the roadside outside the villa.

Oleg and Chen Yongxu got off respectively.

Because Chen Yongxu usually doesn't travel with Oleg, and there are many Longguo compatriots who run businesses here. So the company also allocated a car for Chen Yongxu.

Oleg and Daria came together, and the two of them also drove Yulia and her boyfriend. Chen Yongxu also took Zhao Han and two people who were also studying in Longguo.

The group obviously agreed to come together.

Oleg and Chen Yongxu walked in front, with smiles on their faces.

Chen Yongxu:"Congratulations! Brother Ze and sister-in-law!"

Oleg:"Congratulations! Today is really a day worth celebrating."

Zhang Ze smiled and shook hands with several people.

These two were Zhang Ze's good friends in the past few years in Maoxiong.

It was also because of the trust that Zhang Ze brought these two people in when he opened the forestry company.

Anna greeted Daria, Yulia and Zhao Han and hugged them warmly.


Daria:"Anna, you look so beautiful today!"

"Thank you, Dariya, you look really beautiful today too!"

Yulia grumbled and laughed,"Anna, you are biased! You are not holding a grudge!"

Anna smiled and said,"How could that be! Yulia is also very beautiful!"

Zhang Ze smiled and raised his hand to introduce Anna,"This is Zhao Han'"

"In the past, some documents needed to be translated by the embassy, and Oleg and I would ask her for help."

Zhao Hanyingying said with a smile:"Hello! Congratulations!"

Anna also responded politely,"Welcome, thank you for your blessing!"

Several people talked and laughed, and handed gifts to Zhang Ze and Anna.

They all looked rare and the price was not cheap!

Zhang Ze was not polite to them, and naturally accepted them all with a smile,"Okay!"

"We are all acquaintances, so I won’t be polite to you!"

"There is also breakfast in here."

"There will be a band from school coming over and performing."

"If you want to swim or have a sauna, please feel free to do so."

"There are yachts and speedboats on the riverside"

"If you guys want to stay the night, the rooms are ready. Here, here are the keys!"

"There will be a boat out at noon when there are many people, and you can spend the night directly on the yacht!"

"Have fun! And remember to be safe!"

Everyone smiled when they heard this, and after taking the room keys, they walked into the villa happily and sat down.

As soon as the car entered the villa, another car came behind.

Anna's classmates from school, friends from the village, and members of the ballet club came in a business car and were picked up by the driver.

It is said that three women make a drama, and these girls are already familiar with Anna.

Oleg's sister Natasha smiled and said,"Congratulations!"

"Oh my God, Anna, I can't imagine that you live in such a big house!"

Anna:"Come on, Natasha, this is Zhang Ze"

"Hello." Zhang Ze said with a polite smile.

The president of the ballet club, Anleshita, also said with a smile:"Congratulations!"

"Well - you two are truly a match made in heaven!"

"Bless you!"

The girls couldn't help but envy. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Of course, birds of a feather flock together. These girls definitely wouldn't have such thoughts about being jealous of their bestie's husband.

Especially for Anleshita, who is the CP leader of the old audience in the live broadcast room.

Although the gifts are not as expensive as the previous ones, the blessings of several girls are quite sincere.

Good words, Zhang Ze was also very happy to hear them.

Then, another business car of the company came back from Kut Village.[]

Oleg's parents and several old men from the village were picked up and dropped off.

They were all elderly, and Zhang Ze invited them here mainly to accompany An's parents.

The old men had seen Zhang Ze often before, and as soon as they got out of the car, they congratulated Zhang Ze and Anna with smiles on their faces.

Although they were holding local specialties from the village, the atmosphere was still quite festive.

Oleg's father grinned and said,"Child, don't blame the old man for not bringing you good things."

"I'm just a small farmer who grows a field. I came here just to join in the fun."

Zhang Ze couldn't help but smile,"Uncle, you're too polite!"

"I used to go to the village often, but I asked you to take care of me."

"I am very happy that you and your aunt are willing to come here!"

Anna smiled and said,"Yes!"

"Besides, this is something you spent a lot of time and effort to pickle with your own hands!"

"Zhang Ze usually likes to eat the food my mother cooks, so this gift is just right!"

Several elderly people were also happy to hear this, and they kept praising the two. At this time, Selena was also idle and helping in the lobby, so she called her two sisters and helped the old man in.

Several people were welcoming and seeing off in the lobby.

After several younger students from the school band came over, several taxis soon arrived.

The young people who got off were all from Longguo, and Zhang Ze didn't recognize them.

But after a little thought, Zhang Ze guessed that they were probably fans who were present.

Zhang Ze said to Anna,"Wife, these people are probably from other places in the Russian Bear. They should be fans of our live broadcast room."

"Oh! So many people!"

These three or four taxis obviously came together, and more than a dozen people got off at once.

Everyone walked towards Zhang Ze enthusiastically.

"Hello, Ze! Hello, Anna!"


"My God, the real person is even more handsome and beautiful than the live broadcast!"

"Hello, brother Ze and sister-in-law! I came from Moss [Young and powerful], just call me Ma Dali!"

"Hello, brother Ze and sister-in-law! I came from St. Peter [I am not feeling well, not the driver], I am Sima Gang!"

"Hello, Ze……"

Zhang Ze couldn't help but grin and joked,"Okay, all the people online are familiar faces."

"Normally, Gou Ze is a pigeon spirit that crows loudly and attacks hard online, but now he is quite obedient!"

"I can't even recognize him after listening to him."

Ma Dali laughed and said,"The identities were different in that situation!"

"Those who watch the live broadcast are dog fans, and those who come here today are called guests, so they have to be polite."

Zhang Ze waved his hand and smiled:"Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles, but they must come to eat dog food."

"I am quite convinced."

Several people couldn't help but laugh, Sima Gang said:"Brother Ze's mouth is really amazing!"

"The offline lethality is much stronger than the online one!"

"Let's talk business. You said in your previous live broadcast that you would introduce a date to us. You can't be vague about it!"

Zhang Ze laughed dumbly and said,"Why don't you find someone in St. Peter's place? Why are you looking for someone here?……"(Zhao Nuo's)"Alright, I may be a mean person but I have a real Buddha in my heart, just have fun with me, don't take it to heart!"

"That can't be possible!" Everyone laughed and said. They were all old fans of the live broadcast room, so they naturally knew Zhang Ze's personality.

While laughing and chatting, Zhang Ze and Anna happily accepted everyone's gifts and blessings.

There were so many people and gifts that Zhang Ze and Anna couldn't take them all, and they had to ask their brother-in-law and sister to help them.

Anna had a very happy smile on her face:"Hey, everyone, hey!"

I usually don't feel much when watching the comments during live broadcasts, but seeing real fans is an experience I have never had before.

Anna accepted the gifts from everyone, each of which was quite unique, which really made the little girl very happy.

Of course.

Some of them come from well-off families and come here to"chase stars" and eat dog food to join in the fun.

But there are also a few whose families do business here and they want to get in touch with the forest company.

The fans have a separate table. After Zhang Ze led them into the villa, he called Chen Yongxu to entertain them.

There are quite a few fans in this nest, and the school band also started to perform. The male guests are like clouds, and the female guests are like Yingying and Yanyan. The villa suddenly became much more lively.


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