At the lobby,

Zhang Ze also met the general managers of Irku Mining and China Gold Bear Branch.

They had met many times before, mainly to talk about gold mine development.

The general managers of these two companies came to attend Zhang Ze's engagement party in person.

Obviously, they also wanted to have more contact with Zhang Ze in advance.

After all, Zhang Ze has not officially finalized the company to cooperate with. Of course, Zhang Ze has already selected a range of choices, and it happens that Irku Mining and China Gold are the two best choices.

In the live broadcast room, there are many local Irku Bear fans.

The appearance of the general manager of Irku Mining immediately shocked many people!

"Hiss—this must be the general manager of Yi Mining Company!"

"The guy above is awesome! He knows this! Don't be pretending!"

"What are you talking about? Don’t you know that the comments in the anchor’s live broadcast room are translated?"

"The Irkutsky mine is based on the development of local resources in Irkutsk. It was originally a state-owned company, but due to poor management in the early years and the turbulent situation, it was privatized early on."

"The manager Ocharov in front of us is from the same family as the owner!"

"Their family is the richest in Irkutsk!!"

"This is a well-known rich second generation in Irkut! It is said that he is quite capable!"

"Hiss——Is that so!"

"Brother Ze has something interesting in his social circle!"

"Is there any expert who can introduce another compatriot to me?"

"It really is possible! This is Mr. Chen from our Dragon Country Middle School Golden Bear Branch!"

"Needless to say, CICC is a state-owned enterprise of Dragon Country! It is very experienced in mining many metal minerals, especially gold!"

"The combination of these two can be described as a local snake plus a dragon from across the river! The two giants serving Gou Ze belong to!"

"So you want to cooperate with Brother Ze to open a mine! Awesome!"

The reason why the two companies in front of them valued the cooperation with Zhang Ze so much was that they wanted to get a share of the gold mine development.

Although Zhang Ze himself had calculated a conspiracy - the separation of mining rights and production, and the acquisition of the corresponding joint venture company after the agreed production reached the target.

But the two companies did not care about such conspiracy calculations and conditions at all.

After all, the mining and production of a gold mine with a reserve of thousands of tons is already a considerable profit!

The two smiled and walked towards Zhang Ze and Anna.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, Hello, Mrs. Zhang.!"

"Congratulations to both of you!"


Zhang Ze said with a smile:"Mr. Ocharov, Mr. Chen. I don't remember that you two knew each other?"

When the two heard this, they smiled at each other. Ocharov from Yikuang smiled and said:"It's a coincidence."

"China Gold is the best gold enterprise in China, and Yilan Mining is the leading local company."

"After several meetings with Mr. Zhang, although there are still some details to be discussed, both of us are determined to win the joint venture of Kut Gold Mine."

"It just so happens that Director Luo Meng of the city is leading the way, so our two families decided to participate in this project together, and at the same time we can give Mr. Zhang more concessions!"

Zhang Ze was surprised to hear this, and smiled:"Oh? If so, then I have to thank Mr. Luo Meng for his kindness!"

"Would you please come in?"

"But let me make it clear, today is my engagement party, if we are to discuss serious matters, I will definitely be too busy to take care of everything."

Both of them smiled when they heard this, and Manager Chen of CICC said with a smile:"Mr. Zhang, you are too polite!"

"We are here today to congratulate you two on your big day!"

"You just do your thing, don't worry too much!"

Zhang Ze was satisfied with the two's sense of propriety when he heard it.

If he really came to his engagement party to act like a big shot? Zhang Ze was too lazy to serve.

As they talked, the two took out their gifts.

Ocharov was holding a large stack of envelopes.

Zhang Ze guessed that the other party knew that today was also Zhang Ze's wife's birthday.

So he also wrapped a"red envelope" like An's father.

This heavy stack is estimated to be hundreds of thousands or even millions of rubles.

Manager Chen of CICC was holding a box of a jewelry brand under the group.

When he opened it, he saw a pair of golden bracelets, and a breath of sudden wealth came to his face.

Seeing Zhang Ze naturally smiled at the sincerity of the two.

With his thick skin, he naturally accepted it all.

Forget about any commercial bribery, today is the engagement day.

Others have the foresight to pick a good day, how could Zhang Ze refuse.

Originally, Zhang Ze didn't care whether the gift was expensive or not, he just wanted to get a good start and celebrate. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Of course, Zhang Ze wouldn't be so stupid as to finalize the cooperation with the company for such a small gift. Anyway, he would accept the gift and contact more to learn more. If it was not suitable, Zhang Ze would not have any psychological burden at all even if he refused to cooperate.

"Haha, thank you both for the gifts!"

"Come in, please."

Zhang Ze said, and then he let the two of them in.[]

In the following time, representatives of some companies came one after another.

They were all companies involved in the construction, infrastructure, mining and development, and material supply of forest farms and mines.

After a round of greetings and seeing off, there were quite a few gifts received.

Zhang Ze didn't care much, but the girl's miserly nature awakened, and she couldn't stop smiling.

Zhang was naturally happier because his wife was happy.

Just when all the bosses and CEOs were almost sitting at a table, Zhang Ze saw a familiar guest from afar in the front yard.

Vladimir and Sheva and his wife arrived together, and Sheva even brought his superior Roman with him.

As for the mayor Vladimir and his family, Zhang Ze was not so surprised.

He was a little surprised that Roman came here.

After all, although Zhang Ze had invited him politely before, Roman said that it depended on the time.

Zhang Ze thought it was to avoid suspicion, but he never expected that Roman would really come.

And Roman thought that it was more appropriate to follow Vladimir's words.

".Congratulations to both of you!"




After getting off the car, they walked towards Zhang Ze and Anna.

This scene really frightened the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Why do I have some impression of this old man and young man?"

"Does anyone know who this is?"

"Hiss—it’s Vladimir!"

"When the arms were dug out and Old Ivan was visited, one or two small shots were accidentally revealed!"

"The mayor of Anna’s town!"

"What about the other one? Isn’t there a Mao Xiong fan in the live broadcast room? Where is Dawari?"

"Yes! I recognized him. This is Director Roman from Irkutsk!"

"Soka! Really! It's exactly like the one on TV!"

"Oh my god, Brother Ze and Anna's engagement is quite a big deal!"

Zhang Ze shook hands with each other one by one.

"Director Luo Meng, I didn't expect you to have time to come."

Luo Meng smiled and said,"Mr. Zhang is a young talent, and he is making such a big investment in our city."

"Even if I don't have time, I have to make time to come over!" (Haonuo Zhao)"Well, after all, Mayor Vladimir has a good relationship with Ivan's family!"

"I came with them too!"

Mayor Vladimir nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

In terms of rank, Roman's rank is much higher than his!

And he is also the superior of his son Sheva!

Because Roman had approached him in advance about this matter, Mayor Vladimir also had a deeper understanding of Zhang Ze, this golden thigh.

Otherwise, how could Vladimir get the tank thing done for Mensak so quickly?

Roman spent a lot of effort in the process!

Of course, it is not appropriate to talk about this topic at this time, and Vladimir also knows it well.

Maybe Roman wants to take credit today? He can't take the initiative to mention this, unless Roman really finds him.

While talking and laughing, several people also brought out gifts.

The gifts are relatively not that expensive, but Sheva, as a young man, also introduced and explained. It can be seen that they were all carefully prepared by several people.

Zhang Ze was naturally very happy to see this, and politely invited several people into the villa.


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