
The Fireball Mouse was knocked away by the Caty Dog and landed on a tree not far away, leaving a large mark.

""Catti! Keep using the Self-Sacrifice Charge!"

Qin Ze immediately continued to give the order. The characteristic of this Fireball Rat was the hidden characteristic of attracting fire. Fire-attribute moves would not have any effect on it, but would instead strengthen its fire-attribute moves.

So Qin Ze planned to keep using the Self-Sacrifice Charge to get rid of the Fireball Rat!

""Fireball, use sparks on Growlithe's feet!"

Lin Yin immediately ordered.

Fireball immediately spit out a large number of sparks at Growlithe's feet.

Growlithe immediately moved to the side to avoid it.

No matter how Fireball fired, Growlithe would immediately change position and dodge narrowly!


At this moment, Lin Yin changed his strategy.

Obviously, Growlithe can use its sense of smell instead of its sense of taste, so smokescreen won't have much effect.

But why did Lin Yin let Lil'rat use smokescreen?

Just when Qin Ze thought of this question, he saw Lil'rat spit out smoke with all his strength, which was different from the previous smoke that spread out as soon as it was spit out.

This time, the smoke rushed out like a long snake.

Growlithe and Lil'rat were very close at this time, and the smoke rushed directly into its eyes.


This made Kartie close his eyes in extreme pain, feeling his eyeballs burning and tears streaming down his face.

The severe pain in his eyes prevented him from using his sense of smell accurately, causing him to fail to aim at the Fireball Mouse when he charged at it.

The Fireball Mouse jumped away immediately after it succeeded, causing Kartie to crash into a large tree behind him!


The reaction force of the self-sacrificing collision, coupled with the collision of the head with a hard object, made Caterpie drowsy and swaying back and forth, almost falling to the ground.


Qin Ze had to shout when he saw this. He didn't expect that the Fireball Mouse and Lin Yin had such a high level of tacit understanding. They knew how to use the smoke without being told.

This was indeed a surprise attack.

"Now! Fireball Mouse, use Overheat!"

Lin Yin ordered loudly.

After Fireball Mouse received the order, it burst into extremely hot flames all over its body. The scorching heat waves continued to gush out from its body, causing the temperature around it to rise continuously.

""Hoo, hoo, hoo!!!"

The flames on Fireball's body burst out like a volcanic eruption, and then turned into rolling waves, hitting Growlithe!

This trick of overheating is a trick that makes the whole body burst into flames!

The power is quite strong.

At this time, Growlithe came back to his senses from his previous dizziness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw such a big wave of fire hitting him, and he jumped up in shock.

It's a pity that he was swallowed by the wave of fire before he could react.

The surrounding trees and grass were also caught in the fire, and it continued to spread.

This piece of green land suddenly turned into a sea of fire

"Hahaha! Your Caterpie is just like this. I thought it was so powerful. Is it because you are such a loser that you didn’t train him well?"

Lin Yin couldn’t help but laugh loudly, looking bored.

""Thank you for your hard work, Fireball Rat."

Lin Yin praised the tired Fireball Rat, who was now panting.

This was the side effect of using overheating. The flame energy in the body would be drained, causing the power of the subsequent special attacks to be greatly weakened, and the physical strength was seriously lost.

"Humph, you are the loser."

However, at this moment, Qin Ze sneered twice as if he was sure of winning.


This attitude made Lin Yin confused.

"Look carefully, has my Caterpie lost its ability to fight?

Qin Ze looked at Lin Yin with a bit of ridicule.

"Are you kidding me? I didn't see your caterpillar...."

Lin Yin felt that Qin Ze was just throwing everything at the wall and couldn't see the truth clearly. Then he looked at the original position of the Caterpillar. As a result, he couldn't say what he wanted to say. His pupils dilated instantly, as if he saw something terrible.

In the sea of fire, Caterpillar slowly walked out.

It didn't seem to be injured at all, but its eyes were full of fighting spirit.

With every breath, hot sparks surged.

"What's going on! Even a fire-attributed Pokémon would be seriously injured by such a powerful fire move!"

Lin Yin didn't expect that Caterpie was actually safe and sound, and he couldn't help but shout out in shock.

"There is only one possibility for being hit by a fire-attribute move but still being fine. You can't possibly not know that."

Qin Ze sneered and said sarcastically

""Catch fire!"

Hearing this, Lin Yin immediately thought of the answer, and his face turned ugly.

Most of the general characteristics of Growlithe are intimidation, and there are very few that can catch fire.

This led to Lin Yin not thinking of Qin Ze's Growlithe as having the characteristic of catching fire.

Unexpectedly, this became his biggest mistake!

After enduring the overheating attack of the Incubus, the current Growlithe's own fire attribute energy was strengthened several times at once!

Such strengthening is only possible because of his own excellent qualifications. If it were other Pokémon's fire-catching characteristics, the effect would probably not be as good as Growlithe's.

"The game is over! Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

Growlithe was already excited, and when he finally heard the order, he immediately burst into a fierce flame all over his body.

Then Growlithe curled up and hugged himself, spinning like a tire.

The majestic flames rotated along with it, as if turning into a huge fireball.

Then Growlithe burst out at an astonishing speed and rushed towards the Fireball Rat!


From the attack to hitting the Fireball Mouse, it took less than ten seconds.

After being hit so hard, the Fireball Mouse flew out like a meteor and hit the Purple Flame Fruit Tree heavily!

However, Caterpie did not stop, but continued to move aggressively.���Rushed towards the Fireball Rat!


This time, a huge impact sound like a bomb explosion erupted.

The terrifying power caused cracks to appear on the purple flame fruit tree, which spread wildly, and finally caused the whole tree to break and fall.

"How could it be possible that it could be so powerful!"

Lin Yin looked at this scene in disbelief, unable to believe that this was the power that a Caterpie could achieve.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and laughed out loud.

"Haha! You're done! My Fireball Rat's characteristic is also to attract fire. You use such a powerful fire attribute move to attack my Fireball Rat! It will only make it stronger!"

When Lin Yin said this, his face was excited, as if he saw victory.

"Now it's your turn! Fireball Rat! Stand up immediately!"

Lin Yin immediately ordered the Fireball Rat to stand up, but he found that the Fireball Rat was already in a dying state, with its eyes waving in circles, and it was impossible for it to stand up.

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