The playground of Pengcheng University is very large.


Qin Ze walked near the playground, he saw many freshmen standing there, talking to each other.

When he approached his class,

Qin Ze saw someone familiar.

An Tongyue, who was wearing a white dress and a gray sun hat,

"Qin Ze~~This way~~"

An Tongyue took the initiative to wave at Qin Ze.

This action also attracted the envious eyes of many boys around, including a few malicious eyes.

Qin Ze ignored this group of people and walked directly to An Tongyue's side.

"Have you lined up for me?"

Qin Ze chuckled.

"No, I haven't.~~"

An Tongyue shook her head.

Qin Ze thought she was just being stubborn. He was going to tease her again.

But unexpectedly, someone patted her on the right shoulder.

Qin Ze turned around and saw a guy with a round face and a big belly.

"Hey! Lin Tao, you are here too?"

""Qin Ze, you are such a jerk! I've always been here for you, a guy who values women over friends!"

Lin Tao said, and made a gesture as if he was going to beat Qin Ze.

An Tongyue smiled and explained,"Actually, this position was reserved for you by Lin Tao."

"Huh? Is that so?...That's right."

Qin Ze stroked his chin and thought about it.

Only someone as big as Lin Tao could occupy two seats.

And this big-bellied Lin Tao was actually Qin Ze's childhood friend.

"Fatty, thank you for this time, I'll treat you to dinner later."

Qin Ze patted Lin Tao's shoulder.

Then he turned around and chatted with An Tongyue:"How is it? Have you decided what to choose as your initial elf?"

"The initial elf..."

An Tongyue touched her cheek with her fingers.

She was a little indecisive and asked,"Qin Ze, do you have any suggestions?"


Qin Ze thought for a moment and said,"Regarding the selection of the initial elves, I personally think that choosing an elf that is easy to train is more important than appearance."

"After all, our Huaxia Alliance has a rule that elves cannot be released at will. If you choose an elf, you must be responsible for it for its entire life....The choice of the initial elf is particularly important."

"Choosing an easy-to-cultivate elf can save a lot of expenses in terms of elf cultivation costs, including the subsequent elf capture...If the initial elves can't beat wild elves, it will be difficult to capture new elves." Qin Ze analyzed the situation with An Tongyue based on his understanding of this world and his knowledge of elves.

"Of course, you are a wealthy woman, so you don't have to worry too much about the cost of elf training."

Hearing Qin Ze's ridicule,

An Tongyue pinched Qin Ze directly.

"What about you? Do you have any clear goals for choosing the initial elves?"

After pinching Qin Ze, An Tongyue asked Qin Ze what he thought.


Qin Ze thought about it carefully.

He said to An Tongyue seriously:"Personally, I prefer insect-type and grass-type Pokémon."

"Bug-type Pokémon have a short evolution cycle and are easy to train. They can grow to their final form in the fastest time. In this way, even a rookie trainer can have a lot of fighting power."

"not to mention..."

Qin Ze thought of the super-god giant bee of Boss Sakaki.

However, in reality, it is still a bit difficult for the giant bee to kill gods.

"What's more?"

An Tongyue asked curiously

"nothing...The fatal flaw of Bug-type Pokémon is that their upper limit is low. Therefore, if you choose Bug-type Pokémon, you can only use it as a transition in the early stage. You must capture stronger Pokémon in a short period of time to serve as your backbone."

Of course.

Qin Ze's analysis is for those who want to become professional trainers.

If you just want to be an amateur trainer.

In fact, it doesn't matter what you choose.

"What about the grass-type Pokémon?"

An Tongyue asked again.

"Grass-type Pokémon are easy to cultivate, and their daily photosynthesis can save the trainer a lot of cultivation costs....Grass-type Pokémon also have a fatal flaw: their combat power is not that strong...."And it has a lot of weaknesses."

Qin Ze said bluntly.

While the two were still talking, the school leader suddenly arrived.

Behind him, there was a car with hundreds of Poké Balls.

Seeing the feat in front of him,

Qin Ze was actually a little excited?

Everyone's initial Pokémon was in that car?

When the school leader walked to the front of the playground, an elderly voice suddenly sounded on the playground radio.

"Hello, freshmen. I am the president of Pengcheng University, you can call me Saint Ann Fox."When many students who are familiar with the news of the elves heard the three words"Saint Ann Fox", their eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect that our principal is the famous Saint Ann Fox?"

The fat man Lin Tao's eyes lit up.

"Fatty, do you know him?"

Qin Ze asked curiously

"Of course! Saint Ann Fox is a representative figure of the past era. When he was young, he got almost all the glory that could be obtained. He also explored countless special secret realms. He is one of the few three-star professional trainers in our Huaxia Alliance!"

Hearing Lin Tao's admiring words.

Qin Ze touched his chin.

Only then did he understand that the white-bearded principal in front of him was so awesome?

He was actually a three-star professional trainer?

According to Qin Ze's memory.

The trainer titles in this world are divided into: amateur trainer, rookie trainer, ordinary trainer, elite trainer, senior trainer, professional trainer...(Professions are divided into ordinary, one-star, two-star, and three-star).

Among them, amateur trainers are trainers who own Pokémon and train Pokémon as pets or means of transportation.���A group of people who have only a vague understanding of Pokémon training and battles.

A rookie trainer is a rookie trainer who is systematically learning the knowledge of trainers, has obtained Pokémons, and has been a registered trainer for less than one year.

For example, Qin Ze, after obtaining Pokémons, can go to the Alliance Center to register as a rookie trainer.

And a three-star professional trainer...He is the ceiling of trainers.

His strength is comparable to the current four kings of the Huaxia Alliance.

Even in the entire Huaxia Alliance, there are only a handful of three-star professional trainers.


PS: About the trainer's rating...Classification of elves' levels and qualifications...All uploaded in the introduction.

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