At this time, everyone was nervously looking at the center of the field, wondering what the result would be.

After the explosion, both Caterpie and Pony looked exhausted and stood there, looking at each other.

Each of them had serious injuries.

"I know your Caterpie's Flame Wheel is very powerful! But my Little Fire Horse's Charged Flame Attack is no joke! If you dare to fight head-on, you will definitely lose!"

Lin Yong pointed at Qin Ze confidently and shouted

"That's not necessarily true."

However, Qin Ze showed a confident smile.

"You are still stubborn even when you are about to die! Little Fire Horse! Use the Charged Flame Attack again!"

Lin Yong immediately ordered Little Fire Horse to quickly get rid of Caterpie!

However, Little Fire Horse did not respond to Lin Yong's order, but stood there trembling.

"What's wrong, Little Fire Horse!

Hurry up and use the energy-generating flame attack!"Lin Yong didn't understand why Little Fire Horse didn't quickly follow the order, and kept shouting anxiously.


The little fire horse made a painful sound and then fell down helplessly.

Just a collision made the little fire horse lose its fighting ability.

【"Caterpie defeats Ponytail and gains 150 experience points, which is doubled to 300 experience points."】

"Little Fire Horse!"

Lin Yong was shocked to see Little Fire Horse fall down.

"How is this possible!"

Lin Yong ran to the little fire horse in disbelief to check the situation, and it turned out that he was in a near-death state.

"How is this possible! My little Fire Horse is so strong. In order to strengthen the energy-generating flame attack, I practice banging my head against iron every day. I wonder how strong it can withstand the impact. How could it be defeated by the fire wheel of a mere Caterpie!"

Lin Yong couldn't believe this fact and kept screaming hysterically.

The students around were also shocked.

They all knew how strong Lin Yong's little Fire Horse was, but it was killed in one move. This was too weird.

Now they looked at Qin Ze and Caterpie with different eyes.

"I think Caterpie has the characteristic of attracting fire."

Just then a strong voice came.

Then Yin Yanshan came walking towards them.


After seeing Yin Yanshan, everyone was shocked.

"Gym owner?! He is Yin Yanshan!"

Qin Ze looked at Yin Yanshan in surprise. He didn't expect that a challenge from a novice like him would attract such a big shot!

Yin Yanshan is not only a gym owner, but also an entrepreneur. He is busy with affairs every day and rarely shows up at the gym. He basically leaves everything to his confidants.

I didn't expect him to appear here today.

"Hello, Master! ~"

At that moment, both the coaches and students stood up straight and greeted Yin Yanshan.

"Hello, everyone."

Yin Yanshan greeted everyone with a smile, then squatted down and looked at Caterpie.

"The flame of Growlithe just now was quite powerful. If I am not mistaken, it must be the fire-starting property."

"And I can feel that its flame energy is very different. I guess it must have eaten some treasure to strengthen its flame. Am I right, challenger kid?"

After Yin Yanshan finished his analysis, he smiled and looked at Qin Ze and said

"That's right."

After listening to Yin Yanshan's analysis, Qin Ze had to nod his head, his eyes full of shock. He is indeed worthy of being the gym leader. He is really knowledgeable. He can find so much just by feeling it. It's amazing!

"How did you get this Caterpie?"

Yin Yanshan asked curiously.

"I am a student at Pengcheng University and received it as a freshman."

Qin Ze replied

"Oh! You are a freshman at Pengcheng University. As far as I know, Pengcheng University adopted elves three weeks ago, which means you have trained Growlithe so well in less than a month. It seems that both you and Growlithe are very good!"

Yin Yanshan raised his eyebrows and said with a little surprise.

To be able to train Growlithe to this level in less than a month, it must have taken a lot of effort, great qualifications, and some opportunities.

This made Yin Yanshan have some ideas.

"Young man, do you want to continue the challenge or just end it like this?"

Yin Yanshan looked at Qin Ze and asked.

"If you want to continue the challenge, I can help you treat your Caterpie for free."

Yin Yanshan continued.

"Then continue."

Qin Ze originally wanted to stop the challenge because he saw that Caterpie was seriously injured.

Basically, when challenging a gym, the challenger has to prepare the healing potions by himself.

However, some gyms will provide healing services, some charge extra, some are very generous and give free healing before continuing the fight, and some, like the Red Flame Gym, give a blue orange fruit for winning a game.

"Director, this is against the rules, isn't it?" a coach came over and asked

"It doesn't matter."

Yin Yanshan shook his head indifferently. The others didn't say much and immediately took Ponyta and Caterpie to get treatment.

"Yin Zheng."

At this time, Yin Yanshan looked at the young man who was chasing after him.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Yin Zheng replied immediately

"Your Infernape has just reached level 18, so why not have a sparring match with him?"

Yin Yanshan said this in a relaxed manner, as if he was arranging a trivial matter.


Yin Zheng cried out in surprise after hearing this.

Although this seems to be a trivial matter, you have to know who Yin Zheng is.

He is Yin Yanshan's apprentice. He has been a student for two years. He has three Pokémons above level 30. He got a Charmer only three months ago and trained it into a Fierce Charmer, which is still level 18.

But he shouldn't be asked to deal with a novice trainer like this. That would be a loss of his status.

Yin Yanshan's arrangement caused many students to be surprised.

"Oh my god! It actually takes Brother Zheng to take action. Is this challenger that powerful?"

"Yes, although they are both level 18, my brother's Infernape is much stronger than the Charmer."

"Who is this person?"

"It's not about whether you are from Pengcheng or not! Even Yin Zheng doesn't know! He is the youngest son of the gym owner, and also the gym owner's last disciple. He ranks fifth among the gym owner's five disciples. Although he has the lowest generation, according to the gym owner, he has the highest talent. He also has a quasi-king qualification fire dinosaur, which is much stronger than us! He may inherit the Chiyan Gym in the future!"

"Oh my god! Letting Brother Zheng come forward is like using a butcher knife to kill a chicken, isn't it a waste of talent!"

Hearing the discussions around him, Qin Ze finally knew where his next opponent came from, and had to be serious.

"The master's last disciple is not comparable to a cat or a dog, but what is there to be afraid of?"

The opponent's background does not scare Qin Ze, but makes him more eager to fight. The stronger the opponent, the more meaningful the fight!

Let him see what kind of ability Yin Yanshan, the most talented last disciple, has.......

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