I saw Infernape spitting out fierce flames, which fell at the feet of Growlithe like a meteor.

Then the flames suddenly exploded, blowing Growlithe to the ground!

Then the flames immediately spread automatically, turning into a circle of flames that surrounded Growlithe!

The strong heat made Growlithe sweat instantly, sticking out his tongue and breathing continuously.

"I see! He is trying to block Caterpie!"

Qin Ze immediately understood what Yin Zheng wanted to do when he saw this.

"Sonic Punch!"

At this time, Infernape jumped from the sky into the vortex of flames and used Sonic Punch to fall towards Growlithe.

Growlithe quickly rolled to the side to avoid it, but it was burned by the flames and had to retreat quickly.

Although Growlithe's fire-attracting properties can absorb the power of flames, it still hurts.

What's more, the most important thing is that Infernape's flame energy is very strong!

"Well, since you took the initiative to help me trigger the fire, then!"

Seeing this, Qin Ze simply used a fire-attribute move to counterattack.

""Use lightning punch on Growlithe's waist!"

Yin Zheng quickly gave the order.

Infernape's fist was wrapped with golden arcs of electricity, and he punched Growlithe's waist!

""Ah, wuwuwu!"

Infernape’s heavy punch, coupled with the damage from the lightning, made Caterpie scream in pain and was directly knocked to the other side of the vortex of fire.

"Hurry up, Katie! Fight back with the Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze ordered hurriedly.

"Ah woo..."

However, Caterpie did not immediately follow Qin Ze's order, but groaned in pain.

Electric arcs were seen jumping all over its body, and its body was difficult to move, and it entered a paralyzed state!

"How is it possible! He got hit in one go!"

Qin Ze was surprised. Apart from the moves that were sure to get hit, the chances of other moves with side effects were quite a matter of luck.

It was possible that the effect would not be triggered even after using it for more than a dozen times.

But he did not expect that the Infernape would trigger the effect with just one punch!

"My Infernape has practiced the Lightning Fist more times than any other move."

Yin Zheng said with a hint of pride. In fact, he was just trying his luck. It would be fine as long as it worked.

"Now just be a punching bag! Infernape will keep hitting Growlithe with its Sonic Fist until it is on the verge of death!"

Yin Zheng immediately gave the order.

Infernape was ready and immediately jumped in front of Growlithe, his arms dancing like windmills, his fists turning into many afterimages, raining down on Growlithe like a rainstorm.

""Ah, wuwuwu!!"

The violent blows like a storm made the Caterpillar scream in pain. In just a moment, every part of its body was beaten mercilessly and violently.

The Caterpillar had to spit out blood.

Qin Ze couldn't help but feel nervous, fearing that the Caterpillar would be beaten to death!


After a fierce blow, the Caterpie was directly knocked out of the range of the vortex of fire and fell heavily to the ground.

Its whole body was bruised and trembling, and it seemed that it could hardly stand up.

"You lost, the result can be announced now."

Yin Zheng thought this result was normal. He was the most talented son of Yin Yanshan, so how could he lose to a novice?

"Is that it?"

Yin Yanshan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the result. He wanted to see how powerful Caterpie's flames were, but since he failed without even having a chance to attack, there was no need to watch any more.

"Then announce the result of the game now!"

When the coach was about to announce the result, Qin Ze suddenly interrupted

"Wait a minute! My Caterpie is not in a dying state yet!"

At this time, Qin Ze interrupted the coach's action and shouted

"Didn't you see what happened to your Growlithe? It's been beaten so badly that it can't move. Even if it's not dying yet, it can't fight."

Yin Zheng said with a little dissatisfaction.

"You are right. As a trainer, you must protect the safety of the Pokémon in time. If you act on impulse and leave the Pokémon with indelible injuries and psychological trauma, it will be a huge dereliction of duty."

Yin Yanshan advised kindly, mistakenly thinking that Qin Ze was unwilling to do so.

""Look at the look in Growlithe's eyes!"

Qin Ze shouted.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Growlithe's eyes, and found that Growlithe's eyes were full of unrivaled fighting spirit.

Growlithe:"I didn't lose! I can still keep fighting!"

Growlithe's words were only understood by Qin Ze, but its eyes were enough to convey its meaning.

"As long as Growlithe is willing to fight, I, as a trainer, will respond!"

Qin Ze stared at Yin Yanshan and said, not at all afraid of the other party being the gym leader.

Yin Yanshan was shocked when he saw Qin Ze's sharp eyes.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

At this time, Caterpie actually stood up. Because of the beating, the paralysis state was lifted.

It stood up despite the pain, staring at Infernape with firm eyes.

"Oh! This Caterpie is so strong-willed!"

"So cool! It can even stand up. My elf would have been dying!"

"Come on, Caterpillar, even if you lose, you still have honor in defeat!"

Some students were inspired by Caterpillar's spirit and couldn't help cheering for it.

"You have to keep fighting. I won't show mercy."

Yin Zheng had to look at Caterpie with a higher regard, and then adjust his attitude. Facing such a motivated opponent, showing mercy would be the biggest insult.

"I can defeat you in one move! Infernape, Sonic Punch!"

After hearing Yin Zheng's order, Infernape used Sonic Punch again and rushed towards Growlithe.

At this moment, everyone was watching this scene, not wanting to miss any details.

Just when Infernape's fist was about to hit Growlithe.

Growlithe suddenly felt a pain in its front legs and could not support itself any longer. It could not help but fall down. The result was that it cleverly avoided Infernape's fist.


Yin Zheng didn't expect this to happen and was shocked.

At this time, the Infernape was about to fly over the Growlithe due to inertia.

""Catti, bite Infernape's butt!"

Qin Ze suddenly gave this order.

Without thinking, Catti turned around and bit Infernape's flaming butt.


Infernape's butt was suddenly bitten, causing it to scream in pain.

Because of the pain, the flame on its butt suddenly became very large and burned directly towards Growlithe's head!

"Could it be that he did this!"

At this moment, Yin Yanshan understood what Qin Ze was going to do, and he had to open his mouth in shock. It was the first time he had seen such an operation.


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