"Oh my god! That's a lot of money. If I can get third place, I can get 100,000 and relieve the pressure on my family!"

"Short-sighted, enhanced treasures are good things! Even if they are low-quality, they can be sold for tens of thousands, and medium-quality ones can be sold for hundreds of thousands!"

"The rewards are so rich, there are also mid-grade strengthening stones, so my Slowpoke will definitely become stronger!"

"Screw you! The champions are me and Spearow!"

"only...What a pity, there is no top-grade treasure."

At this time, Lin Tao walked to Qin Ze's side without knowing when, with a look of disappointment on his face.

According to logic, he thought that the champion was a top-grade property-enhancing treasure, but he didn't expect it to be a mid-grade one.

"What are you thinking about? Top-grade treasures are extremely precious, starting at more than one million. It's just a freshman cup, how can the school be so rich?"

Qin Ze complained helplessly

"Of course I know, Qin Ze, you have become stronger, right?!"

Lin Tao looked at Qin Ze with a burning gaze, and said proudly:"Let me tell you! My water otter has successfully evolved into a double-edged pill, and I also got a very powerful partner, you are ready to be surprised!"

Lin Tao said proudly

"Really? Then I have to tell you a good news. My Growlithe has become stronger. I have also conquered a new partner. You should be ready.

Qin Ze would not pour cold water on his friend's fighting spirit.

Lin Tao was able to train the water otter to a double-edged pill in one month. In addition to his talent, he definitely made great efforts and had some adventures. He is definitely a rival.

He is looking forward to how strong Lin Tao will become.

"Now we are selecting elves. To participate in the Rookie Cup, elves must be above level 14. Those below level 14 are not allowed to participate."

The principal's next words shocked everyone.

Then they saw a lot of powerful people carrying a lot of strange machines and placing them on the ring.

"Elves below level 14, please quit voluntarily. This machine will detect all the data of the elves clearly, so don't even think about cheating."

The principal's words were full of majesty and could not be questioned.

"No way! This is too unfair!"

"That's right! My elf is of average caliber, so how can it reach level 14 in one month?"

"This is clearly a forced selection of the elites, abandoning us weaklings! This is not fair!"

"I want to complain!"

After hearing this, many students felt extremely angry and felt as if they were brushed off.

They were so looking forward to the Rookie Cup, but they were told such unfair rules. How could they be convinced?

Therefore, those trainers who were not at level 14 were denouncing the principal's behavior, trying to use public opinion pressure to get justice.

This attracted many media to come over to film, and they all wanted to see if there would be any big news next.

"It's so noisy!"

At this moment, the principal suddenly took a deep breath and roared.

The sound was so loud that I didn't know if it was supported by the microphone.

Anyway, everyone in the audience heard it clearly, and their ears felt buzzing.

"Wow! You are worthy of being a three-star professional trainer. Your physical fitness is really extraordinary."

Qin Ze had to complain.

He had seen on the Internet that many powerful trainers were not only powerful in spirits, but also powerful themselves.

At that time, Qin Ze thought it was a lie. How could humans be so powerful?

Now it seems to be true.

Shadouxi, I wronged you.

"This is the same rule as in previous years!"

The principal didn't look angry, but his voice was full of authority.

"What? It's nonsense that a popular elf can't be upgraded to level 14 in a month! Let me show you an example! Zhang San! Come out and test your elf!"


Zhang San was stunned when he heard that he was suddenly deceived by Q, but he subconsciously walked out.

He handed the two Poké Balls in his pocket to the teacher and asked them to put them into the machine for testing.

Then the indicator light on the surface of the machine kept flashing back and forth. After a few seconds, the result was finally available.

"Bobo, general qualification, level 14"

""Poisonous jellyfish, general qualification, level 15."

When this result appeared, everyone looked at Zhang San in surprise.

They didn't expect him to be so powerful.

At the beginning, the elf he drew was a general qualification Poisonous jellyfish. At that time, many people laughed at him and thought he would not have much future.

But unexpectedly, he cultivated it to level 15 within a month!

"See? Although Zhang San is not a good student, he always ranks last in exams and is scolded by the teacher every day! But why can he train two handheld elves to level 14 or even level 15? This is the result of hard work!"

"Hey, hey, you can praise someone, but why do you have to bring up his dark history?"

Qin Ze couldn't help but complain in his heart when he heard the principal say that.

"Look at some students who usually have better grades than Zhang San. Do you really think I know nothing? Every day they are either playing or on their way to play. Have you ever trained seriously and down-to-earth? How many times have you touched the equipment in the training ground? You are so careless, and you still have the nerve to talk about it! Aren't you ashamed?"

When the principal heard the noisy students say this, they all lowered their heads in shame, their faces were so red.

They wished they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Who has any objection now? Anyone who has any objection will be held back!"

After hearing this, many students hurriedly walked away and consciously withdrew from the selection.

But they did not go to sleep, but continued to be spectators here.

Even if they cannot participate in the competition, it is not bad to be a spectator.

Of course, there are still many people who are unwilling to give up and plan to try their luck.

There were originally hundreds of students participating in the competition, but now there are less than a hundred left.

It is conceivable how many shameful guys have been idling away this month and only want to become famous in one step.

It is just right to screen out so many people and omit so many competitions, but the experience points gained will be very few.

"Now let's start the test."

With the principal's order, everyone went up to the stage to test their elves.

"Koudaihua, level 15, general qualification, passed!"

"Rattata, level 14, general qualification, passed!"

"Dragon Head Hamster, level 16, elite qualification, passed!"

"Electromagnetic monster, level 13, elite qualification, can’t pass!"

"Ah! No way! What am I going to do in the final doubles match without the Electromagnetic Monster?"

"You can find a way to upgrade the electromagnetic monster to level 14 in the next two days, and then apply again!"

After the teacher finished speaking, he looked at the students who were not qualified.

"This treatment is only available to contestants!"......

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