Zhang Ze grinned and said,"No, no, you misunderstood."

"Since this is your place, I will leave my things here."

The little beauty was stunned and said,"That won't work."

"This is what you dug with your own labor. We don't want it."

"My dad said that Oleg's family often came here to dig"

"Maybe you can buy a half-pack of beer, which is what Oleg and his father did."

Zhang Ze:"He is really good at taking advantage of others."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Everything is expensive in Russian shopping malls. The only thing that is absolutely not expensive is alcohol!

Not only do Russians produce a lot of alcohol, but the neighboring country of Hans is also a beer producer.

How much is a half-dozen beers?!

Having just exchanged 100,000 rubles, how could Zhang Ze be short of this little money for alcohol!

Zhang Ze said readily:"A half-dozen beers can be negotiated! What's your name?"

"How about I drive over here, you help me move the things, and I'll buy the wine later!"

The little beauty murmured in her heart and pursed her lips:"Anna"

"I can help you. Wine... just ask Oleg to buy it."

Zhang Ze didn't care when he heard it, nodded, took his tools and mobile phone, and walked to where he parked his car.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage had already been opened.

"Damn! Brother Ze is good!"

"Ze Ge is indeed a hero among men. Others are eager to lick his boots, but Ze Ge just wants to find free labor!"

"Miss Anna is very good at fighting, brother Ze, don’t be afraid!"

"She's a pretty nice guy, isn't she? She knew it was Ze Ge who dug it, but she didn't want it."

"Brother Ze, come on! Isn't it just cutting two small lychees?"

Zhang Ze glanced at the barrage and shook his head.

Maybe it was because Anna was on the screen.

In addition, she was in the platform's recommended position for novices.

The number of viewers increased by several hundred.

Zhang Ze smiled unhappily and said,"Hey, I told you guys to just make a fuss."

"This girl is pretty, but she looked at me like a thief and was very wary."

"We're just looking for free labor."


"This girl is so hot"

"Find a girl who is cute and cuddly, wouldn’t she be nice?"

"Find someone who always cuts lychees? Why bother!"

"Live broadcast to find a partner, let's do it another day"

""I can find you a sister-in-law in a minute with my ability!"

The fans all laughed.

In the barrage, the voices of hetui came one after another.

Zhang Ze didn't bother to care. He drove to the place where scrap metal was dug.

After parking, he walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Zhang Ze picked up a section of scrap rails, turned his head to look at the shovel on the ground, and then looked at Anna.

"Can you help me fill the soil?"

Watching Zhang Ze carry it, Anna glanced at him without hesitation.

She threw the duck and kitchen knife in her hand on the ground, picked up some scrap rails, and helped to carry them to the back of the car.

Zhang Ze and the audience were stunned.

Good guy! It has been more than three years since I came to Siberia.

Zhang Ze knew that the girls of the fighting nation were indeed more independent.

But Anna is the first one to be so fierce!

Don't look at her thin arms and legs.

It looks easy to move thirty or fifty kilograms to the trunk!

Maybe it's because she lives in the countryside and often does farm work.

"He can fight. He can fight really well!"

"Oh my god! Miss Anna is so awesome!"

"Isn’t this much more fragrant than those fairies in China?"

"Where can I find such a village girl? Brother Ze, give me a dozen!"

"I think Brother Ze may not be able to beat her, hahahaha!"

Zhang Ze shook his head and smiled.

He didn't say anything, but quickened his movements. After all, it's easier to work with a man and a woman. After a while, the two of them moved more than 300 kilograms of scrap metal into the car.

The soil was also filled.

Anna:"Half a dozen beers."

Zhang Ze:"I know, I'll ask Oleg to buy it."

Anna nodded and squatted to get her things.

Zhang Ze looked at her back as she left and couldn't help smiling.

This Hu Niu is kind-hearted, but she is a little too individual.

Of course, it may also be that she is just afraid of strangers and is a little more alert.

Seeing Anna leave, fans and viewers have long been restless. They all encouraged and showed off, shouting for the anchor to chase Mao Mei.

Zhang Ze didn't care and was about to close the live broadcast.

At this moment, a prompt sound came to Zhang Ze's ears!

"Congratulations to the host! The live broadcast room has reached 1,000 viewers!"

"Congratulations to the host! Get the prop [360-degree live broadcast drone】!"

"Congratulations to the host! Obtained the title [Chinese Cuisine Master】!"

"The next reward will be unlocked when the popularity reaches 10,000!"

Zhang Ze was delighted when he heard this!

He thought that this live broadcast room task would take at least a few days to complete.

I'm afraid it's not the traffic brought by the village flower beauty!

Sure enough, men are all pigs!

Both rewards are quite good for Zhang Ze!

The live broadcast drone is also a black technology of the system.

It is convenient for Zhang Ze to live broadcast at ordinary times.

The professional title of food master is also quite good!

No matter how good Western and Russian food is, you will not get used to it if you eat too much.

And in the small town of Irkut, Chinese food is really not cheap!

Zhang Ze used to cook by himself.

But after getting this title, the quality of life has improved. It will definitely improve a lot!


Quite comfortable!

Zhang Ze happily closed the live broadcast room.

As it was getting dark, Zhang Ze drove into the city.

He came to the mall and spent several thousand rubles to buy some food and daily necessities.

In the Russian mall, meat is quite cheap, but fruits and vegetables are more expensive!

Zhang Ze still lives in the school dormitory.

There are also guys who cook in the dormitory, and he is going to try the effect of the gourmet master!

After buying things, Zhang Ze came out of the mall.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and transferred 10,000 yuan to his mother.

The next second, a message came on the phone.

He Yufang:"?"


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