The two collided, causing both the Mook Bird and the Kapok Ball to fly out at the same time.

However, judging from the result, it seemed that the Kapok Ball was less injured.

That was because the reaction force of the Fairy Wind was just the right force for it to retreat, thus offsetting the power of the Mook Bird's Lightning Flash.

"Oh? Is the effect of the paralysis powder gradually decreasing?"

"Let’s do it again!"

"Paralysis powder!"

Qin Ze snapped his fingers, signaling Kapok Ball to continue adding paralysis powder.

In real battles, whether it is electric paralysis or grass paralysis, it has a time limit.

As time goes by, the paralysis effect is still there, but it will gradually weaken.

But...You can use additional paralysis to make the opponent fall into a more serious paralysis state.

When Kapok Ball was about to use the paralysis powder again,

Ou Nini showed a happy expression.

""You still want to hit my Mook bird with paralysis powder at such a long distance? What a fantasy!"

But her joy did not last for more than 2 seconds. Her face became solemn again.

She had never expected that Qin Ze's order was paralysis powder....The kapok ball is showing the fairy style?

"Look, there seems to be something on the Fairy Wind?"

"Hmm? Let me see....Ah! Could it be paralysis powder?!"

"What?! Using the Fairy Wind to blow away the paralysis powder?! Kapok Ball used two skills at the same time?"

For a moment, the audience at the scene were also a little surprised.

""No! Run!"

Ou Ni Ni didn't expect this to happen, and quickly ordered the Mook Bird to dodge.

But the Mook Bird was scared of the paralysis, so it quickly took off and ran, narrowly avoiding the paralysis powder.

"Want to run? Not so easy, Kapok Ball, use Fairy Wind to catch up!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

Kapok Ball immediately used Fairy Wind behind him. With the reaction force, its own weight like cotton candy, and its extraordinary speed, the combination of the three allowed Kapok Ball to catch up with Mook Bird in an instant!

"Wing attack!"

Seeing that Kapok Ball was catching up, Ounini immediately ordered an attack.

After all, it was a grass-type Pokémon, and it would be finished if it was hit!

However, just when the wings of Mook Bird were about to hit Kapok Ball, an incredible scene appeared.

Kapok Ball turned its body slightly, following the wind generated by the flapping wings of Mook Bird. It didn't need to exert much effort to easily move behind the wings of Mook Bird and avoid the attack.

Such a smooth scene surprised many people.

After all, this was Kapok Ball's original skill!

Without waiting for Qin Ze to give the order, Kapok Ball directly released the paralysis powder. At such a close distance, Mook Bird had no room to dodge!


At this moment, Mook bird fell into a state of severe paralysis again!

"How could this happen!"

Ou Nini couldn't help but grab her hair in shock after seeing this.

According to her thoughts, it should be easy for Mook to fight against Kapok, how could it be played to such an extent!

Isn't it said that Flying type restrains Grass type!

"That's right, it was because the Mook Bird's moves didn't hit the Kapok Ball. Damn this Kapok Ball and Qin Ze, how could they be so cunning!"

Ou Nini thought angrily, and she didn't know how many times she cursed Qin Ze and Kapok Ball in her heart.

"Good adaptability. Qin Ze has put a lot of effort in training Kapok Ball to have such adaptability."

Saint Ann Fox nodded with satisfaction.

It is very difficult to let the Pokémon judge the timing of the attack and not affect the situation in line with the master's wishes. If it is not done well, the situation that was originally a sure win may turn into a defeat.

So it is very difficult to let the Pokémon judge for themselves.

Only experienced trainers can do it. Qin Ze is so young and has only been a trainer for a month. He has a way to do it. Even if it is only one or two adaptability skills at present, it is enough to show how excellent Qin Ze's training ability is.

""Flying Leaf Knife."

Qin Ze gave the order indifferently.

Kapok Ball immediately released leaves madly to bombard Mook.

Although the effect of grass-type skills on the flying-type Mook was not too good, there were too many leaves!

Mook was in a paralyzed state and could not move.

The continuous attacks of the flying leaf knives also caused Mook to be seriously injured and could not take off again.

""Okay, use the Fairy Wind to hit it from behind."

Qin Ze gave the order.

Then he saw that the cotton ball really released the Fairy Wind to the back. It actually used the recoil to speed up and instantly got in front of the Mook Bird.

At the same time, it exerted its whole body strength to hit the Mook Bird hard!

The speed plus the strength made this ordinary collision power even more powerful!


Mook bird was knocked away and flew towards Ounini!

""Hey hey hey!!"

Ounini never expected that the Mook Bird would be knocked back to her. She was so frightened that she forgot to dodge.

As a result, she was hit hard in the face by the Mook Bird. She flew about ten centimeters away and fell to the ground with her back facing the sky.

"Damn, this guy must have done it on purpose, my face."

Ou Nini touched her face uncomfortably. She was determined to believe that Qin Ze had hit her on purpose to retaliate.

""Ou Nini! Your skirt! Your skirt!"

Just then a girl kept shouting anxiously.

After hearing this, Ou Nini looked at her skirt in confusion, and her face turned red. Because her skirt was knocked out and fell to the ground, it actually lifted up by itself, exposing her skirt!

Everyone saw what color it was, and some with good eyesight could even tell what material it was made of.


"Qin Ze! You did it on purpose!"

Ou Nini yelled at Qin Ze angrily.

"What do you mean by intentional? I didn't expect it. This was an accident. Why would I do such a thing?"

Qin Ze immediately pretended to be innocent.


Ou Nini was immediately embarrassed and became incoherent.

"Ahem! Anyway, now that Mook Bird has lost his ability to fight, this match is won by Qin Ze and Kapok Ball!"

The referee immediately announced the result so as to change the subject.

""Well done! Kapok Ball!"

Qin Ze immediately praised Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball:"Nonsense, you don't even look at who I am. Fortunately, you conquered me, otherwise, you would have lost miserably."

Kapok Ball immediately looked proud, as if everything was his own credit, and it had nothing to do with Qin Ze's usual training and orders.

"You really gave me a lot of face, girl!"

Qin Ze was very unhappy with the cotton ball's attitude of being happy when there was a little sunshine, and immediately went to give it a loving head massage.

It was just pressing with knuckles.

The cotton ball was very uncomfortable and had to beg for mercy.

"Qin Ze! You've gone too far!"

At this time, Ou Nini ran to Qin Ze angrily and shouted

"You must have deliberately exposed me just now! I want to tell everyone that you..."

When Ou Nini was talking about the latter part, she was suddenly interrupted by Qin Ze.

"Tell everyone what? I saw under your skirt? I'm asking you, who didn't see it just now?"

Qin Ze retorted with a cold face.

He forced the words that Ou Nini was about to say back into her stomach.

"Even if you tell others, they will just think it's what happened just now, and then they will laugh at me. Anyway, I won't lose anything."

Qin Ze looked harmless.


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