""Kapok ball! Paralysis powder!"

Qin Ze quickly ordered, and the kapok ball at this time very consciously floated above the coal turtle and immediately dropped the paralysis powder to paralyze the coal turtle!

""Oh no! Coal Turtle has retreated into its shell! Dalubi! Hurry up and knock down Kapok Ball!" Bai Yu immediately gave the order. He had to do everything he could to take advantage of the situation when Kapok Ball and Caterpie were in poor condition and win!

""Katie, spit out a spark under the Coal Turtle. Kapok Ball! Fairy Wind!"

Qin Ze's mouth was speaking very fast now, and he immediately gave instructions to the two elves.

Kapok Ball immediately spit out the Fairy Wind, speeding up the paralysis powder, and at the same time using the reaction force to rise, avoiding the spark sweep of Dalubi.

At the same time, although Kati was tortured by the toxins and injuries all over the body, it still forced itself to support itself, opened its mouth, and spit out a spark, which fell under the Coal Turtle.

The explosion of the spark raised a wisp of gunpowder, which was just inhaled by the Coal Turtle.

If it were normal, the Coal Turtle might be fine, but now its throat hurts so much that any stimulation makes it particularly uncomfortable and coughs continuously!

As a result, the Coal Turtle was only concerned with coughing and forgot to retract into its shell, and the paralysis powder fell on its body!


At this moment, the coal turtle felt as if his whole body had been electrocuted and he couldn't move. Even to cough, he couldn't open his mouth, and his throat was about to explode!

"Now! Kapok Ball uses Flying Leaf Knife to attack Coal Turtle!"

Qin Ze quickly gave the order.

Kapok Ball flew down immediately after receiving the order, and continuously fired Flying Leaf Knife to attack Coal Turtle.

Now Coal Turtle is no different from a target, standing there and letting himself be hit.

Although grass-type attacks have little effect on fire-type attacks, it is still very uncomfortable to be attacked continuously like this.

""Dailubi! Sparks!"

Bai Yu calmed down and gave the order.

In his opinion, the situation was still favorable!

Just one move! One move for Kapok and Caterpie respectively, and they would win!

He said that they could not give up no matter what!

""Catti! Jump to Kapok Ball!"

Qin Ze suddenly gave this order at this time. He didn't just call Kapok Ball down randomly.

After receiving the order, Catti stood up panting. His eyelids seemed so heavy that he couldn't lift them. But the stubbornness in his bones made him not allow himself to fall down like this!

He was the descendant of a king-level elf. How could he admit defeat so easily?

What's more, he would never let Qin Ze down!

Catti used the remaining strength to jump high and landed on the head of Coal Turtle. Then he jumped up with all his strength and blocked Kapok Ball just in front of him. He was hit by sparks.

"Not good!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu's face immediately became very ugly. He knew very well what this meant.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

Growlithe roared to the sky, and the sound waves were filled with rolling heat waves!

I saw powerful flames coming out of Growlithe's body, and its fire-igniting ability was activated! This made Growlithe's already extraordinary flames even stronger!

At the same time, it also brought it a certain vitality.

""Catti! Use the Flame Wheel on the Coal Turtle's head!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered.

After receiving the order, Catti immediately hugged himself, and his whole body rotated at high speed, bursting out an extremely powerful flame, and then shrank inward!

Even when seriously injured, it did not forget to compress the flame!!


Kapok Ball did not forget to use the Fire Wheel of Growlithe and Fairy Wind to increase the fire and the speed of Growlithe's descent.

Most importantly, help Growlithe aim!

Make Growlithe's Fire Wheel more powerful! Falling towards the head of Coal Turtle like a meteorite!

""Coal Turtle! Get out of the way!"

Bai Yu shouted anxiously, but he was still a step too slow.

The Flame Wheel of Growlithe hit the head of the Coal Turtle hard, and then a strong explosion broke out!

It was far more powerful than the Flame Wheel used by Growlithe before!


Under such a horrific explosion, the coal turtle could not hold on at all, and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes rolled up and turned into ripples, entering a state of near death.

"What! How is this possible! My coal turtle has a very high defense!"

Bai Yu was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Stupid, the defense of the coal turtle mainly relies on the turtle shell. The parts outside the turtle shell are only slightly stronger than ordinary Pokémon, and it can't withstand the terrifying flame explosion of Caterpillar."

Yin Yanshan commented coldly. He knew Caterpillar's powerful flame very well.

Now the situation can be said to be a turnaround.

No matter who it is, Qin Ze will definitely lose, but unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Qin Ze can still find a way out and defeat Bai Yu's strongest coal turtle!

Now it seems that Qin Ze has the upper hand!

"Calm down, both Growlithe and Kapok are seriously injured now, I still have a chance!"

Bai Yu took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

After killing the Coal Turtle, Growlithe was too exhausted to stand up. Any movement would aggravate the erosion of the toxins. It could be said that Kapok would be on the verge of death if he was left alone. Kapok was still injured by Dalubi and was also quite weak. He could be solved with just one move.

After thinking about it, the situation was still under his control!


"Kapok Ball! Fairy Wind!"

When Bai Yu was about to give the order, Qin Ze had already given the instruction.

Kapok Ball spit out Fairy Wind towards Dalubi!

Dalubi was dumbfounded because he saw the Cotton Turtle was defeated, and he didn't wait for the master's order, so he was stunned. It was not until he saw Kapok Ball use Fairy Wind on him that he realized that he had to run away!

But it was too late, he was already enveloped by the Fairy Wind!

Fairy attribute attacks are very harmful to Dalubi! In addition, Dalubi was hit by a move before and was seriously injured. Now it is difficult to resist again!

"Ah, Wuuwuwuwu!!!"

The damage from the Fairy Wind caused Dalubi to scream in extreme pain, and he fell heavily to the ground not far away, entering a state of near death.


Bai Yu couldn't help but shout out in shock when he saw Dai Lu was also defeated.

How could the situation that was originally favorable to him turn out like this in just a short while! What went wrong!

Why! Why is this!

"How could this happen? The situation was clearly in my favor just now! How could this happen?"

Bai Yu grabbed his hair and knelt down in disbelief. His eyes were blank, unable to accept such a result. He kept muttering to himself, as if he was about to go insane.

"Idiot, who told you not to give orders to Dalubi immediately after the Coal Turtle was dying? I don't know what you are wasting your time on."


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