Two days later, the doubles match began.

The first group was Wang Jiang and another player.

Wang Jiang was very strong and defeated his opponent in no time.

Then, the second group started soon.

"Qin Ze, prepare to be defeated by me!"

Lin Tao shouted with full momentum

""Let me see if you have the ability."

After Qin Ze finished speaking, the two threw out the Poké Balls at the same time.

Caterpie, Kapok Ball!

Double-edged Pill, Thunder Beast!

Both sides stared at each other with great momentum.

【Spirit: Double-edged Pill (♂)】

【Level: 19】

【Attribute: Water】

【Features: Torrent (When your own physical strength is exhausted, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【Individual stats: HP (26), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special Attack (28), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Impact (novice), Tail Shaking (novice), Shell Blade (novice), Water Gun (novice), Gathering Qi (novice)】

【Inherited Skills: Water Wave Blade (Novice)...】

【Carrying item: Low-quality water drop (slightly enhances water skills)】

【Potential: Quasi-king level】

【Future: The extremely talented Shuangbianwan, through acquired efforts and innate talent, has mastered a good swordsmanship. After hard training and long-term combat, he finally evolved into a great swordsman and became Lin Tao's trump card.】


【Elf: Thunder Beast (♂)】

【Level: 19】

【Attribute: Lightning】

【Features: Lightning Rod (When attacked by electric shock attributes, it will not be damaged, but the special attack will be increased.)】

【Individual stats: HP (20), Attack (18), Defense (15), Special Attack (23), Special Defense (23), Speed (26)】

【Skills: Impact (novice), Electromagnetic Wave (novice), Stare (novice), Electric Shock Wave (novice), Lightning Flash (novice), Howl (novice)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: Elite】

【The future of the elves: Thundermon, who has good qualifications, worked hard to train every day after meeting Lin Tao, hoping to become Lin Tao's helper. Although Lin Tao later got an elf with better qualifications than Thundermon, he never wanted to hide it, which made Thundermon even more moved. Finally, it evolved into Thundermon and became one of Lin Tao's main forces.】


After Qin Ze saw the two Pokémon clearly through the Eye of Appreciation, he nodded, saying that Lin Tao had trained them well.

At this time, Growlithe and Voidmaru were particularly happy to see that their opponents were old acquaintances.

Growlithe:"It's you! Long time no see, you've evolved to be so handsome?!"

Voidmaru:"Yeah, I'm envious!" Growlithe

:"What's there to envy? My evolved Arcanine is more handsome than you!" Voidmaru:"My evolved Greatsword is even more handsome!"

Raiden:"Brother, we're in a competition, be serious."

Voidmaru:"Okay, I won't show mercy, I must avenge my previous shame!" Growlithe

:"Haha! I won't let you succeed, I'll make you lose again."

Kapok:"Ah~ Let's start quickly!...I still need to take a nap!"

The elves' conversation was just howling at each other.

To outsiders, it seemed that the elves on the field were in a state of high morale.

So they were all influenced by this atmosphere and began to shout.

Even Lin Tao was excited, thinking that his own elves were shouting and cheering.

Only Qin Ze, who could understand the elves' words, felt embarrassed and messy in the wind.

"If they knew what the elves were saying, I wonder what they would think?"

Qin Ze complained helplessly in his heart

"The game begins!"

With the referee's order, the game begins

"Qin Ze! Look at how strong I have become! Double-edged Maru, Water Wave Blade!"

Lin Tao took the lead in giving the order.

Double-edged Maru immediately swung the shell vigorously, slashing out a crescent-shaped blade formed by water to attack Caterpie and Kapok!

"Kapok ball! Flying leaf knife!"

""Lightning flash!"

Qin Ze and Lin Tao ordered at the same time!

However, the Thunder Beast was one step faster. It hit the Kapok Ball at an astonishing speed just as the Kapok Ball had just launched a few leaves.

Then it stared at the Kapok Ball and dragged it away.

The Caterpie immediately rolled to the side to avoid the Water Wave Blade.

""Electromagnetic waves!"

Lin Tao continued to order Thunder Beast.

He knew very well that the grass-attributed Kapok Ball would be the biggest enemy of Double-Edged Pill, so he had already told Thunder Beast to deal with Kapok Ball specifically.

First use electromagnetic waves to paralyze the Kapok Ball, and then attack it again, so that Thunder Beast can easily get rid of the Kapok Ball!

Then quickly fight against Caterpie with Double-Edged Pill in a two-on-one fight. He will definitely win!

"Go around and use the Flying Leaf Knife."

Qin Ze ordered softly.

He saw what Lin Tao was going to do at a glance and was not panicked at all.

The Kapok Ball turned slightly forward and flipped out directly when the Thunder Beast held it with its head. The Thunder Beast suddenly felt that its head was empty and was stunned for a moment.

""Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!!!"

Before the Thunder Beast could react, the Kapok Ball continuously fired flying leaves, all aimed at the Thunder Beast's feet!

So many blade-like leaves all hit the Thunder Beast's feet, causing it to lose balance instantly. In addition, it was still in a state of rushing forward at a flash of lightning, so due to inertia, the Thunder Beast rolled forward on the ground for several rounds before stopping!

""Hit continuously!"

Qin Ze continued to order!

After receiving the order, Kapok Ball immediately flew towards the Thunder Beast at full speed.

Before the Thunder Beast could stand up, it knocked it out, and then immediately chased it and continued to hit it! It was to not give the Thunder Beast a chance to resist!


Lin Tao cried out in shock after seeing this scene. How did Kapok Ball escape from the falling Thunder Beast?

"The body of the cotton ball is soft, and with the wind behind it, it can easily get rid of the thunder beast."

Qin Ze thought to himself.

He had considered the problem of the cotton ball being pushed away, but the cotton ball had already demonstrated its own response plan, which saved Qin Ze's trouble. The current situation is that the thunder beast is at a disadvantage at the beginning of the game, and the pressure is on Shuangbianwan.

"" Double-edged pill! Hurry up and use the shell blade to get rid of the Caterpie!"

Lin Tao shouted anxiously.

���We have to get rid of Growlithe quickly! Then help Thundermon get rid of Kapok!

""Double Blade!"

After receiving the order, Shuangren Wan immediately picked up the shell, and a blue sword grew on the shell, slashing at Gorilla! Gorilla immediately stepped back to avoid it.

Then Shuangren Wan kept swinging the sword. Although it seemed to be swinging it randomly, it was actually very methodical.

It was worthy of being a future swordsmanship master! It seemed that Lin Tao had put a lot of effort into Shuangren Wan's swordsmanship!

""Growlithe, move at high speed!"

Qin Ze would not fight with Shuangrenmaru in close combat, so he ordered Growlithe to move at high speed to keep a distance.

After receiving the order, Growlithe immediately burst out with unprecedented speed, constantly moving back and forth around Shuangrenmaru, turning into countless afterimages, and it was impossible to see where it was.

Shuangrenmaru didn't know what to do, and could only anxiously look at the afterimages of Growlithe around him, not knowing how to start.

"Kapok Ball! Knock the Thunder Beast into the sky!"


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