Haunter is not affected by Fairy Wind. It has poison attribute and is not afraid of Fairy-type moves.

"Flying Leaves and Quick Knives!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders.

The Kapok Ball immediately fired blade-like leaves to attack Haunter.

However, neither Wang Jiang nor Haunter had any intention of dodging, and allowed the Flying Leaves and Quick Knives to attack their bodies.

Although there were many leaves stuck in its body, Haunter seemed to feel no pain at all. It chased after the Kapok Ball with a sick look on its face, and kept beating the Kapok Ball with Shadow Fists.

Now the battle situation is divided into two types.

One is in the sky, where the Kapok Ball was beaten badly and could only look for an opportunity to distance itself.

The other is that Snake is on the ground, waiting for Growlithe to break through the hole and come out.

Everyone is wondering where Growlithe will come out from and whether it can be the key to breaking the situation.

However, Growlithe has not made any movement and just stayed underground, which is completely confusing.

"Is your Growlithe sleeping underground? Does he think it's pointless to waste time like this?"

Wang Jiang said with a sneer.

At the same time, he has been paying attention to the ground around him. No matter where Growlithe comes out from, there will be some signs. He can judge it in advance so that the Spoon Snake can react.

"Now your Kapok Ball is about to collapse. When that happens, only Caterpie will be left and will definitely lose. I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible."

Qin Ze just sneered at this.

He did not reply, but looked at Kapok Ball.

Kapok Ball was in a very miserable state now. It was covered with injuries from being beaten all over its body. It was swaying in the air and almost unable to fly.


Haunter would not let Kapok go like that. He quickly chased Kapok and used Shadow Fist again to knock Kapok to the ground! Kapok landed right next to the hole that Growlithe had dug. He looked very uncomfortable and it seemed that he could hardly get up.

""Kill it!"

Wang Jiang shouted excitedly, urging Haunter to get rid of the cotton ball immediately! Haunter immediately approached the cotton ball, raised his fist, and was about to hit the cotton ball.

""Now! Caterpillar! Bite it!"

Qin Ze suddenly ordered.

Caterpillar jumped out of the hole it dug and bit the falling Haunter.

""Woo woo woo!!"

The evil-attribute moves are very damaging to the ghost-attribute, so Haunter feels particularly painful at this moment.


Not only Wang Jiang, but everyone present looked at Growlithe in surprise.

After any Pokémon uses digging, they will basically emerge from under the opponent to attack, or go around to other places for a surprise attack.

How could they be like Qin Ze, who would just stay where he was and wait for orders!

It turned out that the target Qin Ze arranged for Growlithe was always Haunter.

The Cotton Ball was used to attract Haunter to get closer to the hole.

He knew very well that the Cotton Ball could not beat Haunter, so he could only let it do so.

Cotton Ball:"Help me get revenge!"

Growlithe:"No problem!"

Qin Ze:"Use Flame Wheel while biting Haunter!"

After receiving the order, Growlithe kept biting Haunter hard, and then spun with Haunter at full speed, with flames coming out of its body. After falling to the ground, it immediately rushed towards Snake!


Now Haunter let out a loud scream.

His body kept tumbling and hitting the ground as Caterpie spun around, and the flames burned him. Adding to the dizziness that disturbed his brain, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I know this move well!"

Lin Tao shouted excitedly after seeing this scene.

His double-edged pill was defeated in this way!

Seeing another fellow warrior, he was so happy.

When Fanshao Snake saw the flame wheel rushing towards him, he immediately dodged.

"Go right!"

Qin Ze immediately told Growlithe to turn and chase.

Snake continued to dodge.

It wanted to find an opportunity to use its poisonous tail, but Growlithe was very fast, and Qin Ze's command to change direction made it unable to attack!

"Damn it, Haunter, hurry up and attack Growlithe, make it stop!"

Wang Jiang shouted anxiously.

However, Haunter was in great pain and couldn't attack. Even if it tried hard to swing its fists and attack Growlithe, it was useless.

"Trash! What a drag! No wonder he is a popular level!"

Wang Jiang saw that Ghost Stone was useless and couldn't help cursing.

Fortunately, he controlled his voice, otherwise it would be troublesome if someone heard it.

""Snake! Use a harsh sound!"

Wang Jiang immediately changed his strategy.

After hearing this, the snake straightened up and opened its mouth to make a particularly harsh sound.

It sounded just like scratching a blackboard with fingernails, so sharp that it felt like the ears were going to rot just by hearing it!

Many people around covered their ears.


Katie was also affected by the harsh sound and slowed down its rolling speed.

"Now! Poison Tail!"

Wang Jiang shouted loudly

"Kapok Ball, hit Growlithe!!"

Qin Ze suddenly shouted at this time.

Kapok Ball, who was exhausted, took a rest to recover his strength, and then spit out the fairy wind to the back, and his body was like a cannonball, approaching Growlithe at a high speed.

It happened that Growlithe was not far from Kapok Ball, so Kapok Ball hit the other side of the flame wheel transformed by Growlithe in time when Growlithe was about to be swept by the poisonous tail.

Not only did Growlithe turn to avoid the poisonous tail, but it also hit the rice spoon snake!


This collision caused a strong explosion.

The flames that had been compressed for a long time by Growlithe burst out without reservation!

At this moment, three Pokémon were blown away.

One of them was Kapok!

After it landed heavily on the ground, it entered a state of near death.

In order to help Growlithe, it really paid a lot.

""Thank you for your hard work, Kapok Ball, here's a snack for lunch!"

Qin Ze said, and immediately put Kapok Ball into the Poké Ball.

Then he looked at Haunter and Snake who fell together.



Gass and Snake stood up uncomfortably. They looked injured, but their eyes showed no sign of retreat. Instead, they were filled with madness and resentment. It seemed that they could continue to fight.

""Woo woo!"

The two Pokémons stared at Growlithe and wanted to rush up to attack, but they were too close to each other and crashed into each other.


Haunter pushed Snake away in dissatisfaction.

Snake was also very unhappy after being pushed away, and directly bumped into Haunter and pushed him away.

This made Haunter's face very embarrassed, his bloodshot eyes widened, and then he turned around and punched Snake!

Snake was hit by this punch, veins on his forehead popped up, and his pupils dilated. He simply used his poison tail to hit Haunter!

The two Pokémons started a quarrel under everyone's eyes!



Haunter and Haunter Snake didn't care where they were and started fighting each other.

You used Shadow Fist on me, and I used Poison Tail on you!

It looked like a very intense fight! It was really confusing.

How could they start a fight out of nowhere? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Haunter! Snake! What are you doing! Stop it now!"

Wang Jiang shouted anxiously after seeing this scene, trying hard to stop Snake and Haunter from continuing to fight.

Qin Ze looked at this scene indifferently, and heard the words of Haunter and Snake in his ears.

"I feel so bad, I want to kill something! I want medicine!"

"The medicine is mine! Don't fight with me for it! It's because of a loser like you that I have to give my medicine to you!"

"I got it first! You stole my medicine! Go to hell!"

Haunter and Snake insulted each other in order to compete for the strange medicine. The competition was just a way for them to win the praise of their masters and win the medicine. I'm afraid they have lost everything except medicine in their worldview.

Listening to what they said, Qin Ze took a deep breath and stared at Wang Jiang with anger.

"What a damn trainer!"

Qin Ze cursed and immediately gave an order to Caterpie!

"Caterpie! Move at high speed to get behind Snake and Haunter, and use Flame Wheel at full power!"


Although Catti didn't understand the situation, it knew what to do.

It immediately moved at high speed, ran behind Haunter and Snake, and used Flame Wheel to crash into them!

""Haunter! Snake! Get out of the way!"

Wang Jiang shouted anxiously.

However, the two Pokémon were already fighting and could not listen to the trainer's orders.

As a result, they were hit by Caterpie's Flame Wheel with their bodies full of flaws.


The explosion happened again, and Gastly���They were blasted away fiercely.

And they were flying towards Wang Jiang!


The force of this blow was not small. Wang Jiang was knocked out. His body was in great pain and he vomited blood uncontrollably.

He wanted to stand up, but his body was in so much pain that he could not stand up.

"You! You did it on purpose!"

Wang Jiang pointed at Qin Ze and shouted angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's your fault for not getting out of the way quickly."

0 Ask for flowers

Qin Ze said coldly.

In his opinion, this was a light blow.

"You should check on your Haunter and Snake. They are acting strangely now.

Qin Ze looked at Haunter and Snake.

Now these two Pokémons were twitching for some reason.

They twisted their bodies with great effort and walked towards Wang Jiang. Their expressions were very strange now, and they seemed to be particularly eager for something.

As a result, the next second, they spit out white foam from their mouths, and then they lay on the ground powerlessly, entering a state of near death.

"In this battle, Haunter and Haunter lost their ability to fight, and Qin Ze won."

The referee immediately reported the result.

However, no one cheered this time. Everyone looked at Haunter and Haunter in confusion.

How could they foam at the mouth when they were dying? And they really looked very wrong.

"Wang Jiang! What happened to your Pokémon?"

At this time, Saint Ann Fox came over puzzled. His intuition told him that there was something wrong with Snake and Haunter.

""Nothing! They are just dying! I'll take them to the hospital for treatment right away!"

Wang Jiang panicked when he saw Saint Ann Fox approaching, fearing that his secret would be discovered.

He quickly put away Haunter and Snake and left.

""Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Qin Ze suddenly ran over and glared at Wang Jiang with a gloomy face.

This made Wang Jiang, who was already feeling guilty, subconsciously jump back.

"Principal, I want to report it. I suspect Wang Jiang used illegal drugs on the elves!"

Qin Ze said and immediately handed the phone to Saint Ann Fox.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Why would I take illegal drugs when I have no use for them?"

Wang Jiang shouted anxiously after hearing this.

"Then tell me why your spirit is so abnormal!"

Qin Ze sneered and scolded

"And I filmed it last night, you can’t deny it!"


When Wang Jiang heard this, he subconsciously wanted to grab Qin Ze's phone.

But he was immediately stared at by Saint An Fox, so he didn't dare to move forward.

After watching the video shot by Qin Ze, Saint An Fox slowly returned the phone to Qin Ze.

This made Wang Jiang so nervous that he swallowed his saliva wildly and didn't know what to do.

"Medical staff check Haunter and Snake's blood!"

"Qin Ze, you should quickly give your elf to the school doctor for treatment, and then come to my office with Wang Jiang!"

After Saint Ann Fox finished speaking indifferently, he turned and left.

Qin Ze naturally followed him without caring, and did not forget to hand over the elf to the school doctor.

On the contrary, Wang Jiang was trembling all the time. He looked around and found that the teachers had blocked Wang Jiang's retreat route.

Wang Jiang had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Saint Ann Fox.

The students around saw this.���, wondering what happened. They wanted to go over and eat melons, but they were dismissed by the teachers and could only wait for follow-up news.

【"Congratulations to the host for winning the Rookie Cup!"】

【"Reward the host with a top-grade Fire Stone, which can allow special elves to evolve"】

After the system's prompt sounded, a beautiful gem appeared in Qin Ze's pocket.

"It turns out to be a top-grade Fire Stone, that’s great, in that case, Growlithe can evolve into Arcanine."

Qin Ze smiled.

The evolution stones in this world are divided into different grades. The low-grade evolution stones can promote the evolution of special elves, but the higher the quality of the evolution stone, the more powerful the elves can gain after evolution.

As long as the high-grade fire stone is used for Growlithe, then the wind speed dog evolved by Growlithe will be even stronger!

If it weren't for the wrong timing, Qin Ze really wanted to evolve Growlithe immediately.

After arriving at the principal's office, the principal said nothing and asked Qin Ze and Wang Jiang to stand in the corners respectively.

He was dealing with some documents.

The atmosphere was particularly quiet and weird.

This method is simply like a primary school student who did something wrong. The teacher called him to the office but didn't deal with it. He just let him stay by the side and admit his mistake when he couldn't stand it anymore.

Although the method is very old-fashioned, it is just right for Wang Jiang.

Now Wang Jiang is sweating and shaking.

Only Qin Ze looks indifferent and even takes out his mobile phone to check.

After a while, a teacher ran in anxiously and said something in Saint Anhu's ear.

Saint Anhu's face suddenly became very gloomy, and then he slapped the table and stood up.

"Wang Jiang!"


Wang Jiang almost lost his balance when he heard Saint Anhu calling him so loudly.

"There is a scum like you in our school! You actually used AX medicine on your elf!"

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