"Mr. Qin Ze, Mr. Qin Ze"

"There was a lot of noise over there just now. What happened?"

What happened just now attracted the attention of the nurse, who knocked on the door outside to ask what happened.

"No, no! I just had a nightmare. Sorry!

Qin Ze immediately apologized to the nurse through the door.

""Okay, please keep quiet. It's late now. There are guests in other rooms."

The nurse left after she finished speaking.

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the nurse leave.

Then he looked at the Pokémon stepped on by Growlithe.

The thing that was thought to be a ghost was actually a ghost Pokémon. It had a white body, pale yellow eyes, and a flame burning on its head. It was Candlelight!

"How come there is a candlelight spirit hiding quietly in my clothes? And it is so small? Is it malnourished?

Qin Ze looked at the candlelight spirit with a puzzled look.

This candlelight spirit was different from what he remembered. It was very small, only the size of a thumb.


After hearing what Qin Ze said, Zhu Guangling's body suddenly changed and actually grew to the size of a football!


This scene shocked Qin Ze and Wind Speed Dog.

"Could it be, shrinking!"

Qin Ze immediately understood what was going on.

Shrinking is a skill that allows the elf to curl up and force the body to shrink.

In the game, this move is specifically used to increase the dodge rate. In fact, it really shrinks the body, making it difficult for the opponent to hit such a small elf.

Thus, the dodge rate is improved.

Different types of elves will shrink to different degrees due to physical limitations.

As for ghost-type elves, their bodies are not physical entities, so shrinking is naturally not restricted.

That's why the candlelight spirit can shrink to the size of a thumb.

"No wonder I was so sleepy just now, it was you, little guy, who was sucking my life force."

Qin Ze sat down with a reproachful look on his face and poked Zhu Guangling's face.

Zhu Guangling didn't mind, and let Qin Ze poke himself like this, and nodded to agree with Qin Ze's answer.

"You are really too much."

Such a frank admission made Qin Ze want to roll his eyes.

As far as he knew, most ghost-type Pokémon would absorb the vitality of living beings and transform it into their own power. Of course, they could choose not to absorb it, otherwise how could the trainer subdue them?

""Strange, I remember that the more life force the Candlelight Spirit absorbed, the more vigorous the flame on its head would be. Why does it still look so small?"

Qin Ze looked at the flame on the top of the Candlelight Spirit's head in confusion.

Candlelight Spirit:"Ah? A big fire, do you mean this?"

After the Candlelight Spirit finished speaking, the flame on its head suddenly expanded several times and was particularly vigorous! It

's strange to say that the flame is burning so vigorously, but people can't feel any warmth. Instead, when they touch it, they will feel quite cold.

"Is this the flame of a ghost?"

Qin Ze looked at the flame of the candlelight spirit with curiosity.

At this moment, he smelled a burning smell.

He immediately took a closer look and found that the flame of the candlelight spirit had burned the bed sheet next to it and the hair of the wind speed dog.

Before Qin Ze could react, the flame on the candlelight spirit's head suddenly increased!

"Damn it!"

"Wind speed!!"

At this moment, the room was filled with intense noises again, as well as the sound of ping-pong, which sounded very lively.

"Ah, you are crazy, what time is it, who is not sleeping so late and making so much noise?"

"That's right! I have to challenge the gym tomorrow!"

"Who is this? What the hell is wrong with you? You won't let me sleep!"

"Mr. Qin Ze! What are you doing?"

Such a big noise naturally woke up the tenants nearby, and a lot of complaints came out.

The nurses had to rush over here immediately and knocked on Qin Ze's door to check what was going on.


Qin Ze opened the door and looked at the two nurses in front of him breathlessly.

"Mr. Qin Ze, what are you doing? Why are you making so much noise?"

The nurse looked puzzled and kept looking into the room.

She saw Wind Speed Dog standing in front of the bed, sticking out his tongue and breathing with a smile on his face. He looked very cute.

"It’s nothing, it’s just that my Windy Dog had a nightmare and wanted to sleep with me. I said the bed was too small to fit it, so it started to make a fuss with me and made a lot of noise."

Qin Ze explained with an awkward smile on his face, then immediately turned to look at Windy Dog and shouted,"Windy Dog, what did I teach you? You can’t act like a spoiled child anymore. You made such a big noise and woke people up. Come here and apologize!""


After hearing this, the wind speed dog bowed and nodded in a very humane way.

Seeing such a cute wind speed dog, the two nurses who were originally nervous calmed down.

"Since everything is fine, please stop making such a loud noise, otherwise you won’t be able to stay here any longer."

After the nurse warned, she left.

Qin Ze did not forget to apologize to the nearby room, and then quickly closed the door.

Together with the wind speed dog, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, luckily, it would have been a disaster. If the alarm had been triggered, it would have been troublesome.

Qin Ze looked at the bed sheet with lingering fear. Part of it was burnt black.

When the fire was burning, fortunately, the wind speed dog immediately lay down and extinguished the flames with his body. Otherwise, the fire would definitely get bigger, and Qin Ze would be in big trouble.

"Thank you for your hard work, Wind Speed Dog."

Qin Ze said while stroking the burnt fur on the side of Wind Speed Dog's waist.


However, the wind speed dog barked twice with a playful smile. This degree of burns was nothing to it.

"So the question is, you did it on purpose just now, didn't you?"

Qin Ze looked at the candlelight spirit hiding in the corner with a bad face.

At this time, the candlelight spirit was laughing secretly, and it was obvious that it had deliberately enlarged the flame just now.

Candlelight Spirit:"Hehe, it's fun."

Qin Ze:"It's fun! If a fire is caused, you come to put it out!"

Qin Ze was so angry that he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Then he remembered something very important, that is, why was there a wild candlelight spirit following him?

"Hey, why are you following me, and when did you start following me?"

Qin Ze asked curiously. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhu Guangling:"It was during the underground battle, I saw that you were quite strong and quite interesting, so I sneaked up on you and looked for a chance to escape."

"Ah? During the underground battle, sneak out and escape..."

Qin Ze savored Zhu Guangling's words and felt something was wrong.

Then he immediately remembered that in the underground battlefield, the Americans and the Japanese were fighting because of a problem in the transaction.

At that time, he heard the Americans shout that the goods were missing.[]

Could it be!

The more Qin Ze thought about it, the more confused he became. He immediately used his eyes of appreciation to observe the candlelight spirit. As a result, he had to take a deep breath.

【Elf: Candlelight Spirit ()】

【Level: 16】

【Attributes: Fire + Ghost】

【Features: Flame Body (When a Pokémon touches a Pokémon with a Flame Body, there is a 30% chance of being burned.)】

【Individual stats: HP (25), Attack (25), Defense (29), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (27)】

【Skills: Sparks (Novice), Fright (Novice), Turbid Mist (Novice), Shrink (Novice), Strange Light (Novice), Misfortunes Never Come Alone (Novice)】

【Inherited Skill: Black Mist (Novice)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Potential: King level】

【Future: The ghost king of the United States Pokémon League, one of the four kings, the second trump card Pokémon of Ms.

Scarlett, and the descendant of the crystal lamp spirit.

When it was still an egg, someone tried every means to steal it out, smuggled it to Dragon Country, and transferred it to Japan.

This case caused the United States Pokémon League to be furious, and tried every means to investigate the criminals and find the descendants of the king Pokémon.

It's a pity that this candlelight spirit has evolved to the crystal lamp spirit, but it has not been found back, but has become the trump card Pokémon of the boss of the Japanese gang Yamaguchi-gumi.

After seeing this part of the future, Qin Ze couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

This candlelight spirit is actually the descendant of the handheld Pokémon of the ghost king of the United States, Scarlett.

The four kings of any country are famous all over the world, and all trainers are well-known!

It can be said that which country has what kings and champions is common knowledge for trainers.

So when Qin Ze knew about the candlelight spirit, such a great origin, and such a legendary future, he couldn't come back for a long time.

Stealing the descendants of the king Pokémon is not unheard of, but it is strictly investigated.

Elf with King-level qualifications are rare, so their offspring must be protected and handed over to capable trainers to develop the quality of domestic trainers.

Therefore, any act of stealing elf eggs will start with more than ten years in prison, not to mention selling them across borders.

That would escalate to the international level, enough to cause a lot of trouble, and could even be used as a reason for war.

No wonder there was a gunfight on the underground battlefield just now, it turned out that Candlelight had escaped.

In that case, it would not only be a matter of failure to buy and sell, once it was leaked, those gangs would be finished.

When Qin Ze thought about how he had been exposed to such a large-scale matter in just one night, he felt as if he had aged several years, and his shoulders were getting heavier and heavier for some reason.

"Hey, how about you be my trainer?"

At this time, Candlelight Spirit jumped onto the bed, shaking her small white hands and said to Qin Ze


Qin Ze looked at Candlelight Spirit in bewilderment after hearing this.

Candlelight Spirit:"When I was in the underground battlefield, I saw that you performed very well. You were quite powerful. You could kill any enemy in one move. I liked you very much. I think you are qualified to be my trainer. Let me be your Pokémon."

"Wait, do you know your life experience? Do you know why you are here?"

Qin Ze did not answer in a hurry, but asked back.

"Well, I don't know. I don't know who my parents are, but many elves don't know, we are not like humans who have to live with our parents when we are born." The candlelight spirit replied after thinking for a moment.

Qin Ze nodded after listening. It was indeed true. Many elves were separated from their parents at birth and were tamed or survived in the wild since childhood. They didn't know who gave birth to them until they died.

Only a small number of them would form a family.

Candlelight Spirit:"As for why I am here, I don't know. Anyway, I don't like those people. They won't let me come out. When I came out, they scolded me non-stop, and even used electric objects to shock me. They also gave me strange medicine to make me fall asleep. In short, I hate them so much!"

When Candlelight Spirit said this, his tone was full of strong resentment.

Obviously, those American gangsters treated Candlelight Spirit very badly.

They are not good people, but lunatics who take risks for money.

Naturally, they would not understand sympathy for women. If Candlelight Spirit could not be sold for money, who knows how hard they would go.

Candlelight Spirit (starry eyes):"Don't talk about this, are you willing to be my trainer? If not, I won't force you, I will find someone else!"

Looking at Candlelight's cheerful request to him, Qin Ze's mood was instantly complicated.

A Pokémon with the aptitude of a king came to ask for someone to be its trainer.

Whoever it was would definitely agree.

But the problem was that Candlelight's background was not simple, and the things involved were also very serious.

If he tamed it casually, he would be regarded as one of the thieves and it would be troublesome.

But a Pokémon with the aptitude of a king, would he miss it?

It happened that Qin Ze planned to expand the team and train it in the direction of the Sunny Team.

Candlelight itself has a fire element, and combined with the unpredictable ghost element, it is definitely a huge help. If he missed it, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

"Who cares! The future I just saw said that the Candlelight Spirit was never found in the end. And there are so many Candlelight Spirits in this world, how is it possible to know which one was born by which Crystal Lamplight Spirit? The possibility that it will never be found in this lifetime is very high!"

"Good! Fortunes are sought in danger! I'll definitely take this Candlelight Spirit! Even Jesus can't stop me!"

After Qin Ze made up his mind, he smiled and took out the Poké Ball and pointed it at the Candlelight Spirit.

"Okay, since you have asked me so sincerely, I will be your master. Please give me your guidance, Candlelight Spirit!"

""Please teach me more, Master~"

After the candlelight spirit responded, it immediately jumped up, took the initiative to touch the switch of the Poké Ball, entered the Poké Ball, and officially became Qin Ze's Pokémon.

"I received the Candlelight Spirit!"

He raised the Poké Ball and shouted with joy.


Windy Dog:"Great, I have a new offspring!"

Windy Dog clapped his hands happily to celebrate. Its status as the big brother is getting higher and higher.

"Da da da da"

Just then, footsteps were heard outside the door.

"What? Did I disturb others again?"

Qin Ze, who had learned from the previous experience, looked at the door with lingering fear.

However, the footsteps went away without stopping.

"You! What are you doing? You can't barge in here. This is the Dragon Country's Elf Center!"

At this time, the nurse's unhappy voice came from outside, and there was a burst of English curses.

Hearing this voice, Qin Ze's face changed instantly.......

Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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