The next day, Qin Ze took the Burning Bug to the doctor for a checkup.

Everything was normal, because it was born at level 12, so it could be used directly in combat. But considering that the Burning Bug was born not long ago, it cannot be subjected to too high-intensity combat all at once, and it has to take it slowly.

After understanding it clearly, Qin Ze formulated a training plan for the Burning Bug.

First of all, in terms of food, it must be cultivated with top-level rations.

Then train the familiarity of the moves and the physical fitness in all aspects, and gradually improve them so that the Burning Bug can adapt to the training, and then conduct combat training.

There are also Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit.

Because these three elves have been upgraded too many levels in a row, their bodies have begun to be a little burdened, so they have to stop leveling and concentrate on basic physical training and the proficiency of their moves.

There are basically special elf"547" training facilities in every city.

There are all kinds of unimaginable equipment in the facilities, which are specially used to train all aspects of the elves.

Treadmills, weightlifting, sit-ups and so on���It is the most basic.

The most powerful one is a machine that can simulate various attribute attacks, adjust the power and attributes, and continuously launch corresponding attribute attacks on the elves.

Let the elves make various reactions.

Dodge, shoot down, defend, etc., to improve the quality of the elves in all aspects.

Fireballs, leaves, water guns, iron blocks, rocks, lightning, evil energy fluctuations, etc., are all available.

It is very popular among trainers and can be used for targeted training.

However, this kind of machine is very troublesome to make, so it is very expensive, and you need to make an appointment in advance to queue up for use.

Qin Ze made an appointment a long time ago after arriving in Huadu, but he was not able to make an appointment until today, and can use it for four hours.

This time must be used well for special training!

"Windy Dog! Use your super speed to dodge the rubble, hit the target closely, and then use Flash Charge to chase!!"

"Wind Fairy! Make good use of the Fairy Wind to speed up and avoid the fireballs! Then find an opportunity to release a Leaf Blade to counterattack, just one shot is enough!"

Using only one Leaf Blade to counterattack, Qin Ze remembered that in the Pokémon Special Comics in his previous life, the protagonist of the Pearl Chapter had developed a technique of using a Leaf Blade.

The speed of launching a Leaf Blade is much faster and more powerful than launching a Leaf Blade over a large area.

Qin Ze also investigated and found that many grass-type masters have mentioned this.

It's just that it's not that simple to use, because there is only one shot, so it's very close to the target and the force of the launch.

Now Qin Ze is strengthening the Wind Fairy's attack methods in this way.

After all, the Wind Fairy will mainly be used to disgust people and play auxiliary in the future, and may become the main target of firepower coverage, so we have to find a way to increase the counterattack ability.

Then there is the training of energy balls.

"Candlelight Spirit! After becoming smaller, move faster and find a chance to launch a shadow ball to attack the target! When surrounded by water balls, release a vortex of fire to block it for a while, and find a chance to dodge!!"

Qin Ze commanded the three elves in an orderly manner, and told them how to deal with the different attribute attacks released by the machine, from dodging to counterattacks.

Although it was hit several times in the middle, it was within the acceptable range.

As for the burning bug, it did not undergo such high-intensity training all at once.

Instead, it started with shooting at the target, taking turns to use the skills it knew, constantly attacking the target, and enhancing the proficiency of the moves.

After everyone finished training the moves together, they wore gravity rings and performed various physical training.

Qin Ze also participated in exercising together.

Four hours passed quickly in this fulfilling training.

Qin Ze has an appointment tomorrow, so he can come for another training tomorrow.

"Ah, it turns out that professional facilities are different, but they are too expensive."

Qin Ze came out holding the Burning Bug.

Today's training exhausted the Burning Bug, which was born not long ago, and it fell asleep in Qin Ze's arms.

It must be said that the Burning Bug is worthy of being called a sun elf. The surface is quite hot, and it is very warm and comfortable to hold. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After returning to the Elf Center, Qin Ze checked today's news.

It was still dominated by the events in the secret realm.

Now the rescue work in the secret realm has not been completed. At least all the Bang Head Clowns have been subdued and taken away for research.

In short, it will be impossible to enter the C-level secret realm for a while.

Among them, the most worrying thing is the situation of the Three Holy Swords.[]

The authorities searched almost the entire secret realm, but could not find the three holy swords. Every time they appeared, they would be lost. Now even their shadows could not be seen.

It is speculated that they may have left the secret realm.

Speaking of the three holy swords, Qin Ze remembered the holy sword crystal that Biligeon gave him.

It can allow any elf to learn the holy sword, and it is best if it is grass attribute.........

Qin Ze originally thought about whether he should learn from the wind fairy.

However, the future path of the wind fairy is mainly to play as a support, so learning such a powerful skill might be a waste.

Moreover, Qin Ze really couldn't imagine the wind fairy, who was always mean, holding a holy sword.

He felt funny just thinking about it.

"Now my team has three fire-types and one grass-type, which is the outline of the Sunny Team. It would be better to capture a grass-type later to bring out the characteristics of the Sunny Team, but what about the sixth Pokémon?"

Qin Ze had to think about the subsequent team configuration.

If it was all fire-type and grass-type, the weakness would be too obvious. Although you can learn other attribute moves to make up for the weakness, it will not make the weakness disappear.

So Qin Ze wondered whether he should capture other attribute Pokémon to make up for the shortcomings.

But he was afraid that there would be negative effects during team battles, which made Qin Ze quite entangled.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time and see if I can meet some elves that get along well with me in the future."

Qin Ze shook his head and stopped thinking about such complicated things.

A few days later, after Qin Ze confirmed that the Burning Bug could use its skills initially, he took it to the battle facility in Huadu.

This facility was built by the Pokémon League. There are trainers from level 5 to level 20 in it, which are specially used for novices to fight and accumulate experience.

Many people who are not good at fighting when they get Pokémon for the first time will come to this place specially trained for newcomers to fight and gain experience.

Qin Ze chose to come to this place to train the Burning Bug.

At the beginning, the Burning Bug was not used to fighting, so it would be quite cowardly in fighting, and sometimes it did not respond to Qin Ze's orders.

But with Qin Ze's encouragement, it gradually entered the state and was able to flexibly execute Qin Ze's orders.

Successfully defeated one opponent after another, and gradually gained experience.

The speed of progress made many people amazed.

In this way, Qin Ze repeated the training every day, and his days were quite fulfilling. During this period, he did not forget to make top-level vitality blocks and rations.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

The Burning Bug was upgraded to level 20, and the other three Pokémon not only improved their physical fitness, but also their skills were upgraded to the level of veterans.


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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